1Prevention Control
of Infections
Secretary General, Egyptian Society of Infection
2Accreditation standards for hospitals 1
- I. Patient centered standards
- Access to care continuity of care (ACC)
- Patient family rights (PFR)
- Assessment of patients (AOP)
- Care of patients (COP)
- Patient family education (PFE)
3Accreditation standards for hospitals 2
- II. H.C. Organization mgt standards
- Quality mgt improvement (QMI)
- Prevention control of infections (PCI)
- Governance, leadership direction (GLD)
- Facility mgt safety (FMS)
- Staff qualifications education (SQE)
- Management of information (MOI)
4Prevention Control of Infections (Overview)
- The Goal is
- To identify reduce the risks of acquiring
- transmitting infections among
- Patients, staff, doctors others.
- Infections are either
- Acquired in the hosp. or
- Infections brought into the hosp.
- Nosocomial infections may be
- endemic (common cause) or
- epidemic (special cause)
5Prevention Control of Infections (Overview)
Prevention control of infection
covers a broad range of processes
activities, both in direct patient care in
patient care support, that are coordinated and
carried out by the hospital.
6Prevention Control of Infections (Overview)
- The IC program may differ from org. to org.
- according to
- Geographic location
- Patient volume
- Patient population served
- Type of clinical activities
- Number of employees
7Prevention Control of Infections (Overview)
- Effective IC programs have in common
- Identified leaders
- Appropriate policies procedures
- Staff education
- Coordination throughout the org.
8Prevention Control of Infections (Overview)
- Infection control is a quality mgt function.
- The IC Officer (ICO)and the QM professional
- work closely together.
- The specific role of the QMP in the IC program
- is to assist in standards interpretation
- to ensure that data interventions
generated - by the IC program are fully integrated
into the - performance improvement process.
- The QMP serves as a consultant to the ICO.
9A.Focus of the IC program (Standards) The
organization designs, implements uses a
coordinated process to reduce the risks of
nosocomial infection in patients H.C.
workers. Processes are implemented for
1. Cleaning , disinfection sterilizing
equipment 2. Use of disinfectants disinfecting
procedures 3. Availability use of gloves,
masks, soap disinfectants 4. Waste
disposal 5. Disposal of sharps needles 6.
Handling disposal of blood blood components
10A.Focus of the IC program (Standards) Processes
are implemented for
7. Separating Pts. with communicable
Ds.(Isolation) 8. Designating sites with
significant inf. risk 9. Patients with indwelling
catheters 10. Managing hemorrhagic patients 11.
Laundry linen management 12. Kitchen
sanitation, food preparation handling 13.
Operation of the mortuary the P.M. area 14. All
patient, staff visitor areas are included
in the IC program
11B.Management of the program (Standards)
15. One or more qualified individ. oversee all IC
activities (education, training, experience or
certification) 16. A designated individ. or group
monitors coordinates IC activities in the
organization 17. Coordination involves medicine,
nursing others 18. IC program is based on
current scientific knowledge, accepted
practice guidelines, app.law regulation 19.
Information mgt systems support the IC program
12 A B Intent statement
- IC program should be comprehensive
- (Patient care employee health)
- IC program processes activities are based on
- current scientific knowledge, accepted
- guidelines , applicable law regulation
- Processes are documented address important
- epidemiological issues
13 AB Intent statement
- Important epidemiological issues
- - Device-related infections
- - Surgical site infections
- - Nosocomial infections in ICU
- - Infections by AB resistant organisms
- - Nosocomial T.B.
- - Infections in neonates
14C.Program Integration with QM (Standards) The
IC program is integrated with the overall
process for assessing improving performance
1. The org. tracks infection risks, rates
trends 2. Monitoring includes using indicators
for infections issues that are
epidemiologically important 3. Org. uses risk,
rate trend information to design modify
processes to reduce nosocomial inf. 4.Org.
compares IC rates with other organizations 5.
Results of inf. monitoring are communicated to
staff, doctors management 6. Org. reports
inf. to appropriate public health agencies
15C.Program Integration with QM Intent statement
- The org. must monitor nosocomial inf. risks,
rates trends - The org. uses the information to improve the PCI
activities - reduce nosocomial inf. as much as possible
- Rates trends in similar organizations may help
in - making use of monitoring data (benchmarking)
- A committee from all professional groups in the
org. - is responsible for the monitoring activities
16D.Education of staff about program (Standards)
The org. provides education on IC practices to
staff, doctors, patients, others.
1. All staff receives an orientation to
organizations IC policies practices 2. All
staff is periodically educated in IC when new
policies are implemented or significant trends
are noted in surveillance data.
17D.Education of staff (Intent Statement)
- To have an effective IC Prog, Org. must educate
staff about - Prog. when they begin work and regularly
thereafter. - Education Prog. includes professional staff,
clinical and - non-clinical support staff, and others if
appropriate. - Education focuses on policies, procedures and
practices - that guide the Org.s IC program.
- Education also includes the findings and trends
from - the monitoring activities.
18Thank You