Title: EEE493.13 Open Source Process Methods
1EEE493.13Open Source Process Methods
Royal Military College of Canada Electrical and
Computer Engineering
- Dr. Terry Shepard
- shepard_at_rmc.ca
- 1-613-541-6000 ext. 6031
Major JW Paul Jeff.Paul_at_rmc.ca 1-613-541-6000
ext. 6091
- definition of hacker
- some elements of open source process models
- netscape, mozilla and open source
- the cathedral and the bazaar
- lessons from the bazaar
- noosphere, cyberspace and ergosphere
- homesteading the noosphere
- a higher level process
- the halloween documents
/ http//www.catb.org/esr/writings/cathedral-baza
ar/homesteading/ http//www.catb.org/esr/faqs/hac
ker-revenge.html http//www.opensource.org/hallowe
en/ first three available in .doc format on
course website
3What is a Hacker ?
- General definition (from wiki)
- a programmer who hacks or reaches a goal by
employing a series of modifications to exploit or
extend existing code or resources - note black hat hacker cracker
- hacks can be elegant or kludges
- Open source definition
- a more than competent programmer who contributes
to open source software development and evolution
4What is Open Source ?
- a philosophy or otherwise a pragmatic methodology
related to production practices that promote
access to the origins of the products - debate and confusion over the extent of this
- it does not have to be open to everyone
- it does not mean free
5Aside Open Source Conditions (from wiki)
- Free Redistribution the software can be freely
given away or sold. - Source Code the source code must either be
included or freely obtainable. - Derived Works redistribution of modifications
must be allowed. - Integrity of The Author's Source Code licenses
may require that modifications are redistributed
only as patches. - No Discrimination Against Persons or Groups
no-one can be locked out. - No Discrimination Against Fields of Endeavor
commercial users cannot be excluded. - Distribution of License The rights attached to
the program must apply to all to whom the program
is redistributed without the need for execution
of an additional license by those parties. - License Must Not Be Specific to a Product the
program cannot be licensed only as part of a
larger distribution. - License Must Not Restrict Other Software the
license cannot insist that any other software it
is distributed with must also be open source. - License Must Be Technology-Neutral no click-wrap
licenses or other medium-specific ways of
accepting the license must be required.
6Why is open source successful?
- largely (nearly all??) infrastructure software
- developers can write the requirements
- widespread freedom to question and drive changes
- many eyeballs make all bugs shallow
- Linuss law
- widely shared understanding of expected
evolution paths - evolution not privately controlled
Keep these concepts in mind as we go through the
following slides...
7What is an open source processEric S. Raymond
- Cathedral and the Bazaar
- Traditional software (and process) Cathedral
- crafted by individual wizards or small bands of
mages working in splendid isolation - architectural integrity (MMM chap 4 / Reims
Cathedral) - guiding hand planning/controlling project over
years (though the plan may change) - Open Source software (and process) Bazaar
- great babbling bazaar of differing agendas and
approaches - guiding hand controls what is accepted - not the
direction of the project (gives innovation in
features and solutions)
Not mutually exclusive
8How does this work
- planned releases, driven more by quality and
features than by deadline - sometimes daily releases
- core developers, surrounded by a halo
- only top 5 are in the core? code gods
- 1001 difference in productivity
- many local specific processes
- eg. Mozilla super-review (more later)
- a set of globally respected taboos/behaviours
9global taboos/behaviours
- We have access to the source code, but
- strong social pressure against forking
(developing independently of the rest) - distributing changes without cooperation of
moderators is frowned on, except for essentially
trivial changes - removing a persons name from a project history,
credits or maintainer list is absolutely not done
without the persons explicit consent - gift culture
10the hacker milieu as gift culture
- three kinds of cultures/ways of organizing
- command hierarchy
- scales poorly, becomes brutal
- exchange economy
- decentralized, competitive
- gift culture
- culture arising from abundance
- social status determined by what you give
11Ownership and Open Source
- three ways to acquire ownership of an open-source
project - found the project
- have ownership of the project handed to you by
the previous owner - observe that the project needs work and the owner
has disappeared or lost interest - Analogy with property
- three ways to acquire ownership of land
- homesteading
- transfer of title
- adverse possession
12Noosphere, Cyberspace Ergosphere
- Noosphere
- Cyberspace
- Ergosphere
- sphere of human thought all the interacting
minds on earth, and the transcendent
consciousness that may arise - information resources and activities accessible
through computer networks, the internet in
particular. - totality of energy applied every day in every
kind of human activity. - spinning area surrounding the event horizon of a
black hole
13Cathedrals in the Ergosphere
- the cathedral parts of the ergosphere are driven
by management - define goals, and lead everyone to them
- monitor, to ensure coverage of crucial details
- motivate people to do boring things
- organize for best productivity
- marshal resources as needed
- almost sounds like a military model!
- Note the proactive control
14Cathedrals without managers
- what happens to these management functions in
cyberspace open source? - marshalling resources in large organizations
- defensive you have to fight for your turf
- creation of empires managers compete with each
other - marshalling resources in cyberspace
- open source developers self-organize
- motivation arises from interest, less from money
- monitoring by peers is key to open source
- shared goals work better than imposed goals
- stills sounds like a military model???
15Bazaars in the Ergosphere
- the bazaar parts of the ergosphere are driven by
- taboos/behaviours
- ownership homesteading the noosphere
- a gift culture
- the bazaar meets the Fortune 500
- a higher level process
- the bazaar goes mainstream http//www.catb.org/es
r/faqs/hacker-revenge.html - Forget bottom-up Work on top-down
- Linux is our best demonstration case
- Capture the Fortune 500
- Coopt the prestige media that serve the Fortune
500 - Educate Hackers in Guerilla marketing techniques
- Use the Open Source certification mark to keep
things pure
16Lessons from the Bazaar
- Why (how?) open source works
- from Cathedral and the Bazaar
17Lessons from the Bazaar
- Every good work of software starts by scratching
a developer's personal itch. - Good programmers know what to write. Great ones
know what to rewrite (and reuse). - Plan to throw one away you will, anyhow.
(Fred Brooks, The Mythical Man-Month, Chapter 11) - If you have the right attitude, interesting
problems will find you. - When you lose interest in a program, your last
duty to it is to hand it off to a competent
18Lessons from the Bazaar
- Treating your users as co-developers is your
least-hassle route to rapid code improvement and
effective debugging. - Release early. Release often. And listen to your
customers. - Given a large enough beta-tester and co-developer
base, almost every problem will be characterized
quickly and the fix obvious to someone. - Smart data structures and dumb code works a lot
better than the other way around.
19Lessons from the Bazaar
- If you treat your beta-testers as if they're your
most valuable resource, they will respond by
becoming your most valuable resource. - The next best thing to having good ideas is
recognizing good ideas from your users. Sometimes
the latter is better. - Often, the most striking and innovative solutions
come from realizing that your concept of the
problem was wrong. - Perfection (in design) is achieved not when
there is nothing more to add, but rather when
there is nothing more to take away. (Antoine de
20Lessons from the Bazaar
- Any tool should be useful in the expected way,
but a truly great tool lends itself to uses you
never expected. - When writing gateway software of any kind, take
pains to disturb the data stream as little as
possibleand never throw away information unless
the recipient forces you to! - To solve an interesting problem, start by finding
a problem that is interesting to you. - If the coordinator has a communications medium,
(at least as good as the Internet, and knows how
to lead without coercion) many heads are
inevitably better than one.
21Netscape and the Bazaar
22Netscape Embraces the Bazaar
- Netscape announced plans to give away the source
for Netscape Communicator (renamed Mozilla -
there are other versions) - development of Mozilla was only a qualified
success - problem needed a Motif License - mozilla.org is a thriving open source community
- January 1998
- mid-2000
- now - 2005
going open will not necessarily save an existing
project that suffers from ill-defined goals or
spaghetti code or any of the software
engineerings other chronic ills. Mozilla has
managed to provide an example simultaneously of
how open source can succeed and how it could
23Mozilla code check-in procedure
An example of an open source process element
- module owner and peer review is required before
code is checked into the mozilla.org CVS
repository - In addition, mozilla requires a super-review
- there is a set of rules about what code needs
super-review, and what the exceptions are - extended by a set of informal rules and tips
- "Super-review" is a name we don't really like.
Something like "Infrastructure Review" or
"Integration Review" is probably a more accurate
name, and doesn't add a false glamour that
"super" seems to imply - published list of super-reviewers
24Mozilla super-review
The goals of super-review are to increase code
quality, promote best practices, and reduce
- super review looks at
- quality of the code itself,
- potential effects on other areas of the tree,
- its use of interfaces
- otherwise its adherence to Mozilla coding
guidelines - super-reviewers have discretion to raise design
issues as well as code red flags, and stipulate
remedies, as necessary. - necessary because mozilla.org does not require a
separate design review prior to code review - expect hackers to talk about their designs, post
specs or less formal blurbs about their
intentions, and take feedback throughout the
(usually non-linear) design/implementation
25The Cathedral Notices the Bazaar
- Microsoft Halloween Documents
- http//www.opensource.org/halloween/
26The Halloween Documents
- internal Microsoft memos, leaked in Oct 1998
(thus the name Halloween Documents) - an internal strategy memorandum on Microsoft's
possible responses to the Linux/Open Source
phenomenon - annotated by Eric Raymond, and released to the
National Press as part of a campaign to give OSS
more credibility (now up to Halloween XI) - Microsoft has publicly acknowledged that the
memorandums are authentic, but dismissed them as
engineering studies that do not define policy
27The Halloween Documents Quotes
- OSS poses a direct, short-term revenue and
platform threat to Microsoft, particularly in
server space. Additionally,the intrinsic
parallelism and free idea exchange in OSS has
benefits that are not replicable with our current
licensing model and therefore present a long term
developer mindshare threat. - Recent case studies (the Internet) provide very
dramatic evidence ... that commercial quality can
be achieved /exceeded by OSS projects.
28The Halloween Documents Quotes
- ...to understand how to compete against OSS, we
must target a process rather than a company. - OSS is long-term credibleFUD (fear, uncertainty,
and doubt) tactics can not be used to combat it. - Linux and other OSS advocates are making a
progressively more credible argument that OSS
software is at least as robust -- if not more --
than commercial alternatives. The Internet
provides an ideal, high-visibility showcase for
the OSS world.
29The Halloween Documents Quotes
- Linux has been deployed in mission critical,
commercial environments with an excellent pool of
public testimonials. - Linux outperforms many other UNIXes ... Linux is
on track to eventually own the x86 UNIX market
... - Linux can win as long as services / protocols are
commodities. - OSS projects have been able to gain a foothold in
many server applications because of the wide
utility of highly commoditized, simple protocols.
By extending these protocols and developing new
protocols, we can deny OSS projects entry into
the market.
30The Halloween Documents Quotes
- The ability of the OSS process to collect and
harness the collective IQ of thousands of
individuals across the Internet is simply
amazing. More importantly, OSS evangelization
scales with the size of the Internet much faster
than our own evangelization efforts appear to
32- Every good work of software starts by scratching
a developer's personal itch. - Good programmers know what to write. Great ones
know what to rewrite (and reuse). - Plan to throw one away you will, anyhow.
(Fred Brooks, The Mythical Man-Month, Chapter 11) - If you have the right attitude, interesting
problems will find you. - When you lose interest in a program, your last
duty to it is to hand it off to a competent
successor. - Treating your users as co-developers is your
least-hassle route to rapid code improvement and
effective debugging. - Release early. Release often. And listen to your
customers. - Given a large enough beta-tester and co-developer
base, almost every problem will be characterized
quickly and the fix obvious to someone. - Smart data structures and dumb code works a lot
better than the other way around. - If you treat your beta-testers as if they're your
most valuable resource, they will respond by
becoming your most valuable resource. - The next best thing to having good ideas is
recognizing good ideas from your users. Sometimes
the latter is better. - Often, the most striking and innovative solutions
come from realizing that your concept of the
problem was wrong. - Perfection (in design) is achieved not when
there is nothing more to add, but rather when
there is nothing more to take away. (Antoine de
Saint-Exupéry) - Any tool should be useful in the expected way,
but a truly great tool lends itself to uses you
never expected. - When writing gateway software of any kind, take
pains to disturb the data stream as little as
possibleand never throw away information unless
the recipient forces you to! - To solve an interesting problem, start by finding
a problem that is interesting to you. - Provided the development coordinator has a
communications medium at least as good as the
Internet, and knows how to lead without coercion,
many heads are inevitably better than one.