Title: Global Consciousness Experiment
1Global Consciousness Experiment
QUESTION Does the coherent attention of many
people influence the material world
An international web-based experiment coordinated
by Dr. Roger Nelson at Princeton University
2Material world
hardware random number generator (RNG)
0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 ...
Example of random noise (200 samples)
This can be represented by a distribution
RNG distribution might be affected
3Collective Consciousness
like this.
Mental Coherence ...
does this affect this distribution...
4Traditional Mind Over Matter research
- People claimed to be able to influence matter by
mind - Ask a subject to influence a random process
- E.g. the fall of a coin (e.g. with target
heads) - Later Radioactive process and electronic
equivalents (RNGs) - Outcome measure the proportion of event in to
the target direction.
5PK research movie
6PK Research results
7Druten Poltergeist case event plot
Planned analysis Around an event the RNG becomes
coherent and produces more alternating sequences
8Incidental Observation24 mei 1995 Ajax-AC Milan
RNG shows long series of 1 or 0 during the
soccer match (p lt0.05).
9Goal (1-0!) analysis
No effect on the RNG behavior
10Pilot test example OJ Simpson Verdict
Show starts
Judge enters
More ordered
More random
This graph gives the odds of the behavior of 5
RNGs in Princeton, Las Vegas and Amsterdam
during the verdict
11The prediction for the project
Mental Incoherence
Mental coherence
Results in moments of material incoherence
Result in moments of material coherence (order)
12Data acquisition method
24 hours a dag, each second 200 bits. Many
(currently gt50) RNGs distributed over the globe
send at 10 seconds interval to Princeton server.
At preferable pre-specified moments where many
people attend to the same event we expect
cumulative deviations from the normal behavior of
Random Number Generators
13(No Transcript)
14Web Site noosphere.princeton.edu
home page
One can observe the bahavior of the RNGs in
real time
or display a movie covering the last day
(discontinued feature)..
15Web predictions and Results Page
16Web experiment example earthquake in Turkije
Seismograph, August 17,1999
Odds of behavior of 20 RNGs, August 17,1999
17Graphical representation of cumulative results
(till feb 2004)
p .000000025
Cumulative deviation
p .05 threshold
Chance expectation
Currently 165 formal events, p lt 0.000000025
18What is an important event?
- Subjective ( Western centered!) but ..
- Correlations with objective news measures
- R 0.15 over het jaar 2000. (P lt0.01)
- Mysteries remain millenium (1999-2000) was less
than 2001-2002. And Lady Di funeral was more
than sister Theresas.. - Is sep-11 an important event?
1911 september WTC
How dis the network of RNGs behave on around the
attack? (see also article in Foundations of
20Sep11Results of all RNGs
Note that the deviant behavior already start on
21Sep11 Device Variance
Note the start at 6 oclock in the morning
22Sep11 between RNG Correlations
23Quote from FoP artikelFoundations of Physics
Letters, Vol. 15, No. 6, December 2002, pp.
.The trace displays an unexceptional random walk
for several days preceding September 11 but then
changes dramatically. The trend beginning just
before the World Trade Center (WTC) attack is
unique in the three-year database. A deviation
with this slope continuing for so long would
happen by chance only once in about 2300 days,
24What does all this mean and imply?
- Data Moments with global coherent attention
correlate with coherent behavior of material
RNGs - Possible implication Non-local correlation
between collective mind and matter (but possibly
experimentator effect? Local or global?) - The mechanism is unknown. But possibly more like
an axiomatic principle than specifiable in
underlying processes. - BUT
25NOVA may 2003
26Criticism (e.g. tHooft)
- It is impossible theoretically
- Why correlations with human intention and not
with massive cosmic phenomena. - The statistics are too complex
- The events are not specified in advance
27Can we resolve the issues?
28Proposed Solutions
- Impossible
- Why not cosmic
- Complex statistics
- Post hoc event specificiation
- Data -gt theory not the reverse
- Maybe there is
- Possible to simplify
- Possible to circumvent and not always
29Other method of data analysis
- Database is controlled by skeptics and can only
be consulted after event specification - After event specification the relevant data are
extracted by the skeptics plus 5 control periods
which are as long as the event. The dates-times
are removed. - These 6 sets of data are then be sent to the
analyzer who has to pick out the real event.
30A prespecified event New Year
- There are many new years in different timezones.
We use them all. - We analyze from -30 to 30 minutes around each
new year. Thus avoiding overlap.
31New Years analysis
New Years 1999-2004, Average Variance
Minutes from midnight
32Concluding note New Years
We should recall that these new year analyses,
especially the combination of the variance
measure results, are in some degree post facto.
Only the last four years of the variance analysis
were fully prespecified, and if we compute the
aggregate result from those four years the
probability is 0.022 (compared with 0.007 for the
six years).
33Current work
- Distance as variable
- Type of event as variable
Effectsizes for assigned subsets of Event Database
36Thank you
Web site noosphere.princeton.edu Mail