Title: National nuclear weapons law
1National nuclear weapons law
- Andreas Persbo
- Arms Control and Disarmament Researcher (nuclear)
2- Approaches to nuclear law
Traditional view
UNSCR 1540
IAEA 3S Concept
VERTIC Approach
NPT Export Controls Safeguards
Non- proliferation
3- Security Council Resolutions
- Two principal resolutions
- United Nations Security Council Resolution 1540
(2004), 28 April 2004 and - United Nations Security Council Resolution 1673
(2006), 27 April 2006. - Resolution 1540 contains language relevant to
- Nuclear, biological and chemical weapons and
their - Means of delivery and
- Related materials
- Resolution 1540 calls for the
- Adoption and enforcement of appropriate effective
laws (criminalization) - Establishment of domestic controls to prevent
proliferation - The Security Council established the 1540
Committee to monitor the implementation of the
resolution. The committees mandate has been
extended to 27 April 2008 (Security Council
Resolution 1673). - The resolution may be seen as an attempt to
establish a cross-discipline perspective of
national implementation of international arms
control and disarmament norms.
4- Nuclear non-proliferation
Zangger Committee
NSG Guidelines
5- Example implementation measures
Zangger Committee
Criminalization of certain activities
National authority (with regulatory powers)
NSG Guidelines
National inspections system
Export and trans-shipment controls
National sanctions system
6- Nuclear security (the 1980 CPPNM)
- Three dimensions of implementation
- Protecting nuclear material in international
transport - Introducing punishable offences in national law
- Promoting international co-operation.
- The 2005 amendment
- Establish, implement and maintain a physical
protection regime, including - A legislative and regulatory framework
- A competent authority responsible for its
implementation and - Other administrative measures necessary for
physical protection - Prevent and combat offences relating to nuclear
material and facilities worldwide - Foresees new arrangements for co-operation,
assistance and co-ordination in case of sabotage
or a credible threat of sabotage.
7Criminalization (article 7)
Ensuring a certain protection level (article 3)
Jurisdiction (article 8)
Extradition (articles 9-11)
Fair treatment guarantees (article 13)
Information and assistance (article 14)
8- Nuclear testing
- The 1963 Partial Test Ban Treaty
- Outlaws nuclear tests in the atmosphere, in outer
space and under water. Has no verification
provisions. - The PTBT does not contain explicit references to
national implementing legislation, but its
provisions may still be implemented in national
law by criminalizing prohibited activities. - The 1996 Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty
- Outlaws all nuclear tests in all environments.
The CTBT broadly calls for national implementing
legislation Each State Party shall, in
accordance with its constitutional processes,
take any necessary measures to implement its
obligations under this Treaty , see article
III. This includes - Criminalization of activities prohibited under
the treaty - Setting up or designating a national authority
(which may have regulatory authority) - Enacting legislation that supports and maintains
the verification regime
9- IAEA Assistance
- The Agency supports states to develop
comprehensive nuclear law governing radiation
protection, nuclear and radiation safety, nuclear
liability, safeguards, and physical protection. - The Agency provides legislative assistance advice
on drafting specific legal provisions that meet
their international commitments and obligations
in the nuclear field. - In 2003, the IAEA published a Handbook on Nuclear
Law which provides a basic understanding of key
elements, principles and concepts of nuclear
legislation. A second volume of the Handbook is
being prepared, which will comprise examples of
legislative language. - The development of an International Nuclear Law
Website is foreseen
- CTBTO Assistance
- The CTBTO provides the following and other
services to member states - seminars and workshops on national implementation
measures - bilateral advice on required national
implementation measures - access to a database of national implementation
measures taken by other states - A legislation package is available for download
at the CTBTO website (www.ctbto.org). The Package
gives an overview of the purpose and scope of
national implementation measures, a description
of the main elements that should be considered
for inclusion in national implementation
legislation, a model implementation law, and
information on the Commission's technical
assistance programme on legislation.
10States offering assistance
Grouped by region
Grouped by legal system
11- Contact information
- Andreas Persbo
- Arms control and disarmament researcher (nuclear)
- 56-64 Leonard Street
- London EC2A 4JX
- United Kingdom
- Telephone 44-20-7065 0880
- Fax 44-20-7065 0890
- E-mail Andreas.Persbo_at_vertic.org
- Web www.vertic.org