Title: Social Media Update
1Social Media Update
- The University of Chicago
2The usual suspects
- YouTube
- Facebook
- Myspace
- Twitter
- Del.icio.us
- Digg
3The unusual suspects
- Veezyon.com (higher ed focused)
- mefeedia.com (aggregator)
- ustream.tv
4What we have nowYouTube
5Peers on YouTubeDuke University
- Comments
- Run by News Office
- Custom banner
- High in search results
- Partnership program
6Peers on YouTubeU of California Berkeley
- Comments
- Custom banner
- Custom menu
- Academic programming
- Over 1.5 million channel views
- Partnership Program
7Other YouTubers(Worth paying attention to)
- MIT http//youtube.com/mitMostly academic
content from OpenCourseWare Initiative - UChannel http//youtube.com/profile?useruchannel
We are a member -- is there an advantage in
including our content on this and other 3rd party
YouTube channels? - Purdue http//youtube.com/purdueHeavily
promotional as opposed to academic - Auburn http//www.youtube.com/AuburnUniversityUse
s YouTube as medium for distributing news content
(murder arrest press conference, etc.)
8YouTube considerations
- Overall design is fairly inflexible
- Limitations on file weight and duration
- Nomenclature (TheUofChicago)
- Featured video
- Playlists
- Findability
- Partnership Program
9Uchicago on Facebook
10Uchicago Facebook Network
- Comments
- 19,949 membersCORRECTION20,682 members!
- Updated regularly
- Events listings
- Marketplace
- Used as forum for community groups as well
11Facebook Strategy(It requires active investment.)
- Updates (sent to entire network of fans)
- News Feeds (generated by fans, this is the viral
component of info sharing through
networks--actions generate actions) - Ads on Facebook
- Targeting
- Social aspect (Renee is a fan of Waffle House
will show up on ads for Waffle House on my
friends profile pages) - Budget
12Uchicago on MySpace
13Higher Ed on MySpaceLocal Institutions
14Twitter - What are you doing?(What is Uchicago
- Microblogging (140 characters)
- Integrates with facebook, myspace, blogs
- Used by smart mobs
- 3rd party apps
- Breaking news (earthquake, emergencies)
- Information source(send sms to autobot
receive info reply) - Collaboration tool(teaching, writing, etc.)
15Twitter info
- MASHUPS http//twitter.pbwiki.com/Mashups
- Direct Message, reply and announcement bots
http//twitter.pbwiki.com/Mashups - Hashtags and how to use them http//twitter.pbwik
i.com/Hashtags - Twitter stats http//www.nevillehobson.com/2008/02
- Weve been asked to partner
- Advantages?
- Collaboration tools
- Audience-specific
- Better design
- Disadvantages?
- Early-entry
- Lack of cohesive business model (sustainable?)
17Quantifying results Measuring Online Video
- VidmeterJavaScript widget adds a useful tool to
your site, showing visitors the most popular
videos of the day - Tubemogulfree service that provides
viewership-related analytics for those that
publish and monitor online video - Visible Measures comprehensive Video Experience
Measurement solution - Brandfamemarketplace connecting brands and
producers sharing their videos on video-sharing
websites - MochibotFlash traffic monitoring tool (similar
to a hit counter) that tracks the performance of
individual Flash content - VideoCountercounts the number of times your
videos are watched on Dailymotion, Sevenload,
iFilm Co. - Awelifacilitate the transition of traditional,
broadcast video to downloadable, and
freely-distributed video - StreamSense by NedStatreal-time analytics report
on visitor behavior during video or audio streams
(progressive download or live) - Streametricsadvanced tracking reports for
editors, producers and publishers as for agencies
and advertisers - ViralTrackermeasures weblogs, forums, websites,
communities, social networks and over 140 large
video portals - From Web Strategy by Jeremiah
18Quantifying results Measuring social media,
influence, brand
- Factiva
- Umbria
- Buzzlogic
- Cymfony Acquired by Taylor Nelson Sofres
- Biz360
- Nielsen BuzzMetrics
- BrandIntel owned by Brandimensions
- MotiveQuest
- Market Sentinel
- Onalytica
- Attentio
- Technorati Edelman
- Politizbuzz, French opf Scanblog
- CIC Data, Chinese
- Integrasco, Norway
- Wavemetrix (uk)
- Radian6 (uk)
- Kavaa (US)
- Keibiinc
- MediaMiser
- Gala (Japan)
- IBM Webfountain (US-based)
- Lotame Matches Social Networks with ads
- Observatoire Presidentielle
- Spotplex
- Converseon
- KDPaine Partners
- Visible Technologies (TruCast)
- CustomScoop (via Chip)
- Pythia Analytics
- Visible Technologies
- Collective Intellect
- RepuTrace by CoreX Technologies
- BlogScope, by University of Toronto
- SentimentMetrics
- Sports Media Challenge (Fan based measurement)
- Respected PR Librarian Constantin has added
more to the PR Wiki
From Web Strategy by Jeremiah
19Social Media OptimizationFive rules of SMO
- Increase your linkability - This is the first and
most important priority for websites. Many sites
are "static" - meaning they are rarely updated
and used simply for a storefront. To optimize a
site for social media, we need to increase the
linkability of the content. Adding a blog is a
great step, however there are many other ways
such as creating white papers and thought pieces,
or even simply aggregating content that exists
elsewhere into a useful format. - Make tagging and bookmarking easy - Adding
content features like quick buttons to "add to
del.icio.us" are one way to make the process of
tagging pages easier, but we go beyond this,
making sure pages include a list of relevant
tags, suggested notes for a link (which come up
automatically when you go to tag a site), and
making sure to tag our pages first on popular
social bookmarking sites (including more than
just the homepage). - Reward inbound links - Often used as a barometer
for success of a blog (as well as a website),
inbound links are paramount to rising in search
results and overall rankings. To encourage more
of them, we need to make it easy and provide
clear rewards. From using Permalinks to
recreating Similarly, listing recent linking
blogs on your site provides the reward of
visibility for those who link to you - Help your content travel - Unlike much of SEO,
SMO is not just about making changes to a site.
When you have content that can be portable (such
as PDFs, video files and audio files), submitting
them to relevant sites will help your content
travel further, and ultimately drive links back
to your site. - Encourage the mashup - In a world of co-creation,
it pays to be more open about letting others use
your content (within reason). YouTube's idea of
providing code to cut and paste so you can imbed
videos from their site has fueled their growth.
Syndicating your content through RSS also makes
it easy for others to create mashups that can
drive traffic or augment your content.
From Rohit Bhargavas Influential Marketing
Blog http//rohitbhargava.typepad.com/weblog/2006
20Attracting an Audience
- We should drive content creation, not react to
it. - Generate buzz (blogs, video, social book marking,
etc.) - Set industry agenda (Why should we always wait
until our peers have proven the model?) - Lead dialogue (Expert sources)
- Offer involvement (photo share, donation,
feedback, quiz, contests)
21Foster Authenticity
- Invite users through mechanisms within their own
communities. - Engaging, regular content (always the best
driver) - Offer ways users can add themselves to the
brand (email newsletters, blogs, RSS feeds,
podcasts, etc.)
22Off the top of my head
- A media kit should always be available for
download, from a top menu (Facts for Journalists) - Contests can be conducted tastefully to encourage
users to participate. For example, to increase
listeners of a podcast, you can run a contest
asking listeners to find embedded information in
each episode. - Giveaways What about an iPod maroon
preprogrammed with U of C content? Music drops
ring tones, etc. (Standfast, Chicago) - Viral Video contests Chicago in 30 seconds
student filmmaking competition - Cross-promotion (not ads, but on blogs, etc.)
Could be local establishments, etc.