Title: Oya Costumes â Collection of Popular Halloween Costume
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2About us
Oya Costumes is a leading specialty internet
costumes business. We pride ourselves in carrying
the best selection of costumes at great value and
providing terrific customer support. In 2004
Faten Hodroge followed her dreams and founded Oya
Costumes after a long and successful career in
international finance and a few years as a full
time Mom. From its humble start in Montreal,
Canada Oya Costumes has consistently doubled its
sales yearly and has expanded exponentially as a
result. Most recently, Oya Costumes moved its
Montreal operation in 2008 to a new warehouse
location at 4710 St-Ambroise to better serve our
growing customer base. In addition, US clients
are also being served through our warehouse
operation in Champlain, NY.
3About us
Our goal is to provide our customers with the
best shopping experience on the web for costumes
and accessories. We are constantly on the lookout
for the latest and best in costumes and
accessories. Oya costumes is a very selective
company we carefully inspect and select only the
best to add to our collection in order to ensure
that our customers are offered only the best
products available. And we are constantly
expanding our collection. This year we are
doubling the number of costumes we are offering
and adding Halloween shoes to our accessories
collection. We carry our commitment to quality
into our operation. We inspect every order for
accuracy before we ship it to you, and we thrive
to ship your orders within a day of receiving it
and get it to you on time.
4Some of our costumes
5Some of our costumes
6Some of our costumes
7Some of our costumes
8Some of our costumes
9Some of our costumes
10Contact us Alternatively you can e-mail us at
customerservice_at_oyacostumes.com or by phone at
1-877-935-3242 (free call) or in the Montreal
region at 302-351-6222.
11Thank You