Title: My Cat That Was Cute
1My Cat That Was Cute!
2 My True Story About An Animal My cat names
was Fuzzy.Fuzzy was a very nice cat she was nice
to my friends too. Then we went down to the Paly
Grond to play and its house is down there.
3 The next day I went down there with fuzzy and
she died and you probely wont to no dont you a
bord fall on her neck.
4 Then the next day we got a neath cat and it got
hit by a car and we got a noerth one and it died
so we had to put it to sleep and this is how he
died he died by himslef. The frist cat I said he
was 2mounts old. The2 cat I had was 1 mounts old.
The 3 cat was 3 years old.