Title: Open TekNet Software
1Open TekNet Software
If working at a client station, enter the IP
address of the server and mark page as a favorite
For each client you must run this install utility
the first time TekNet is accessed.
After the utility installation is complete click
on the TekNetMain software button to enter.
2Login screen
Login using your User ID and Password
Click Login
3Software Tab Bar
Note the tabs for each software Admin, Media
Control, Resource Scheduling, Surveillance, and
Video Viewer. If you do not have these options
available to you, the tabs will be grayed out.
Click on Admin to start.
4Adding/editing an event
- To add an event, place pointer in the event
window, right click, and select Add event. - Choose date by clicking on little calendar icon
and clicking on date. - Fill in Name field, choose the time either by
period or start and end times. - Click OK
5Open Add Event Window
With mouse pointer in Event window, right click
and choose Add
6Add Event Window Fields
Enter name for event
Choose date by clicking on calendar icon
Set time
Click OK to close
7Add Resources to event
Highlight event
Highlight desired resource, right click, choose
Add to Current Event
8Add Media Device Resource
Click on Event line again
Click on device group, right click, choose Add to
Current Event
9Add Media Title
Click on Media Device to highlight
Click on Media Resources tab. Search database by
any parameter or just click on Get Search Results
10Choose Title
Highlight desired title, click on Add to Current
11Event Completed
A media title can also be added by highlighting
media device, right click, and choose Add User
Defined Title. This is useful if user supplies
the tape or disk.
12Viewing Schedule window
- To view a schedule display for any day, first
choose day in the calendar window. - Click on the blue arrow in the upper right corner
of Scheduling Window. - To return to the Scheduling Window, click on the
arrow again, now in the upper left corner of the
13Schedule Display
14Using Media Control
- When it is time to use the tape or program in the
classroom, the device may be controlled with the
Media Control Software. - First turn classroom TV to the scheduled
channel. - Open the Media Control Software by clicking on
the Media Control tab.
15Open Media control Software
Click on Media Control tab..
16User Controls
Note, only the media device which you have
scheduled is displayed.
Click on any remote control button to control
play of the media resource
Administrators who login to the Control Software
will have access to all devices and controls.
17Purging Old Events
Note old events can be purged by clicking on
Delete Old Events, then filling in dates and
clicking OK.
18Finally---The End
- On-line Help can be accessed from any screen in
the software by pressing the F1 key. Or you can
return to the Home Page and open the Help Manual
by clicking on the right hand button. - Q A