Title: Connecting the Dots with Primary Sources
1Connecting the Dots with Primary Sources
- Nik RobertsTeaching with Primary SourcesCollege
of Education and Human Services - California University of Pennsylvania
roberts_n_at_cup.edu 724- 938-6022 Keystone 112
2What this Summer Academy has covered so far
- Learning Theories Intellectual Development
- Outcome recognize how people learn
- Attitudes, expectations, behaviors of
Millennials - Outcome understand the new generation of
students - Social media technologies
- Outcome help bridge the digital divide meet
students where they are at - Current pedagogy instructional frameworks
- Outcome provide more inclusive instruction
3Did You Know? 2.0
4Thats all Good
Whats Missing?
5Put Another Way
- What elsebesides the knowledge of (1)
psychological learning theories (2) millennial
culture and thinking (3) social media
technologies and, (4) pedagogy and instructional
methodsdo you need in order to effectively reach
millennials in your courses?
6Clue what is missing is this stuff...
8Broad Typologies of Source Materials
- Primary Sources
- Secondary Sources
- ?Tertiary Sources
9Whats the difference between primary
secondary sources?
A Primary Source is a source coming from direct
personal experience or observation. (You may also
hear the raw pieces of history).
A Secondary Source is a source created by using
information provided by someone else (e.g., using
someones Recollection to recreate the item).
10Examples of Material Types
- Secondary Sources
- Textbooks
- Encyclopedias
- Biographies
- Documentaries
- Monographs
- Dictionaries
- Etc.
- Primary Sources
- Art
- Clothing
- Artifacts
- Autobiographies
- Diaries
- Interviews
- Journals
- Letters
- Music
- Raw video footage
- Photographs
- Poetry
- Speeches
- Coins
- Case reports
- Post-it notes
- Text messages
- etc.
11Why Teachwith Primary Source Content?
- Helps to bridge the digital divide
- Deepens content knowledge
- Exposure to multiple perspectives
- Builds critical thinking skills
- Encourages creativity
- Builds empathy for the human condition
- Excites students about material
12Pedagogical Implications
Original Rough Draught of the Declaration of
Independence and the adopted Declaration of
Independence (1776)
13Okay, Im sold, but where can I find digital
primary source content for my courses?
14The Library of Congress
The Worlds Largest Library30 miles of
bookshelves 140 million items 29 million books
and other printed materials 2.7 million
recordings 12 million photographs 4.8 million
maps 57 million manuscripts 2,200 new items each
day 13 million digitized items
MISSION To make its resources available and
useful to the Congress and the American people
and to sustain and preserve a universal
collection of knowledge and creativity for future
15Millennials Addressed The Librarian of Congress
16LOC Digital Collection Walkthru
17Using the Library of Congress (loc.gov)
18(No Transcript)
19American Memory
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27Prints and Photographs Online Catalog (PPOC)
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33And now
- Lets back away from the Library of Congress
website and see how they are integrating social
media and primary source content on the web in
34Google Image Search the LOC!
36Digital Storytelling
Food Guides, Annette Clay and Janet Mizikar
39LOC YouTube Channel
40Social Bookmarking
Our Del.icio.us site http//delicious.com/TPS_CUP
41Library Thing
42LOC TPS Resources Page(click to download
Main LinksLibrary of Congress Main Page
http//www.loc.govTeaching with Primary Sources
program http//www.loc.gov/teachers/tps/ The
Learning Page http//memory.loc.gov/learn
myLOC http//myloc.gov American Memory
http//memory.loc.gov Prints and Photographs
Online Catalog (PPOC) http//www.loc.gov/rr/print
/catalog.htmlRare Childrens Literature (and
more) http//www.loc.gov/rr/rarebook/digitalcoll/
Exhibitions http//www.loc.gov/exhibits
Citing Digital Primary Sources
ting.html Global Gateway http//international.lo
c.gov/intldl/intldlhome.html Thomas (legal
collection) http//thomas.loc.gov/ World
Digital Library http//www.wdl.org Social
Media Webcasts (lectures and talks)
http//www.loc.gov/today/cyberic/ LOC YouTube
Channel http//www.youtube.com/LibraryOfCongress
LOC Flickr Photostream http//www.flickr.com/ph
43TPS _at_ Cal U www.cup.edu/education/aam
44Thank You!!! Any Questions?
- Nik RobertsTeaching with Primary SourcesCollege
of Education and Human Services - California University of Pennsylvania
roberts_n_at_cup.edu 724- 938-6022 Keystone 112