Title: Class and Stratification in the United States
1Chapter 7
- Class and Stratification in the United States
2Social Stratification
- Hierarchy of social groups based on control over
resources. - Sociologists examine social groups that make up
the hierarchy in a society to determine how
inequalities persist over time.
3Life Chances
- Access to resources such as food, clothing,
shelter, education, and health care. - Affluent people have better life chances because
they have greater access to - quality education
- safe neighborhood
- nutrition and health care
- police protection
4Systems of Stratification
- Open system - boundaries between hierarchies may
be influenced by peoples achieved statuses. - Closed system - boundaries between hierarchies
are rigid, peoples positions are set by ascribed
status. - No stratification system is completely open or
5Open and Closed Systems Differ in the
Availability of
- Social MobilityProcess of changing one's social
class. - Intergenerational
- Intragenerational
- Throughout recorded history 5 societies have been
slave societies - Ancient Greece
- Roman Empire
- United States
- Caribbean and Brazil.
7Characteristics of Slavery in the U.S.
- It was for life and was inherited.
- Slaves were considered property, not human
beings. - Slaves were denied rights.
- Coercion was used to keep slaves in their place.
8Caste System
- Status is determined at birth based on parents
ascribed characteristics. - Cultural values sustain caste systems and caste
systems grow weaker as societies industrialize. - Vestiges of caste systems can remain for hundreds
of years after they are officially abolished.
9In Caste Systems
- Perpetuation of class is assured because
- Persons must follow the same occupations as their
parents - Persons must marry within their own caste
- One may not have any social relations with
members of other castes
10The Class System
- A type of stratification based on the ownership
and control of resources and on the type of work
people do. - Horizontal mobility occurs when people experience
a gain or loss in position and/or income that
does not produce a change in their place in the
class structure. - Vertical mobility is movement up or down the
class structure is.
11Is stratification unfair? It creates inequality.
- In the U.S. we view stratification as unfair if
it is based upon ascribed statuses. Why? - It runs counter to our value of equal opportunity.
12U.S. culture values achievement more than
inherited wealth and status, and our occupations
are not directly inherited. Yet, people tend to
have occupations of a status similar to that of
their parents.
- How does this come about?
13The influence of family on social class
- As a general rule, children have occupations of a
status similar to that of their parents because
the familys status and income determine
childrens aspirations and opportunities.
14Marxian Criteria for Class Structure
- Ownership of the means of production.
- Employing others.
- Supervising others on the job.
- Being employed by someone else.
15Marxs View of Stratification
16Max Weber Wealth,Prestige, and Power
- Wealth is the value of a persons or familys
economic assets, including income, personal
property, and income-producing property. - Prestige is the regard with which a person or
status position is regarded by others. - Power is the ability of people or groups to
achieve their goals despite opposition from
17Socioeconomic Status (SES)
- A combined measure that, in order to determine
class location, attempts to classify individuals,
families, or households in terms of factors such
as income, occupation, and education.
18Weberian Model of the Class Structure
- Upper Class - comprised of people who own
substantial income-producing assets. - Upper-Middle Class - based on university degrees,
authority on the job, and high income. - Middle Class - a minimum of a high school
diploma or a community college degree.
19Weberian Model of the Class Structure
- Working Class - semiskilled workers, in routine,
mechanized jobs, and workers in pink collar
occupations. - Working Poor - live just above to just below the
poverty line. - Underclass - people who are poor, seldom
employed, and caught in long-term deprivation.
20Webers Multidimensional Approach to Social
22Middle Class and the American Dream
- Four factors have eroded the American Dream for
this class - Escalating housing prices
- Occupational insecurity
- Blocked mobility on the job
- Cost of living squeeze that has penalized younger
workers, even when they have more education and
better jobs than their parents.
23Pink-collar Occupations
- Relatively low-paying, nonmanual, semiskilled
positions primarily held by women, such as
day-care workers, checkout clerks, cashiers, and
- Those who are poor, seldom employed, and caught
in long-term deprivation that results from low
levels of education and income and high rates of
25Median Income by State
26Income and Wealth
- Income - wages, salaries, government aid, and
property - Wealth - value of economic assets, including
income and property. - Wealth can generate income.
27Income inequality is higher in the United States
than in most nations.
- Why do you think this might be the case?
28How can we measure income inequality?
- One way is to look at the way income is
29Income distribution in the United States
- Richest 20 receives 50 of all income
- Next 20 receives 23 of all income
- Next 20 receives 15 of all income
- Next 20 receives 9 of all income
- Poorest 20 receives 3 of all income
30What do we mean by income distribution? Lets say
we have ten people in a room. How much income
inequality do we have in the room?
- Person 1 income is 20,000
- Person 2 income is 60,000
- Person 3 income is 25,000
- Person 4 income is 110,000
- Person 5 income is 80,000
- Person 6 income is 200,000
- Person 7 income is 15,000
- Person 8 income is 250,000
- Person 9 income is 40,000
- Person 10 income is 50,000
31How can we measure inequality?
- In addition to income, we might also look at the
way wealth is distributed. - The richest 20 of the U.S. population currently
hold 84 of all wealth.
32Median Household Income by Race/Ethnicity in the
United States
33Defining Poverty
- Sociologists distinguish between absolute and
relative poverty. - Absolute poverty exists when people do not have
the means to secure the most basic necessities of
life. - Relative poverty exists when people may be able
to afford basic necessities but are still unable
to maintain an average standard of living.
34 U.S. Population Without Health Insurance
35Official Poverty Line
- The federal income standard that is based on what
is considered to be the minimum amount of money
required for living at a subsistence level. This
is 19,157 for a family of four.
36 Distribution of Poverty in the U.S.
37 Distribution of Poverty in the U.S.
38Feminization of Poverty
- The trend in which women are disproportionately
represented among individuals living in poverty. - Women bear the major economic and emotional
burdens of raising children when they are single
heads of households but earn 70 and 80 cents for
every dollar a male worker earns. - More women than men are unable to obtain regular,
full-time, employment.
39What are the causes of poverty?
- The Culture of Poverty A set of values that
emphasizes living for the moment, rather than
thrift, investment in the future or hard work is
what keeps the poor from upward social mobility. - Changing labor market De-industrialization. If
there are no good jobs available, then we dont
need to psychoanalyze people to figure out why
they are poor. - Job Deskilling A reduction in the proficiency
needed to perform a specific job that leads to a
corresponding reduction in the wages for that
40Functionalist Perspective Davis-Moore Thesis
- Societies have tasks that must be accomplished
and positions that must be filled. - Some positions are more important for the
survival of society than others. - The most important positions must be filled by
the most qualified people.
41Functionalist Perspective Davis-Moore Thesis
- The positions that are the most important for
society and that require scarce talent, extensive
training, or both must be the most highly
rewarded. - The most highly rewarded positions should be
those that are functionally unique (no other
position can perform the same function) and on
which other positions rely for expertise,
direction, or financing.
- A hierarchy in which all positions are rewarded
based on peoples ability and credentials.
43Conflict Theorys Response?
- Can we really rank positions in terms of their
value to society? - Even if we could, do the rewards attached to
positions really reflect their value to
society? - Is there a scarcity of talent?
44What are symbolic interactionists interested in
with respect to inequality?
- How are inequality and unequal status
symbolically communicated in interactions between
people? - The use of deference
- Judith Rollins study, page 221
45Sociological Explanations of Social Inequality in
the U.S.
46U.S. Stratification in the Future
- Many social scientists believe that trends point
to an increase in social inequality in the U.S. - The purchasing power of the dollar has stagnated
or declined since the early 1970s. - Wealth continues to become more concentrated at
the top of the U.S. class structure. - Federal tax laws in recent years have benefited
corporations and wealthy families at the expense
of middle and lower-income families.