Title: Prevalence of Hepatitis C
1Prevalence of Hepatitis C
2.6 Million Retired Military Veterans Are
Under Fire
2- Approximately, 26 million men and women have
cycled through basic training camps
- ALL inductees are required to undergo the Naval
or Department of Defense (DoD) medical
- ALL retired military and veterans received
vaccinations with multi use jet injectors
(MUNJIs), and/or reusable needles used with multi
dose vials
3- Veterans shared, among themselves, friends and
family members, grooming items that carry the
possibility to retain blood
- Toothbrushes
- Manicure sets
- Razors
- Personal devices
- Many Veterans donated blood after returning home
and felt it was their duty to do so
4Gary A. Roselle, M. D. Program Director for
Infectious Diseases, Veterans Affairs, testified
before the House of Representatives
- One in 10 Vets now have Hepatitis C
- 10 percent in the VA system tested positive.
- Retired Military and Veterans serving during
Vietnam accounted for more than 60 percent of
those with positive test results" 4
5- Two Surgeon Generals, including C. Everett Koop,
are among many physicians who have called for
General Awareness Hepatitis C screening program
for ALL U.S. military personnel and the Public - Veterans Affairs CONCLUSION OF LAW- Hepatitis C
was incurred in service. result of receiving
immunizations in service 38 U.S.C.A. 1131 (West
2002) 38 C.F.R. 3.102, 3.303 (2005)
6- Each hour, every day, 3 people die from Hepatitis
C and 2 have a military background 5
- Veterans Affairs has identified 300,000 HCV
positive patients
- Little outreach to notify the 2,370,000
undiagnosed, retired military and veterans
1998 Congressional Research Service Report for
Congress states. "Annual deaths from chronic
liver disease caused by hepatitis C could triple
in the next 10 to 20 years
2 x 24 48 per day x 365 17,520 per year
7- The World Health Organization (WHO) warns- MUNJIs
can transmit blood borne infections every 1 in 7
inoculations 2
- Department of Defense- Wide review of Vaccine
Policies and Procedures- Parris Island noted
jet injector nozzles frequently contaminated with
blood sterilization practices frequently
inadequate or not followed" 6 - Ped-O-Jet, military MUNJI manufacturer stops
production because of the potential to transmit
- Navy Mil and Department of Defense- anticipates
liability due to cross-contamination of blood
borne pathogens 1
8- 1999- DoD withdraws all but one type of MUNJI and
stops all use of multi dose vials of vaccines
- No sterilants or disinfected killed Hepatitis C
until 2001 7
- No Medical or Dental procedures were practiced
with standard precautions until 1996
9- World Health Organization states MUNJIs are
capable of transmitting Hepatitis C 3
- CIA Report Sub Sahara Africa- 104 Million people
infected with Hepatitis C through unsafe
injectionsfour times more prevalent than HIV
9 - 2005- FDA rules MUNJIs must not transmit blood in
order to be licensed 3
- Navy and DoD believes the MUNJI risk is worth the
time saved, and continues to use a newer,
improved gun that is not FDA licensed
- Centers for Disease Control also believes the
MUNJI risk is worth time saved, and plans to use
this same gun design as a key weapon for pandemic
11- The VA's HCV testing is free! But the program
remains unadvertised and only offered if the Vet
used IV drugs, had a transfusion, tattoos or
multiple sex partners - No questions are asked about MUNJIs or reusable
needles and vials in basic training
- Sadly, if diagnosed in time, a simple change in
diet and lifestyle can save lives
- This warning should be "screamed" from the
12Who Am I?
- I am a Hepatitis C infected veteran.
Click HereSign the Petition
Presumed Service Connection for Retired Military,
Veterans, Active duty Dependents with Hepatitis
Get Your Free Test Kit Today!
DONT FORGETTell a Friend!
13- References
- 1 (1998-1999) Manufacturer discontinuation of
large multi-dose vials for yellow fever,
meningococcal, and tetanus-diphtheria vaccines
because of military withdrawal of Ped-O-Jets
capable of using them (MMQC-99-1248 dated
1998-Nov-03 and MMQC-99-1251 dated
1999-Aug-12). - 2 World Health Organization Statements on Jet
Gun Injection and Transmission of Blood Born
Pathogens WHO recommended policy Draft Revision
IMMUNIZATION ....the metal cap was found to be
contaminated after 1 in 7 injections
health_organization.htm - 3 Brief Summary from the FDA General Hospital
and Personal Use Devices Panel Meeting - August
9, 2005 preamendment and precleared MUNJIs must
meet the current expectations to remain on the
market. FDA/FDASummary.htm - 4 Testimony of Gary A. Roselle, M. D. Program
Director for Infectious Diseases Veterans Health
Administration Department of Veterans Affairs
Before the Subcommittee on Benefits Committee on
Veterans Affairs U.S. House of Representatives
April 13, 2000 http//hcvets.com/data/va_news/test
imony_of_gary_a.htm One in 10 Vets have
Hepatitis C -A study conducted by the VHA, and
involving 26,000 veterans, shows that eight to 10
percent of all veterans in the VHA system tested
positive for hepatitis C. In this study, veterans
who served in Vietnam accounted for more than 60
percent of those with positive test results.
Hepatitis C Silent Epidemic, Mute Public Health
Response Seventh Report By The Committee On
Government Reform And Oversight
se.htm -
- 5 The National Association of Community Health
Centers, Inc. (NACHC) /U.S. Newswire/ The
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
estimates that the number of deaths from
end-stage liver disease in the U.S. alone will
reach 30,000 to 40,000 annually by the year 2010.
ansmission/CDCdeathrate2010.htm 1995 First time
death rate announce for HCV, June 1, 1995 An
estimated 3.5 million people in the United States
have chronic hepatitis C. Each year, 8000 to
10,000 chronically infected patients die of
liver-related complications, and 1000 undergo
liver transplantation1 . Terrault N, Wright T.
Interferon and hepatitis C. N Engl J Med
19953321509-11. Free Full Text (and Alter M
personal communication) 1998 Congressional
Research Service Report for Congress states.
"Annual deaths from chronic liver disease caused
by hepatitis C could triple in the next 10 to 20
years if effective therapies are not found. NIH
has initiated research to develop a preventive
vaccine and improved drug therapies, and new
efforts are underway to identify and educate
those already infected." 1998 National
Institutes of Health (NIH) state Incidence,
Prevalence, and Epidemiology of HCV
Infection.....An estimated 8,000 to 10,000 deaths
each year result from HCV-associated chronic
liver disease. Without intervention, that number
could triple in the next 10 to 20 years.(7) 7.
Management of Hepatitis C . NIH Consensus
Statement. 1998 - 6 Paris Island Air Force inspection Jet
injector nozzles were frequently contaminated
with blood Department of Defense- Wide review of
Vaccine Policies and Procedures "Of note is that
the AFEB made a site visit to the MTF at Parris
Island and directly observed high volume recruit
immunization using jet injectors. It was noted
that jet injector nozzles were frequently
contaminated with blood, yet sterilization
practices were frequently inadequate or not
followed." View complete report at
http//www.ha.osd.mil/afeb/reports/vaccines.pdf - 7 Sterilants and Disinfectants Hepatitis C
Survives Treatment with Commercial Sterilants and
to read the report.
9 Kane, et al Transmission of HBV, HCV and
HIV through unsafe injections
CIA Report -The Global Infectious Disease Threat
and Its Implications for the United States-John
C. Gannon Chairman, National Intelligence
CouncilClick Here