Title: PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT Sponsored by: itisthetruthcptscat.org
The following is a Public Service Announcement
from the Citizens for the Preservation of
Traditional Society and the Cultivation of
American Thinking (CPTS/CAT). This public health
bulletin is meant to protect you from the dangers
of which you may or may not be aware. This
information is real and must not be disregarded.
2Pickles Will Kill You
Pickles will kill you! Every pickle you eat
brings you nearer to death. Amazingly, the
thinking man has failed to grasp the terrifying
significance of the term in a pickle. Although
leading horticulturists have long known cuccumis
sativius possesses indehiscent pulp, the pickle
industry continues to expand. Pickles are
associated with all the major diseases of the
body. Eating them breeds wars. They can be
related to most airline tragedies. Auto accidents
are caused by pickles. There exists a positive
relationship between crime waves and consumption
of this fruit of the curcubit family. Dont
believe this? Let the statistics bare witness
3The Truth About Pickles
- Nearly all sick people have eaten pickles. The
effects are obviously cumulative. - 99.9 of all Southern Californians who die from
cancer have eaten pickles. - 97.3 of all soldiers have eaten pickles.
- 96.8 of all Southern California college students
have eaten pickles. - 99.7 of the people involved in air and auto
accidents ate pickles within 14 days preceding
the accident. - 93.1 of juvenile delinquents come from homes
where pickles are served frequently. - Still not a believer of the dangers of pickles?
The proof is overwhelming! How can you argue what
is obviously true?
4A Quick Quiz/Survey
Define the Following
Loathing and contempt for people or things
Predilection toward something or dislike of
Acting out on ones prejudices
Discrimination based on race or religion
Acceptance of others differences despite ones
- Answer the Following
- When I think of the community I live in, I think
of - When other people think of the community I live
in, they think of - Explain both answers.
5Symbols of Hate
- Americas Legacy of Images of Intolerance and
6Somewhere in America
- Every hour ...
- someone commits a hate crime.
- Every day ...
- at least eight blacks, three whites, three
gays/lesbians, three Jews and one Latino become
hate crime victims. - Every week ...
- a cross is burned.
- The Ugly Truth Bias is a human condition, and
American history is rife with prejudice against
groups and individuals because of their race,
religion, disability, sexual orientation or other
differences. - The 20th Century saw major progress in outlawing
discrimination, and most Americans today support
integrated schools and neighborhoods. But
stereotypes and unequal treatment persist, an
atmosphere often exploited by hate groups. Spread
on the Internet and accessible by personal
computers, hate clearly knows no geographic
7Hate Crime
- When bias motivates an unlawful act, it is
considered a hate crime. Race and religion
inspire most hate crimes, but hate today wears
many faces - The greatest growth in hate crimes in recent
years is against Asian Americans and gays and
lesbians, according to FBI statistics. - Most hate crimes occur in the North and West --
not in the South, as many assume. - Pennsylvania hosted more Klan rallies in the
1990s than Alabama.
8Active U.S. Hate Groups in 2002
- Black Separatist
- Christian Identity
- Ku Klux Klan
- Neo-Confederate
- Neo-Nazi
- Racist Skinhead
- Other
9Hate Symbols
- Various symbols have been used by those who wish
to propagate hate throughout Americas history - While many are familiar with some of the more
common symbols (e.g., the burning cross, or
Swastika), other symbols with seemingly more
benign meaning have been adopted by groups to
express hate in a less overt manner. - Lets look at some you might know of, others
youve never seen, an some you might not have
known express prejudice.
10Swastika Iron Cross
- Symbol Type Neo-Nazi Symbol
- Traditional Use/Origins The Iron Cross (without
the swastika) was a medal that originated during
the Napoleonic Wars and became one of the worlds
most easily recognized military decorations. - Hate Group/Extremist Organization Neo-Nazis
- Extremist Meaning or Representation Demonstrates
a belief in National Socialism - Background/History Adolph Hitler renewed use of
the Iron Cross in 1939 and superimposed the Nazi
swastika in its center. Following the fall of the
Third Reich, the symbol became strictly
prohibited in post-war Germany. Today, the symbol
is often displayed by neo-Nazi groups, especially
as jewelry (e.g., pendants shirts). The Iron
Cross without the swastika is also frequently
used as a hate symbol in the same manner as the
Nazi-era Iron Cross. It is also often displayed
on clothing and accessories (i.e., Independent).
11Confederate Flag
- Symbol Type General Racist Symbol
- Traditional Use/Origins Civil War/Old South
- Hate Group/Extremist Organization White
Supremacists - Extremist Meaning or Representation White
southern pride - Background/History Although the flag is seen by
some Southerners simply as a symbol of Southern
pride, it is often used by racists to represent
white domination of African-Americans. The flag
remains a subject of controversy because some
Southern states still fly the flag from public
buildings or incorporate it into their state
flags design. The flag is also used by racists
as an alternative to the American flag, which
they consider to be an emblem of what they
describe as the Jewish-controlled government.
12Thunder/Lightning Bolts
- Symbol Type Neo-Nazi Symbol
- Traditional Use/OriginsNazi symbol signifying
the Schutzstaffel (SS), Heinrich Himmlers police
forces, whose members ranged from agents of the
Gestapo to soldiers of the Waffen SS to the
guards at concentration and death camps. - Hate Group/Extremist Organization Neo-Nazis,
Racist Skinheads - Background/HistoryThe symbol is frequently seen
in neo-Nazi tattoos and graffiti and
characterizes the beliefs of neo-Nazis and racist
skinheads violence, anti-Semitism, white
supremacy and fascism.
13Skin Fist
- Symbol Type Skinhead Symbol
- Traditional Use/Origins The skinhead movement
began in the late 1960s in England's
working-class neighborhoods. Later, a racist
offshoot focused around a music scene called
"Oi!"(Cockney slang for "hey, also a short term
for the Greek oi polloi or "common people"). The
term "Oi" was also given to punk-rock bands in
the late 1970s and early 1980s. - Hate Group/Extremist Organization Racist
Skinhead - Extremist Meaning or Representation Skinhead
Aggression - Background/History Alludes to the Aryan or White
Power Fist. The letters "S-K-I-N" tattooed on the
fingers is currently popular among racist
skinheads. Slogan also popularized in clothing.
14Spider Web Tattoo
- Symbol Type Prison Tattoo
- Hate Group/Extremist Organization Racist
Convicts - Background/History The spider web design tattoo
is often found on the arms or under the arms of
racists who have spent time in jail. In some
places, one apparently "earns" this tattoo by
killing a minority. However, non-extremists may
sometimes sport this tattoo as well, unaware of
its other symbology, simply because they like the
design. - To all people of the "White Aryan Race"! Wake up,
open you sic eyes, look around you! We of the
White nation are fighting a great battle ... We,
as a nation need to use our god sic given
rights to fight this war against the canaanite
jew sic and all other non-white races, for they
are the true enemy of our White race.-- From an
Oregon inmate in the February 1998 issue of
Thule, a white supremacist publication written by
and for prisoners
15Celtic Cross
- Symbol Type General Racist Symbol
- Traditional Use/Origins The symbol for the Celts
of ancient Ireland and Scotland also used as a
Christian symbol - Hate Group/Extremist Organization Neo-Nazis,
White Supremacists - Extremist Meaning or Representation
International white pride - Background/History This is one of the most
popular symbols for neo-Nazis and white
supremacists. First popularized by the Ku Klux
Klan, the symbol was later adopted by the
National Front in England and other racists such
as the racist band Skrewdriver to represent
international "white pride." It is also known as
Odins Cross. It is important to note that the
Celtic Cross is used widely today in many
mainstream and cultural contexts. No one should
assume that a Celtic Cross, divorced from other
trappings of extremism, automatically denotes use
as a hate symbol.
16Othala Rune
- Symbol Type General Racist Symbol Neo-Nazi
Symbol - Traditional Use/Origins The Rune expresses faith
in the pagan religion of Odinism and was
originally a symbol of the Vikings - Hate Group/Extremist Organization Neo-Nazis,
White Supremacists - Extremist Meaning or Representation Aryan
heritage and cultural pride - Background/History While not by nature a racist
religion, Odinism is popular among white
supremacists because its Old Norse origins are
seen as representative of Aryan heritage and
cultural pride. The symbol was common within
Norse and ancient Germanic cultures and was later
adopted by the Nazis for this reason. There are
many variations of this symbol.
17American Nazi Party
- Symbol Type Racist/Extremist Group
- Symbol Description Red Flag with Swastika in
Center headed by the banner "American Nazi Party - Traditional Use/Origins Variation of Adolph
Hitlers Third Reich flag - Hate Group/Extremist Organization American Nazi
Party (ANP) - Background/History Formerly known as the
European American Education Association, the
group is led by Rocky Suhayda and based in
Eastpointe, Michigan. The ANP claims to be
dedicated to the preservation of the White Race,
the Aryan Republic, and Western-European cultural
18Nation of Islam
- Symbol Type Racist/Extremist Separatist Group
- Symbol Description National Flag of the NOI
- Traditional Use/Origins Depicts the Desire of
NOI to establish a separate African American
homeland in United State. - Hate Group/Extremist Organization NOI has a
history of depicting white people as the Devil
who enslave all nonwhites - Background/History Founded as an
educational/religious organization to support
Black Americans after WWI, the group transformed
into a quasi-political religious organization.
Under current leader, Louis Farrakhan, the NOI
has advocated retribution for Black slavery,
revolution, violent protest of US governmental
19The Five Percenters
- Symbol Type Extremist Religious Group
- Hate Group/Extremist Organization Five
Percenters also known as Five Percent Nation and
the Nation of Gods and Earths. - Extremist Meaning or Representation The
five-pointed star symbolizes knowledge and
children the crescent moon symbolizes wisdom and
black women the number seven symbolizes Allah
(the seventh letter of the alphabet, G, stands
for God) the white background symbolizes the
deceptions and lies practiced by white people
the sun symbolizes truth and light the points
around the sun are the symbol of the universe - Background/History Clarence Smith (also known as
Father Allah) a former NOI member, founded the
Five Percenters in 1964 after he was expelled
from the NOI for disagreeing with some of its
teachings. The Five Percenters derives its name
from the belief that only five percent of the
population is righteous. Five Percenters do not
consider their beliefs a religion but follow
nontraditional variants of Islam. Some Five
Percenters profess their beliefs through rap and
hip-hop music. Five Percenters believe that
blacks are the original people of Earth, that
they founded all civilization, and that in fact
the "blackman" is god. They also believe whites
have deceived the world, causing it to honor and
worship false gods and idols.
20New Black Panther Party
- Symbol Type Hate group symbol
- Symbol DescriptionDrawing of a leaping black
panther superimposed over a green Africa on a red
circle. - Hate Group/Extremist Organization New Black
Panther Party for Self-Defense - Background/History The New Black Panther Party
(NBPP) takes its name from the original Black
Panther Party, a radical left-wing group active
in the 1960s and 1970s (former members of which
have denounced the NBPP). Groups calling
themselves the "New Black Panthers" started
forming in the early 1990s, but gained publicity
and organization after Khallid Muhammad, ejected
from the Nation of Islam, became their leader and
spokesman. Since the late 1990s, the group has
expanded its presence to a number of states. Its
ideology is a mix of black nationalism,
Pan-Africanism, and anti-white and anti-Semitic
bigotry. Malik Shabazz, based in Washington,
D.C., has led the group since Muhammad's death in
21Hate on the Internet
Stormfront Started and run by Don Black, a former
member of the Ku Klux Klan, stormfront.org has
become a kind of portal to hate on the Internet.
The National Alliance America's premiere neo-Nazi
group may have provided the inspiration for the
Oklahoma City bombing.
The 11th Hour Remnant Messenger Created by
Silicon Valley millionaires Carl Story and
Vincent Bertollini, the 11th Hour Remnant
Messenger despises blacks, homosexuals,
abortionists, and a host of others, but reserves
its true hatred for Jews, who it sees as enemies
of God."
American Knights of the Ku Klux Klan Associated
with the racist South of a distant past, 100 Klan
groups exist in the U.S. today. The modern-day
Klan has gone to great lengths to clean up its
image with such revisionist tactics as replacing
the phrase "white supremacy" with "white
Nation of Islam Nation of Islam Student
Association (NOISA) official site intends to
indoctrinate children (and adults) into the
mindset of the organization. Presents opinion in
a fact-based manner as though it were an
educational resource.
22Other Hate Groups
- Other groups exhibit the same antisocial behavior
normally associated with the extremist groups
weve examined. - What other types of organizations are based
around hate, prejudice, discrimination and the
violence? - GANG Webster's Dictionary defines a gang as
- A group of persons working to unlawful or
antisocial ends for example, a band of
antisocial adolescents or, A group of persons
having informal and close relations - Generally, a gang may be defined as a group of
three or more persons who - Share a common identity, usually through a gang
name - Typically adopt and use certain signs, symbols
and/or colors and, - Who individually or collectively engage in
criminal activity.
- The US Department of Justice defines Super Gangs
as gangs with a large membership, and whose
normal operations meet the following criteria - Membership exceeds 1,000 members nationally.
- The gang can be documented in multiple states.
- The gang maintains extensive drug networks.
- The gang exercises aggressive recruiting
strategies. - The gang has a multiethnic membership.
- The gang has advocated ambition for power and
massive membership.
24Documented Gangs In the City of San Diego
- There are gangs in the City of San Diego
- Compared to in L.A.
25Number of Documented Gang Members In the City
ofSan Diego
- There are approximately documented
gang members in the City of San Diego - Compared to in L.A.
26The Crips
- Symbol Type Racist/Extremist Militant Group
- Symbol Description Crips insignia in blue (often
in tattoo form) - Hate Group/Extremist Organization Street Gang
(predominantly African-American) - Background/HistoryThe Crips gangs originally
formed in East Los Angeles during the 1960s and
1970s. By the mid 1980s, offshoot Crip gangs
could be found in most major cities around the
U.S. During the 1980s, several Crip and Blood
gangs developed in Belize (Central America).
Gang-affiliated youth from this country
immigrated to the United States during the late
1980s, especially into East Coast states like New
York, New Jersey, Florida, North Carolina, South
Carolina and Georgia. In 1989, Belizean
immigrants in New York City formed the Harlem
Mafia Crips in Harlem, as well as several other
Crip sets such as the Rolling 30s Crips, 92
Hoover Crips, and Rolling 60s Crips. During the
late 1990s, Crip gangs were well-established in
New York, New Jersey, North Carolina, Georgia,
Connecticut, Florida, Pennsylvania, and other
East Coast areas.
27The Bloods/United Blood Nation
- Symbol Type Racist/Violent Street Gang
- Symbol Description Gang insignia in color red
(often in tattoos) - Hate Group/Extremist Organization Street Gang
(predominantly African-American) - Background/HistoryThe Pirus first evolved in
Los Angeles during the 1970s as a black street
gang which formed for self-protection from the
Crips gangs which predominated in Los Angeles
during this era. The Pirus were later known as
the Bloods, because they claimed the color red.
Blood gangs began to spread across the United
States during the 1980s, and were frequently
portrayed in music, movies, and other media
formats. The United Blood Nation, simply called
the Bloods, formed in 1993 within the New York
City jail system on Riker's island. Prior to the
formation of the Bloods, the Latin Kings were the
most prevalent and organized gang in the NYC jail
system. The African American inmates, organized
by some of the more violent and charismatic
inmates, formed a protection group which they
called the United Blood Nation (UBN). UBN
emulated the Bloods street gangs in Los Angeles.
Several of the leaders of UBN then formed eight
Blood sets to recruit in their neighborhoods
across New York City. By the mid 1990s,
thousands of members of Bloods street gangs were
establishing themselves as a force among national
gangs and were continuing steady recruitment.
At this time, the Bloods were more violent than
other gangs, but much less organized. A common
ritual among these gangs involved shedding blood,
through stabbings or slashings, as an initiation
ritual. By the year 2000, the Bloods have become
the most violent gang on the East Coast.
28Almighty Latin Kings Queens
- Symbol Type Racist/Violent Street Gang
- Symbol Description Latin Kings/Queens ID Tattoo
- Hate Group/Extremist Organization Street Gang
(predominantly Latino) - Background/History Started in Chicago, Illinois,
during the 1940s, this group is made up primarily
of Hispanics. By the late 1970s, the Latin Kings
were one of Chicago's largest and most violent
gangs. The group spread to the East Coast in the
1980s through the prison system, where two
inmates in a Connecticut prison created the
Almighty Latin King Nation of Connecticut. They
fine-tuned the concept of the Chicago Latin Kings
and created a well-written King Manifesto, which
incorporated prayers and religious beliefs. This
gang, which spread throughout the Connecticut
prison system, quickly became the largest gang in
Connecticut. In 1986, the manifesto was added to
in the New York prison system, and a group called
the Almighty Latin King Nation was formed at the
Collins Correctional Institution. Within a few
years, the Latin Kings had spread through the New
York state prison system, and onto the streets.
By the early 1990s, New York City had hundreds of
Latin Kings members, and this population grew
into the thousands throughout New York State and
nearby New Jersey within a few years. From 1995
to 1999, the ALKN were the target of a series of
RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt
Organizations) investigations, which resulted in
the arrests of hundreds of ALKN members in
charges connected to racketeering and drug
distribution. Today, the Latin Kings on the East
Coast remain loosely connected to the Chicago
chapters. The Latin King Nation struggles for
unity and is seemingly finding difficulty in
reorganizing to its previous size.
29Hate Done Locally
- Los Angeles
- Published on 04-10-2004
- Windows of a synagogue were shattered during
Passover week. - Riverside
- Published on 05-27-2003
- Jesus A. Gomez, 20, a suspected gang member, was
charged with murder, two counts of attempted
murder and other charges after he allegedly
targeted and killed a 13-year-old boy because he
was black. - Anaheim
- Published on 04-23-2003
- A group of teenagers allegedly attacked an
18-year-old Lebanese-American teen. - Murrieta
- Published on 02-15-2004
- White supremacist symbols were painted on a
- San Diego
- Published on 06-04-2003
- Hundreds of copies of a publication portraying
Muslim women as sexual objects and ridiculing
Jews, Jesus and Palestinians were distributed at
the University of California-San Diego. - Published on 12-09-2004
- A 34-year-old man allegedly used a racial slur
against a San Diego County sheriff's deputy, then
punched him outside a fast-food restaurant. - Published on 10-03-2004
- A black man allegedly stabbed a Latino man while
using racial epithets. - Published on 08-28-2006
- Two 15-year-olds were arrested for assaulting a
black student outside a high school. - Santee
- .Published on 04-30-2002
- Two local high school students were accused of
beating a black man while yelling racial slurs
after an altercation at a gas stations. Both
suspects are minors - Published on 05-20-2006
- Nazi symbols and profanities were spray-painted
on walls around an elementary school
30What Can Be Done?
- The good news is ...
- All over the country people are fighting hate.
Standing up to hate mongers. Promoting tolerance
and inclusion. More often than not, when hate
flares up, good erupts, too. - This guide sets out 10 principles for fighting
hate to push it out of our communities.
Experience shows that one person, acting from
conscience and love, can neutralize bigotry. A
group of people can create a moral barrier to
hate. Heres how you can make a difference - 1. ACT Do something. In the face of hatred,
apathy will be interpreted as acceptance by the
haters, the public and, worse, the victim.
Decency must be exercised, too. If it isn't, hate
invariably persists. - 2. UNITE Your instinct for tolerance is shared
by others. There is power in numbers in the fight
against hate. Asking for help and organizing a
group reduces personal fear and vulnerability,
spreads the workload and increases creativity and
impact. - 3. SUPPORT VICTIMS Hate-crime victims are
especially vulnerable, fearful and alone. Let
them know you care. Surround them with people
they feel comfortable with. If you're a victim,
report every incident and ask for help. Victims
of hate crimes have been attacked for being who
they are, and silence amplifies their isolation.
They need a strong, quick message that they are
valued. - 4. DO YOUR HOMEWORK Know who and what your are
fighting. Eruptions of hate generally produce one
of two reactions apathy ("it's just an isolated
act of kooks") or fear ("the world is out of
control"). Before reacting, communities need
accurate information about haters and their
danger. - 5. CREATE AN ALTERNATIVE Hate has a First
Amendment right. Courts have routinely upheld the
constitutional right of the Ku Klux Klan and
other hate groups to hold rallies and say what
they want (provided it does not incite violence).
You can find another outlet for anger and
frustration and people's desire to do something.
Communities can restrict group movements to avoid
conflicts with other citizens, but hate rallies
will continue. Your efforts should focus on
channeling people away from rallies.
31What Can Be Done? (cond.)
- 6. SPEAK UP You, too, have First Amendment
rights. Hate must be exposed and denounced. An
informed community is the best defense against
hate. - 7. LOBBY LEADERS Persuade political, business
and community leaders to take a stand against
hate. Early action creates a positive reputation
for the community, while unanswered hate will
eventually be bad for business. The fight against
hate needs community leaders willing to take a
stand. - 8. LOOK LONG RANGE The best barrier to hate is a
tolerant community. A small group of committed
people can build a moral barrier to hate or at
least create an atmosphere in which hate
outbreaks are rare. - 9. TEACH TOLERANCE Bias is learned in childhood.
By the age of three, children are aware of racial
differences and may have the perception that
society sees "white" is desirable. By the age of
12, they hold stereotypes about numerous ethnic,
racial and religious groups, according to the
Leadership Conference Education Fund. Because
stereotypes underlie hate, and almost half of all
hate crimes are committed by young men under 20,
tolerance education is critical. - 10. DIG DEEPERPeeling away the face of hate
reveals a country with deep, systemic and
unresolved prejudice, discrimination and
inter-group tension. Look into issues that
divide us economic inequality, immigration,
religion, race, etc. Look inside yourself for
prejudices and stereotypes. Change starts from
- American Defamation League (www.adl.org)
- Encarta
- Federal Bureau of Investigation (www.fbi.gov)
- Gangs or Us
- Jewish Defense League (www.jdl.org)
- National Alliance of Gang Investigators
Associations (www.nagia.org) - San Diego Police Department Gang Unit
- Southern Poverty Law Center (www.splcenter.org)
- United States Department of Justice