Title: Mismatch Repair
1Mismatch Repair
- Sreeparna Banerjee, PhD
- Room Z 16 Ext 6468
- banerjee_at_metu.edu.tr
2- Topics covered
- Prokaryotic methyl directed mismatch repair (MMR)
- Eukaryotic MMR
- Role of MMR in homologous recombination
- Role of MMR in meiosis
- MMR and oxidative DNA damage/alkylation damage
and drug tolerance - MMR and the human factor (Lynch syndrome)
3 4Paul Modrich the pioneer of methyl directed MMR
in E. coli
5What is repaired?
- Base-base mismatches (misincorporation)
- G.T, A.C gt G.G A.A gt T.T, C.T., G.A gt C.C (not
repaired) - Insertion deletion loops (polymerase slippage)
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7Bidirectional MMR in E. coli
8The mechanism
- The mispair is recognized by MutS. MutL is
recruited. - MutH endonuclease activated in presence of MutS,
MutL, a mismatch and ATP hydrolysis - The activated MutH cleaves the unmodified strand
at a GATC site that can be on either side of the
mismatch. - MutS and MutL help to load DNA helicase II (uvrD
gene product) in a biased fashion so that it
unwinds towards the mismatch. - Excision takes place in the region spanning the
two sites. - Repair synthesis is initiated near the GATC site
or the mismatch, depending on the polarity of the
unmodified strand.
- MutS (853aa, 95kD) forms dimers shaped like a
fenestrated disk that encircles DNA containing a
mispair or insertion deletion loop. - The N-terminal domain is involved in DNA binding
- C-term involved dimerization and binding to MutL.
- C-term also possesses an asymmetric ATP binding
and hydrolysis activity. - Conserved Phe residue at the DNA binding site
stacks against the mispaired base (T of a G.T
mispair) or IDL. - May also form H bonds with unpaired bases.
- The affinity of binding correlates with the
efficiency with which different proteins are
repaired (G.T highest, C.C not repaired)
10Crystal structure of Taq MutS
- 25kD monomeric protein with a weak endonuclease
activity in isolation. - In presence of MutS, MutL, mispair ternary
complex the endonuclease activity is greatly
stimulated. - Nicks one strand of at unmethylated GATC sequence
5 or 3 to the mispair.
- Forms a ring shaped dimer.
- Probably interacts with one subunit of MutS.
- Bridges between MutS and MutH.
- Has an N-term ATPase domain which can bind non
specifically to DNA and stimulate MutH to cleave
at the GATC site - ATP binding and not hydrolysis is required for
stimulation of MutH endonuclease.
13Helicase II (UvrD)
- Stimulated by MutL in a mismatch dependent
manner. - Translocates along DNA in a 3 5 direction in
an ATP driven manner and unwinds towards the
mismatch. - Loaded at the GATC incision when the nick is 3
to the mismatch and on the continuous strand when
the nick is 5 to the incision. - Subsequent degradation of the unwound strand is
carried out by the 4 exonucleases - ExoVII and RecJ- 5 3 exonuclease and
- ExoI and ExoX 3 5 exonuclease
14MMR assay
15(A) MutS binds to DNA nonspecifically and bends
it in search of a mismatch (B) upon specific
recognition of a mismatch, MutS undergoes a
conformational change to an initial recognition
complex (IRC) in which the DNA is kinked, with
interactions similar to those in the crystal
structures and (C) MutS then undergoes further
conformational changes to the ultimate
recognition complex (URC) in which the DNA is
unbent with the mismatched base possibly being
flipped out.
16Eukaryotic Mismatch Repair
17Richard Kolodner Harvard Medical School
Boston Ludwig Cancer Research Center UCSD San
18Eukaryotic MMR
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21MutS homologs
- 6 homologs in S. Cerevisiae (MSH1-MSH6)
- MSH1 protein targeted to yeast mitochondria (no
homolog in humans). Acts as a backup to
mitochondrial BER for repair of oxidative damage
to mitDNA - MSH2, MSH6 involved in MMR
- MSH3, MSH6 involved in MMR
- MSH4 AND MSH5 involved in meiosis (crossing over
- during meiotic recombination)
- MSH6 was initially called GTBP or p160 in humans
Nuclear localization
22MutL homologs
- Four MutL homologs have been identified in
eukaryotes (MSH1-3 and PMS1) - MLH1-PMS1 (PMS2 in humans) involved in MMR
interacts with MSH2. - MLH1-MLH3 repair insertion deletion loops via the
MSH2-MSH3 pathway - The repair of IDLs between 1-16 bases requires
Msh2, Msh3 and Pms1 with Mlh2 and Mlh3 playing
minor roles - Larger loops around 100 nucleotides involves Msh2
and Mlh2. - Transcription of MSH2 MSH6 and MLH1 genes are
cell cycle regulated reaching peak expression at
the G1 phase, consistent with their action
repairing mismatches during S phase.
23Role of PCNA
PCNA interacts with MSH3 and MSH6
PCNA interaction motif QXX(L/I)XXFF
Other residues may also be involved.
Flores-Rozas et al. Nature Genetics, 2000, 26 p
24Interaction between PCNA and MSH2-MSH6
Flores-Rozas et al. Nature Genetics, 2000, 26 p
25PCNA binds to MSH6
Coprecipitation of Msh2p-Msh6p or
Msh2p-msh6F33F34-AA with PCNA-immobilized on
Affi-Gel beads. After precipitation, the proteins
were fractionated by SDSPAGE and Msh6p was
visualized by western blot. Lane 1, purified
Msh2p-Msh6p lane 2, Msh2p-msh6F33F34-AA lane 3,
Msh2p msh6F33F34- AA bound to the PCNA beads
lane 4, Msh2p-Msh6p lane 5, Msh2p-Msh6p bound to
the PCNA beads lane 6, Msh2p-Msh6p bound to the
mock-treated beads.
26PCNA stimulates MSH2-MSH6 binding to DNA
27MSH2-MSH6 is transferred from PCNA to the mispair
Lau, PJ and Kolodner, RD 2003. JBC Vol. 278, 3,
pp. 1417
28Role of PCNA
- PCNA is naturally loaded onto 3-primer termini
in replication intermediates and is then left on
the replicating regions of DNA when replication
proteins dissociate. - This could then target MSH2-MSH6 and MSH2-MSH3 to
replicating regions of DNA where mispaired bases
would normally be found. - MSH2-MSH6 associates with PCNA that is tethered
to DNA to form a nonspecific PCNA-MSH2-MSH6
complex, and once this complex encounters a
mispair, the MSH2-MSH6 is transferred from PCNA
to the mispair, thus activating MMR. - Such a mechanism would increase the intracellular
mispair recognition affinity of MSH2-MSH6 at
newly replicated DNA.
29Strand discrimination
- No GATC methylation in eukaryotes.
- MSH3 and MSH6 have been shown to colocalize with
the replication foci - 5 ends of Okazaki fragments, together with PCNA
which is preferentially deposited on DNA during
lagging strand replication are used as strand
discrimination signals by MMR - Mutations in the leading strand occur 10 times
more often than on the lagging strand.
30Downstream events role of ATP
- MutS/MutSa binds to ATP after the initial
mismatch recognition and in complex with
MutL/MutLa searches along DNA for a strand
discrimination signal in an ATP hydrolysis
dependent manner.
Allen, et al The EMBO Journal Vol.16 No.14
pp.44674476, 1997
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34Downstream events role of ATP
- Binding of ATP after mismatch recognition
converts it to a sliding clamp that diffuses
along the DNA in an ATP hydrolysis independent
manner with hydrolysis occurring later.
35The excision steps
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37Figure 6. Model for Mismatch-, MutS-, MutL-, and
RPA-Dependent Modulation of EXOI Activity EXOI
initiates poorly at a single-strand break, and
MutS facilitates this reaction in a
mismatch-dependent manner. Once EXOI is loaded
by MutS, excision proceeds in a highly processive
manner in the absence of RPA (left diagram). In
the presence of RPA (right diagram), the initial
gap produced by EXOI is filled by the
single-strand binding protein. This results in
displacement of EXOI, MutS, or both proteins
from the helix after removal of about 250
nucleotides. Like a single-strand break, an
RPA-filled gap is a weak substrate for EXOI, but
MutS promotes reloading of the hydrolytic
activity provided that mismatch remains within
the DNA. Hence, in the presence of RPA, excision
is attenuated upon mismatch removal, and this
effect is potentiated by MutS and MutL, which
further suppress EXOI activity on DNA that lacks
a mismatch. Jochen Genschel and
Paul Modrich Molecular Cell, Vol. 12, 10771086,
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- Mechanism and Functions of DNA mismatch repair
Cell Research 2008