Title: Upper Cross System Headaches Head Injuries
1Upper Cross SystemHeadachesHead Injuries Neck
2Upper Cross System
- When a chain reaction evolved muscle shortening
and reciprocal weakening in predictable patterns
causing predictable imbalances or syndromes
3Upper Cross System Imbalances
4Changes due to Upper Cross System
- Occiput and C1/2 hyperextend with the head pushed
forward - Lower cervical to 4th thoracic vertebrae are
stressed through posture - Rotation and abduction of the scapulae
- Altered direction of the glenoid fossa
- Results in the need for humeral stability
(increases levator and upper trap activity
5Cervical Spine Forces
- A) Absolute rotation angle (ARA) of overall
lordosis magnitude. B) Relative rotation angle
(RRA) or magnitude of intersegmental angle. C)
Linear measure of forward displacement of head
relative to upper dorsal spine
6Results of Postural Imbalance
- Greater cervical segment strain with possible
referred pain to the chest (trigger points) - Pain mimicking angina may be noted
- Rotator Cuff strain/tendonitis
- Lower Cross System may occur due to eye gaze
- In order to see straight ahead, individual must
anteriorly tilt pelvis - Breathing dysfunction reduce in diaphragmatic
efficiency due to postural restriction of lower
rib cage
8Boney Anatomy
- The Skull has many specialized areas. We sill
focus on Major areas - Frontal
- Parietal
- Temporal
- Occipital
9Special Boney Areas
- External Occipial Protuberance (notch in
occipital area - Mastoid Process (behind Ear)
- Zygomatic Arch (Cheekbone)
- Orbit (eye socket)
- Maxilla (upper jaw)
- Mandible (lower Jaw)
10Anatomical Locations of Cranial Nerves
11Cranial Membranes
- The first step in treating our head pain is to
get an accurate diagnosis. This is very important
for a couple of reasons - Head pain can be a symptom of various diseases or
physical anomalies such as tumors or aneurysms. A
CAT Scan of the sinus cavities is helpful, as is
an MRI to rule out tumors and other problems.
Keeping a headache diary will also be helpful to
your doctor for diagnosis purposes. - Treatment methods and medications for different
types of head pain vary. For example, the triptan
drugs used to treat migraine (e.g. Imitrex) do
nothing for sinus/allergy headaches.
13Types of Headaches
- Migraine Headaches
- TENSION A DULL ache on both sides of the head is
the sign of a Tension Headache. It has been
described as "feeling like a tight band across
the head." - SINUS Rather uncommon, opposing to popular
belief. Most people who feel they have a Sinus
Headache essentially have Tension or Migraine
headaches. - CLUSTER Signs of a Cluster Headache is
reasonably infrequent sharp-as-knife pains around
one eye. Around Ninety percent are male. Most are
between the ages of Twenty-Thirty years old.
14Migrane Headaches
- A chronic aching pain that frequently affects one
side of your head. - The pain usually begins in and around your eye
or temple and ranges from mild to intense, severe
or even devastating. This is usually accompanied
by nausea, sensitivity to light and sound, and
sometimes vomiting. - Over 25 million people around the world suffer
from migraine headaches. 75 are women. Around
Seventy percent of these individuals have family
members who also suffer with similar conditions. - It is seen that approximately Twenty percent of
migraine sufferers experience "aura." "Aura" is
visual disturbances such as flashing lights or
lines during an attack. - "classic Migraine," experienced by about 20 of
Migraineurs is preceded by warning signs called
an "Migraines without the aura are termed "common
Migraine" aura"Â
15Headache Type
- Cluster Headache
- severe, sharp, stabbing pain
- usually on one side of the head, centered around
the eye - almost always severely incapacitating
- occur in clusters of 1 - 4 headaches a day for
several weeks, lasting 10 minutes to two hours
each, then stopping for months - on the affected side, the eye tears, and the nose
is often stuffy or runny - most frequent among men
- occur most often in the fall and spring
- Migraine Cont.Â
- throbbing, intense pain, generally moderate to
severe - usually one-sided, though the pain can move from
side to side, and sometimes affects both sides - may last hours, days, or even weeks
- Migraines may continue long enough to require an
emergency room visit, or even hospitalization, so
that stronger medications can be given to break
the cycle. (status migrainous)Â - Â
16Headache Types
- Sinus/Allergy HeadacheÂ
- pain generally mild to moderate
- centered around sinuses, above and below eyes
- pressure often makes teeth ache as well
- may be accompanied by feeling of pressure behind
the eyes - often relieved by decongestants, antihistimines,
or other allergy medications. - often seasonal
- Tension HeadacheÂ
- constant, dull pain, usually mild to moderate
pain - not incapacitating
- pain is often accompanied by muscle tightness in
the shoulders and neck - often on both sides of the head
- may last an hour, a week, or anywhere in between
- the pain is often described as a band of pain
around the head or "like a vise"Â
17Cervical Spine Correlation to Headaches
- Cluster, migraine, and the many forms of tension
headaches, as well as post-concussion and
"whiplash" headache, may also be consequences of
traumatic cervical spine injury. - Soft structures about the head, neck, and
shoulder girdle play in the etiology of many
18When to Refer
- The headache gets worse instead of better, or has
changed in nature. - Three or more headaches a week. Patient takes a
pain reliever every day, or almost on a daily
basis, to relieve headache. - Headache is accompanied by any of the following
symptoms - 1. Stiff neck and/or fever
- 2. Shortness of breath
- 3. Unexpected symptoms that affect your eyes,
ears, nose or throat - 4. Dizziness, slurred speech, weakness, lack of
sensation or tingling - 5. Uncertainty or drowsiness6. Constant or severe
19When to Refer Continued
- Headaches begin after, or are triggered by, a
head injury, hard work, coughing, bending or
sexual activity. - Headaches began after you reached the age of
20Referral Pain Patterns of C-Spine
- Headache and pain in the head and face originate
in weak fibro-osseous attachments of tendons to
the occipital bone (A, B, C, D) as weak fibers
relax under normal tension and allow
tension-overstimulation of sensory nerves of the
cervical spine. Such pain is almost always
referable to a specific location
21Injury Healing
- Traumatic skeletal pain is most exquisite at the
points of attachment of tendons and ligaments to
bone. - During the healing process, which requires three
to four weeks, bone and fibrous tissue
proliferate at these fibro-osseous junctions. - Another three to four weeks is needed for
maturing and strengthening of the fibro-osseous
bond. Interference with normal healing due to
motion at the site of injury, or to a deficient
healing capacity results in a weak attachment,
designated as ligament relaxation. - If spontaneous repair has not occurred 1 1/2 to 2
months after injury, it is not likely to occur
later (Hackett, 1958).
22Trigger Point Relationship
- Trigger points often elicit muscle spasm and pain
in patients with headache. - a. Prone patient. Laminar and articular points
(x). - b. Supine patient.
- Points at scalenus, sternomastoid, and trapezius
23Signs and Symptoms
- Compression of the head downward on the neck
often increases the pain - Manual traction of the head upward from the neck
may relieve it. - Pain may also be increased by isometric pressure
at the occiput, whereas pressure at the curve of
the neck may decrease it. - Palpation often reveals muscle spasm of one or
more of the supporting posterior neck muscles
- Physical examination may reveal
- one shoulder lower than the other
- head rigid.
- The examiner should determine the degree of
limitation in the range of active and passive
motion of the head on the neck in all directions
and record the amount of pain produced by
attempting to extend each motion.
24Signs and Symptoms Cont.
- Neurologic and general systemic evaluations are
usually normal. - There may be non-specific changes in the reflexes
and atrophy of muscles about the shoulder girdle
or the arm. - X-ray examination may show narrowed
intervertebral disk spaces and hypertrophic
arthritic changes about the Luschka interbody
joints representing previous pathology
- Small, tender areas of spasm in other muscles
(trigger points) - or exquisite tenderness at the origin or
insertion of the muscles to the occiput, cervical
spine, or shoulder girdle. - Coincidentally there often is limitation of
motion and malalignment of the dorsal lumbar
spine or lumbosacral or sacroiliac joints.
25Acute Injury and Therapy
- With an acute injury, there is usually loss or
reversal of the normal lordotic curve or
increased laxity of supporting ligaments, or
both. - The range of motion is so restricted--either by
spontaneous spasm, by attempting to hold the head
rigidly on the neck, or by prolonged use of a
cervical collar--that a cycle of spasm, reflex
pain, weakness, and atrophy of the tissues exists.
- Therapy must aim to
- (1) remove the tender trigger areas which serve
as foci of referred pain and spasm, - (2) correct malalignments, subluxations, and
restricted range of motion to as near normal as
possible, and - (3) strengthen the local supporting ligaments and
tendons to prevent further malalignment and
26Head Evaluation and Treatment
27Head Injury Background
- Skull - Hard casing with pudding like substance
inside - Protected by coverings
- Nutrients by rich blood supply
- Neural Components at base of skull
28Head Injury
- Mechanism
- Coupe
- Contra-Coupe
- These mechanisms can cause injury and swelling
- Concussion
- Epidural/subdural Hematoma
29Bleeding in the Brain
30Assessing Head Injury
- Check
- Visual Acuity eye movement
- Facial movement
- Headache
- ringing in the ears
- Nausea
- Behavioral Changes (unlike normal personality)
- Amnesia (retrograde/ post-concussive)
- If symptoms increase send to emergency
- This is a limited list
31Head Injury
- First Degree
- No Concussion - Bell rung resolution of symptoms
within Lucid Interval - Second Degree
- Loss of Consciousness brief less than 15 seconds.
No resolution within lucid interval
- Third Degree
- Loss of Consciousness more than 15 seconds
- increasing severity within lucid interval
- This is only one type of scale many variations
32Post-Concussive Syndrome
- Residual symptoms post concussion including
- Nausea
- Headache
- Tinnitus
- etc.
- These may occur with movement, daily activities,
rising from bed etc. - Must not participate during this period of time
33Second Impact Syndrome
- Injury while still recovering from initial
concussion - 100 morbidity
- Very important that post-concussive syndrome has
34Decisions on Head Injuries
- Blood out of ears /or nose (from blow to head)
- Any unconscious episode
- Symptoms increase during 20 minute waiting period
or when activity resumes - DO NOT RETURN TO ACTIVITY IF
- Symptoms are not resolved
- Activity exacerbates headache
35Blood Supply to the Brain
- CSF is main nutrition to the neural structures.
- Blood supply to the brain is via a paired
arteriole system - Two internal carotid arteries enter the brain
through the neck
- Two vertebral arteries travel up the posterior
aspect of the neck through the transverse foramen
and at the level of the pons. This then becomes
the basilar artery. - The basilar will nourish the pons and the
cerebellum along the way to the area of the
midbrain where it will divide into the posterior
cerebral arteries
36Athlete Return to Activity
- First Concussion 1º
- 1 week post resolution of Symptoms
- Second Concussion or 2 º
- 1 month post resolution of symptoms
- Third Concussion or 3 º
- End of Season needs discussion of career
- Start with bike activity - if no symptoms
increase functional activity before full return - Above subject to Dr Discretion
37Circle of Willis
- Two communicating links exist
- Posterior communicating artery links the
posterior and middle cerebral arteries - The anterior communicating artery unites the two
anterior cerebral arteries
38Circle of Willis
- 1. Anterior Cerebral Arteries
- 2. Inter-Carotid Arteries
- 3/5. Middle Cerebral
- 4. Posterior Communicating Arteries
- 6/7.Posterior Cerebral Arteries
- 8. Basilar Arteries
- 9. Vertebral Arteries
39Where the Head Ends and Neck Begins
- Plane between the external occipital protuberance
and inferior surface of the mandible - Neck
- Anterior triangle is bordered by Mandible
(above), Cervical midline(laterally) and
Sternomastoid (anteriorly
40Where the Head Ends and Neck Begins
- Neck
- Posterior triangle is bordered by Clavicle
(below), trapezius (posteriorly) and
Sternomastoid (anteriorly)
Middle Cerebral Artery
Posterior Cerebral Artery
Anterior Cerebral Artery
42Neck Anatomy, Evaluation and Treatment
43Boney Anatomy of the Neck
- Typical Vertebrae are C3-C6
- Characteristics
- Small bodies with large vertebral foramen
- bifed spinous process
- foramen in each transverse process
- articular facets lie at 45 in transverse plane
- Atypical Vertebrae
- Atlas - 1st cervical vertebrae
- Axis - 2nd Cervical Vertebrae
- Has a short anterior and long posterior arch
- Atlas has no actual body
- Has Circular facet (Fovia Dentis) in the anterior
arch which is for the articulation of the dens of
45Atlas/Axis Ligaments
- Anterior Atlanto-Axial and atlanto-Occipital
Ligaments - Lie on the anterior surface of the axis and
passes to the anterior surface of the anterior
arch of the atlas and onto the the tubercle of
the occiput
This is an extension of the anterior
longitudinal Ligament
46Atlas/Axis Ligaments
- Posterior Atlanto-Axial and atlanto-Occipital
Ligaments - Extends for the lamina of the axis to the
posterior arch of the atlas and on up to the
47Atlas/Axis Ligaments
- Tectorial Membrane
- Extends on the posterior aspect of the body of
the axis covering the dens and its associated
ligaments but not touching it. It continues up to
the anterior edge of the foramen magnum
48Axis Anatomy
- Second Cervical Vertebra
- DENS which is fused body of the atlas and axis
- helps in the formation of the first
intervertebral foramen which the second cervical
nerve passes through
Lateral View
Overhead View
49Axis Anatomy
- Cruciform Ligament
- Most vital of the ligaments. IF consists of 2
ligaments (Apical Alar) which cross. - Apical Attaches the tip to the occiput
- Alar Also attaches to occiput
- Transverse lig over apical but does not attach
to it
Lateral View
Odontoid Anterior View
50Jefferson Fracture Burst Fracture
- Etiology
- Axial Loading of the head/compression of the
atlas between occiptial condyles - Pathology
- Bilateral burst fracture of both the anterior and
posterior arched of C-1 with lateral displacement
of masses - increasing the distance between
anterior arch of the atlas and odontoid process
51Avulsion teardrop Fracture (Axis)
- Etiology
- Hyperextension
- Pathology
- Triangular shaped avulsion fracture of the
anterior-inferior margin of the C-2 vertebral
body at the insertion of the anterior
longitudinal ligament
52Teardrop Fracture (vertebral Body)
- Etiology
- Axial Loading/compression and Flexion Buckling
- Pathology
- A Burst fracture of the vertebral body with
associated rupture of the posterior ligament,
posterior displacement of the posterior fracture
fragment and spinal cord encroachment acute
anterior spinal cord injury syndrome TYPE IV
compression fracture
53Fractures of Neural Arch
- Etiology
- Axial Loading/flexion or extension buckling
- Pathology
- Unilateral or bilateral fractures of the lamina
and/or pedicles - Avulsion fracture of the spinous process usually
involving C-6, C-7 (most common)
54Unilateral Facet Subluxation/Dislocation
- Etiology
- Axial Loading/flexion-rotation
- Pathology
- Rupture of the anterior and posterior ligaments,
capsular ligaments (bilateral) and intervertebral
disc with anterior subluxation (less than 50 of
vertebral body) or dislocation (more than 50 of
vertebral body/locked facets). An unstable injury
55Atlantoaxial Subluxation/Dislocation
- Etiology
- Flexion or axial loading/flexion buckling
- Pathology
- Rupture of transverse and alar ligaments with
anterior dislocation of C-1 on C-2/increase in
ADI (distance between anterior arch of atlas and
odontoid process of axis greater than 3mm)
56Fracture of Posterior Arch (atlas)
- Etiology
- Extreme hyperextension or axial
loading/compression of the atlas between the
occipital condyle and the axis - Pathology
- Fracture of the posterior arch , most commonly at
the thin, weak junction. Possible associated
fracture including pedicle of C2 (hangmans
fracture) avulsion teardropfracture of the axis
57Odontoid Fractures (Axis)
- Etiology
- Axial Loading/Compression shearing forces
- Pathology
- Type I - Avulsion fracture (Alar ligament) of the
tip of the odontoid unstable - Type II - Fracture at the junction of odontoid
and body of axis (unstable - Type III - Fracture of the body of the axis
58Hangmans Fracture
- Etiology
- Hyperextension or axial loading/extension
Buckling - Pathology
- A bilateral arch fracture of C-2 (traumatic
spondylolysis) with anterior dislocation of C-2
and C-3 (spondylolithesis) An unstable injury
59Face Injury - LaForte Fracture
- LaForte I
- LaForte II
- LaForte III