Title: Global Monsoon: Concept and InterdecadalCentennial Variations
1Global MonsoonConcept and Interdecadal-Centennia
l Variations
- Bin Wang
- University of Hawaii
- Acknowledge contribution from
- Q. Ding, J. Liu, W. Soon
- IAP/LASG, Beijing 12-26-2007
2Topics of discussion
- Concept of the GM
- Metrics for precipitation climatology
- How to measure the strength of the GM?
- Change of the GM in the past 56 years
- Centennial variation of the GM in response to
external forcing
3Monsoon Conventional Defination
Monsoon domain by Khromov (1957) and Ramage (1971)
- Tradiitonal definition is based on surface wind
field (Ramage 1971) - Prevailing wind direction shifts at least 120
degree between January and July - Average of the frequencies of the prevailing wind
direction in January and July gt40
- Monsoon climate is not only characterized by
annual reversal of prevailing surface winds
(Ramage 1971) but also by a contrasting rainy
summers and dry winters (Webster 1987). - Precipitation should be emphasized as it plays an
essential role in determining atmospheric general
circulation and hydrological cycle and in linking
external radiative forcing and the atmospheric
circulation. - A broader perspective of monsoon a precipitation
and wind response of the global coupled
atmosphere-land-ocean system to annual variation
of the solar forcing. - A global perspective is imperative and
5Latent heat and latent energy transport
- All seven regional monsoons are coordinated by
the annual cycle of the solar radiative heating. - Conservation laws apply to global atmosphere.
- Trenberth and Stepaniak (2004) depict monsoon
system as global-scale persistent overturning of
the atmosphere that varies with season.
6Teleconnections associated with Asian-Australian
(Webster et al 1998)
7Tropical-Extratropical linkage Summer
Circumglobal Teleconnection (CGT)
Ding and Wang05
8Regional monsoon systems interact with each other
and with global oceans
- A strong South Asian summer monsoon tends to be
followed by a strong Australian and weak eastern
African monsoon (Meehl 1997). - Indian monsoon-East Asian monsoon (Kripalani
1997) - South American monsoon and the African monsoon
are possibly related (Biasutti et al. 2003). - Teleconnection exists between East Asian-western
North Pacific summer monsoon and North American
summer rainfall (Wang et al. 2001 Lau and Weng
2002). - Continental monsoons are interactive with
surrounding oceans. Sahel drying is a response to
warming of the South Atlantic relative to North
Atlantic SST Southern African drying is a
response to Indian Ocean warming (Hoerling et al.
9What is the global monsoon?
- Global Monsoon
- Dominant Mode of Annual Variation of the Global
Tropical Circulation - Bin Wang and Qinghua Ding
- Dynamics of the Atmosphere and Ocean (2007
Special issue)
10What are the major modes of the tropical
precipitation and low-level circulation in
response to annual variation of solar radiative
heating forcing?
Decomposition of a climatological time series
Extract major modes of climatology Construct a
metrics for defining GM and assessing climate
models performances. Understand the physical
processes behind the response of the tropical
hydrological cycle and the coupled climate system
to the solar radiative forcing on the annual
cycle and orbital time scale.
11MV-EOF modes of the climatological monthly mean
precipitation and 850hPa winds
12Physical interpretation
Solstitial mode
Equinoctial Asymmetric modes
AM minus ON
13Monsoon season MJJAS vs NDJFM
Combined PCPC1x71 PC2 x 13.
the boreal summer (austral winter) consists of
MJJAS, the boreal winter (austral summer)
consists of NDJFM The annual range can be
defined by the local summer-minus-winter , i.e.,
MJJAS minus NDJFM in the NH and NDJFM minus
MJJAS in the SH.
14Global Monsoon Domain Precipitation
Annual range exceeds 150 mm and MPI exceeds 50.
Similar definition can be constructed for wind
field by using similar formula and criteria.
15Dynamic consistency between the precipitation and
the monsoon precipitation domain the regions in
which MPI greater than 0.5 and the annual range
greater than 300 mm the monsoon wind domain the
regions in which MWI is greater than 0.5
16- Summary
- The global monsoon consists of a solstitial mode
and an equinoctial asymmetric mode, both reflects
the response of the coupled climate system to
external solar forcing. - The monsoon precipitation domain can be
delineated by a simple monsoon precipitation
index (MPI) annual range exceeding 300 mm and
the MPI exceeding 50. - Strong monsoon strong annual reversal in lower
tropospheric winds and a wet summer-dry winter
contrast. Weak monsoon a wet summer-dry
winter contrast but weak annual reversal of
17- Metrics for Gauging
- Precipitation Climate Change
- long-term mean
- Solstitial mode (JJAS-DJFM)
- Equinoctial asymmetric mode (AM-ON)
- Global monsoon domain
18Global monsoon precipitation in Reanalyses
19Monsoon Domain in reanalysis datasets
A common problem is in capturing the monsoon
regime realistically in the Southeast
Asia-Philippine Sea and southeast North
America-Caribbean Sea, where the east-west
land-ocean thermal contrast and meridional
hemispheric thermal contrast coexist.
20Performance on Mean States and its Linkage with
Seasonal Prediction
Pattern Correlation over Global Tropics 30S
The seasonal prediction skills are positively
correlated with their performances on both the
annual mean and annual cycle in the coupled
climate models.
21Observed long-term Changes of Global Monsoon
Precipitation (1950-2004)
Wang and Ding, 2006,GRL
22Precipitation Datasets
- Land rain gauge datasets (1948-2004)
- NCEP/CPC, Precipitation REConstruction data over
Land (PREC/L) (1948-2004) - Global Precipitation Climatology Centre
/Variability Analysis of Surface Climate
Observations (VASCO) (1951-2000) - Climatic Research Unit (CRU) (1948-2002)
- Delaware University (Delaware) (1950-1999)
- Global ocean/land datasets (1979-2004)
- Global Precipitation Climatology Project (GPCP)
(1979-2004) - CMAP compiled at NCEP (1979-2004)
23Measure GM strength change
- Global averaged Indices
- NHMI NH-averaged JJA monsoon precipitation
- SHMI SH-averaged DJF monsoon precipitation
- GMI The sum of NHMI and SHMI
- Spatial pattern of the variation and trend
- The leading EOF pattern of yearly annual range
(AR) and the corresponding PC (ARI). - MK statistical significance of the AR trend for
each grid point within the monsoon domain.
24Significance test
- Trend to noise ratio
- Yt a bt et, where a is the intercept, b
the slope, and et the residual, which is
independent and normally distributed with zero
mean and variance s2. - Mann-Kendall (MK) test
- t4SMi/n(n-1)-1 where Mi represents the
number of values that are greater than the ith
value subsequent to its position in a raw series
of n values. - Resampling
- Randomly re-sampling data to create new
samples, from which the distribution of the null
hypothesis can be estimated.
25Global Land Monsoon Rainfall Indices
26Global land monsoon rain domain
Overall weakening of the global land monsoon
27Global Monsoon Precipitation Domain
Definition based on summer-winter contrast
(Annual range greater than 150 mm (JJA minus DJF
in NH) and concentration of rain in summer (Local
summer (JJA in NH) exceeds 35 of the annual
Wang and Ding 2006 GRL
28Land and Ocean GM precipitation
In the last 25 years, Oceanic monsoon rainfall
increases while land monsoon unchanged
- An overall weakening of the global land monsoon
precipitation during 1948-2004 is primarily due
to weakening of the summer monsoon rainfall in
the Northern Hemisphere. SH has no trend. - Since 1980, the global land monsoon rainfall has
seen no significant trend but the oceanic
monsoon precipitation shows a significant
increasing trend. - The results provide a rigorous test for
reanalysis and climate models that will be used
in future climate-change assessment. - The MPI can be used to quantify global as well as
regional monsoon variations on all time scales
longer than a year.
30Zhou et al. 2007)
31Kim et al. 2007
32Centennial variations of the global monsoon
precipitation in the past millennium Results
from ECHO-G model
Jian Liu et al. 2007
33(No Transcript)
34Time series of the 7-year running mean monsoon
indices (NHMI, SHMI, GMI) for CTL and ERIK runs
Free run
Forced run
- 30-year running means are added to highlight
centennial variations
35 Spectrum of the GMPI
36(No Transcript)
37 Conclusion
- Weak GM precipitation during the LIA (1450-1850)
with three minima around the Spörer Minimum
(1460), Maunder Minimum (1685), and Dalton
Minimum (1800) periods of solar activity. - Strong GM was simulated during the MWP (ca.
1030-1240). - Strength of the GM precipitation in the forced
run exhibits a significant quasi-bi-centennial
oscillation. - Before the industrial period, the natural
variations in the total amount of effective solar
radiative forcing reinforce the thermal contrasts
both between the ocean and continent resulting in
the millennium-scale variation and the
quasi-bi-centennial oscillation in the global
monsoon. - The prominent upward trend in GM precipitation
occurring in the last 30 years (1961-1990) appear
unprecedented and owed possibly in part to the
increase of atmospheric carbon dioxide
38 Rainy season of the Asian Monsoon
Understanding physical processes determining
the differences between IM and EAM in their
Annual cycle
39Annual Variation
- Why compare the annual variation?
- Indian and East Asian (EA) monsoon subsystems are
driven by different lower-boundary thermal
forcing associated with land-ocean configuration
and topography. - Examination of the different characteristics of
the annual variability of the two subsystems may
provide useful insight to understand how tectonic
forcing and solar orbital forcing affect monsoon
40(No Transcript)
41Asian-Australian Monsoon System
JA-JF 925 hPa winds and precipitation rate
EA-WNP sector
Indian sector
Circulation systems differ between Indian and EA
Fig. 1
42Seasonal Distribution of rainfall
An eastward shift of convection centers from
Indian (in June-July) to the WNP (in August)
during boreal summer . Peak and retreat dates
differ. WNP is the largest heat source during NH
Wang, Clemens and Liu 2003
Fig. 2
43(Climatology 1979-2001)
Rainy Season
Wang and LinHo 2002
44Indo-China 100-110E
Seasonal March of ITCZ (SA Monsoon trough)
and EA Monsoon front
East Asia 110-145E
Indian monsoon 70-95E
45How important is land-sea contrast and orography
in Controlling monsoon AC?
Chang et al. 2006
- Marked cross-equatorial flows in the South China
Sea and Celebes. Annual cycle of the Australian
monsoon has a firmer link to the EA monsoon than
to the Indian monsoon. - Active convection and rainfall region shifts from
Indian sector in boreal summer to the EA sector
in austral summer
46Equinoctial asymmetry
In spring transition, EA sector has a
well-defined extratropical precipitation band
associated with the East Asian monsoon front.
In fall transition, the Indian monsoon rain
retreats to the south of the equator, whereas the
rain in the EA sector remains in the Northern
47Differences in the annual cycle
- Meridional extent and circulation systems
tropical system vs. coupled tropical and
subtropical system (EA) - Seasonal march of major heat sources BOB and WNP
heat sources behave differently. - Rainy season onset and peak
- Strong EA winter monsoon more closely coupled to
Australian summer monsoon - Equinoctial asymmetry.
- The differences in the annual cycle are
attributed to the effects of differing land-ocean
configuration on atmospheric response to the
annual solar forcing, which resembles the effects
of the external (tectonic and orbital) forcing on
paleo-monsoon variability.
- The factors that control monsoon intensity may be
classified as two groups The forcing external to
the coupled atmosphere-ocean-land system
(tectonic forcing and solar orbital forcing) and
the forcing internal to the coupled climate
system, such as (remote) El Nino/La Nino, local
monsoon-ocean interaction, land-atmosphere
interaction and extratropical influences (ice or
snow cover). - The mechanisms operating on the annual and
interannual time scales are dominated,
respectively, by the external and internal
forcing. - The differences between the Indian and East Asian
monsoon is essentially determine by the relative
strengths of the external versus internal
49Conclusion (Cont.)
- The robust coupling between the East Asian and
Australian monsoon on both the annual and
interannual time scales is essentially
established by tectonic forcing. Thus, the
increase in solar procession could enhance both
the Indian summer monsoon and the East Asian
winter-Australian summer monsoons. - El Niño has little influence on the Arabian Sea
summer monsoon, but considerable impacts on the
South China Sea monsoon (about 10 on average and
40 in strong events), suggesting that drastic
changes in the Pacific thermal conditions could
remarkably alter the East Asian-Australian
monsoon intensity.