Title: NordForsk: Pooling excellence, Glocalising science
1NordForsk Pooling excellence, Glocalising
since 2005
- Liisa Hakamies-Blomqvist
- Tallin XI 2006
2Nordic countries rank high on many success
3Nordic countries rank high on many success
...but for how long?
4Nordic research today
- Strengths
- Large investments in RD (in of GDP)
- 2004 numbers SE 3.7, FI 3.5, IS 3.0 DK
2.6, NO 1.6 - EU-15 1,95
- Leading position in many fields
- Tradition of research cooperation
- University cooperation on all levels
- Cultural, social, and geographic similarities
- Weaknesses
- Do not always reach critical mass
- Nordic investment levels are low
- Poor visibility and attraction value
5NORIA the Nordic Research and Innovation Area
- In an extended Europe, regional research
cooperation becomes increasingly important - The establishment of a Nordic Research and
Innovation Area (NORIA) strengthens the Nordic
region in Europe/globally - Noria has two pillars
- NICe established 1.1. 2004
- NordForsk established 1.1. 2005 by the Nordic
Council of Ministers - NordForsk is a Meta-Regional Research Board an
organisation for Nordic research cooperation
6NordForsks Mission 1/2
- The mission of NordForsk is to strengthen and
further develop the Nordic region as one of the
most dynamic regions in the world for research
and innovation and, thereby, enhance the
international competitiveness of the Nordic
countries and the living conditions of the
populations in the region.
7NordForsks Mission 2/2
- NordForsk will
- facilitate efficient co-operation between the
Nordic countries, in terms of research and
researcher education of the highest international
quality - contribute both to the further development of
high quality and relevant research as well as to
global public good through the use of research
results in the society - enhance the regions possibilities to make a
global contribution
8Vision 2009
- NordForsk is an important vehicle for combining
national strengths in such a way that the
resulting synergy increases the chance of Nordic
success at the global level. - NORIA is the first and best functioning research
region within ERA.
9NordForsks Values 1/3
- Nordic Strength
- NordForsk seeks to identify and promote
activities where Nordic research collaboration
will produce added value and continuously seeks
to identify and cultivate new sources of such
added value.
10NordForsks Values 2/3
- Quality
- Scientific quality, including scientific and
social relevance, is the most important criterion
guiding NordForsks choices and priorities
11NordForsks Values 3/3
- Partnership, Integrity and Transparency
- The daily work of NordForsk is characterised by
- good communication with its stakeholders
- integrity and transparency in its decision making
12NordForsks three roles
- Coordination
- Funding
- Policy advice
- identifying important research priorities
suitable for joint Nordic efforts - focusing on joint international positions of
strength in research and strategically important
areas - participating in the planning of key
infrastructures - working towards common Nordic calls and partial
opening up of national programmes - We work together, but we also coordinate Nordic
efforts to offer a joint platform for
collaboration with other countries/regions
- provision of financial support to relevant Nordic
research efforts together with different national
bodies for research funding - joint efforts within the field of researcher
education and joint funding of programmes - financing of preliminary studies or
investigations that can serve as a basis for
decisions on joint Nordic activities - funding of joint use of major Nordic
15Policy advice
- serving as advisory body to the Nordic Council of
Ministers - creating a forum for a debate on research policy
issues - functioning as facilitator of the interactive
development of the national and Nordic science
policies - Joint Nordic platform for policy dialogue with
other countries/regions
16Operating principles
- Glue Money common pot solutions co-funded with
at least three national actors, NordForsk usually
contributing with 1/3 of the total funding - Seed Money national funding covers the basic
activities, NordForsk provides up to 100 of the
extra funding needed - Participants in activities from at least three
countries - Co-funding with foreign funding agencies possible
if win-win situations and complementarities can
be achieved - All funding decisions based on scientific
excellence - Participation for Russian and Baltic partners is
possible within all schemes
17Excellence Instruments and indicators
International publishing
The Nobel Prize
Clusters ofindicators
Citations, impact
Creative ideas,theses
Patents, products,social innovations
Succes as supervisor
Keynotes,honorary posts
Level of Risk
Level of Excellence
Seed money
Clusters ofinstruments
Researcher training
In the making
Established and recognised
Life course
18Why pool excellence?
- increased scientific quality
- reduced fragmentation
- creation of critical mass
- increased visibility
- increased attractiveness of NORIA for researchers
- contribution to the overall branding of the
19NordForsk today
- Secretariat (approx. 14 persons) in Oslo, sharing
offices with NICe and Nordic Energy Research - Overall strategy finalised in June, work on
international strategy initiated - Budget for 2006 approx. 116 million NOK
- Board 9 members 7 observers appointed on an
institutional basis National Research Councils
and University Rectors one representative of
industry one Baltic observer
20Ongoing activities
- Nordic Centres of Excellence
- - global change
- - molecular medicine
- - humanities/social sciences
- New NCoE calls Food, Nutrition and Health
- Welfare
- Research schools
- - global change
- - humanities and social sciences - fishery
- Networks, planning grants, research training
courses, etc all scientific areas
21We are all Baltic Sea citizens
Milette Brotherus (Malm) Born 1857 in
Poland Father Finnish-Swedish officer in the
Russian army Mother Polish Countess Grandmother
German Went to school at Smolna,
St.Petersburg Married a Finnish scholar Lived
in Finland and Ă…land Died in Finland
22Lets become glocalized!
- To be internationally positioned is a necessary
precondition for success - To be locally strong is a competition advantage
- The new Nordic and Baltic Sea State research
cooperation Globally competitive through
regional integration - www.nordforsk.org