Title: Response to Intervention in General, Remedial, and Special Education
1Response to Intervention in General, Remedial,
and Special Education
Daniel J. Reschly dan.reschly_at_vanderbilt.edu 615-
708-7910 Delaware Department of Education May 7,
2What To Do With Egbert??
- 1st Grade, falling behind in reading
- Slow progress compared to peers
- Likely to miss benchmarks related to passing 3rd
Grade reading test - Distractible, inattentive, disruptive,
non-compliant - Sound Familiar
- WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? Driven by Federal Legislation
- Consider NCLB and IDEIA
3What To Do With Egbert??
- 9th Grade, failing 3 of 5 classes at first 9
weeks - Attendance is declining
- Homework non completion
- Poor performance on weekly or unit tests
- Defiant, distractible, inattentive, disruptive,
non-compliant - Sound Familiar
- WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? Driven by Federal Legislation
- Consider NCLB and IDEIA
4Egbert in the Traditional System
- Refer Egbert
- Preferral intervention (check a box)
- Comprehensive Evaluation-Battery of Tests,
common battery? - Assessment largely outside of the natural context
- Dubious generalizations from test behavior to
classroom - Eligibility assessment unrelated to intervention
- Team decision-making
- SLD diagnoses often inaccurate
Does the thing work?
Dont mess with it!
Did you mess with it?
You Idiot!
Will you catch hell?
Hide it!
Does anyone else know?
You poor slob!
Ignore it
Can you blame somebody else?
6What Is Response to Intervention (RTI)?
- Scientifically-based instruction/interventions
matched to student needs - Formative evaluation including frequent progress
monitoring in relation to benchmarks, with
decision rules applied - Decisions driven by student RTI, including genl
ed instruction/intervention, remedial
services/individual interventions, sp ed
eligibility, placement, annual review and exit - Implementation requires Allocating (aligning)
resources to deliver effective interventions that
produce improved child outcomes
7RTI Model Differences
- Restricted vs Comprehensive System Wide
- LD Identification
- Do Tiers I and II, then traditional evaluation
- Or Use RTI in eligibility determination and in
the design, implementation, and evaluation of
IEPs - Academic only or Academic and Behavior
- False dichotomies Standard Protocol vs Problem
Solving vs Recognition of Both - Choices determined by nature of problem
- Use of both in many situations
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Cost 15 with discounts for large orders
9Purpose of the RTI Process
- Improve results in academic, behavioral, and
emotional regulation domains, through - High quality interventions
- Formative evaluation
- Student results drive decisions about needs and
intensity of interventions - Improve, eliminate disproportionate
representation - Identification of disabilities through procedures
that are valid and connected to effective special
ed interventions - Improve special education results and increase
exit from sp ed - Prevention and early identification-intervention
10Why RTI?
- Dissatisfaction with ach. results
- Expensive programs with undocumented benefits,
General Ed. Title I and Sp Ed - Poor overall outcomes re benchmark tests,
graduate rates, early adult outcomes - Overrepresentation in sp ed
- Disjointed programs across general, remedial and
special ed.-compromised outcomes and wasted
12Special Education Placement Effects High
Incidence Disabilities
- Treatment/Intervention aEffect Size
- EMR/Special Classes (IQ 60-75) -.14
- Special Classes (IQ 75-90) -.34
- Resource for SLD and E/BD .29
- Traditional Placement Practices Have Weak
Relationships to Outcomes - Special Education as a Solution?
- Note Effect size is expressed in SD units,
analogous to a z-score -
13Old Assumptions re High Incidence Disabilities
- Disabilities Inherent in Individual?-BUT, Context
and prevention are crucial - Identify and Treat Underlying Causes-BUT, Failure
of process training - Prescribe Methods that Capitalize on Strengths
and Avoid Weaknesses-BUT, Failure of Aptitude by
Treatment Interaction in Research and Practice
14Old Assumptions, cont.
- Unique Treatment Methods and Teacher Training by
Disability But, Same methods work for virtually
all High Incidence I SWD, LD, ED, EMR - IQ Essential to Accurate Classification-BUT Same
kids found with problem solving processes and
measures - Identifying Disability and Sp Ed Placement Solves
Problem - Dubious Effects of Special Education
15Meaningfulness of Special Education High
Incidence Categories (www.ideadata.org) Table
1-13, retrieved 1-16-07
- Category Prevalence Range Factor
of Notes - MR 0.4 (NJ) to 3.0 (WV) 7Xs
(9 at 0.4) - ED 0.2 (AR) to 2.4 (DC) 12Xs
(VT2.0) - LD 2.2 (KY) to 7.7 (OK) 3Xs
- Sp/L 0.5 (HI) to 4.3 (WV) 8Xs
- OHI 0.5 (CA) to 2.4 (RI) 5Xs
- All 8.9 (CO) to 15.9 (RI) 1.8Xs
- Notes Child disability count as a percentage of
the 6-17 population.
16Some things do not make sense
17Progression of Research, Policy, and Legal
- RESEARCH Scientific research with practice
demonstrations leading to - POLICY Multiple policy analyses in presented in
prestigious reports leading to - FEDERAL LAW Multiple layers of Federal legal
requirements leading to - STATE LAW Changes in state rules leading to
- SCALING UP Scaling up efforts in states
18 What Works? See Kavale (2005), Learning
Disabilities, 13, 127-138 and other sources
- Treatment Effect Size
- Applied Behavior Analysis. 1.00
- CBMGraphingFormative
- Evaluation reinforcement 1.00
- Explicit Instruction and Problem
- Solving .70 to 1.50
- Comprehension Strategies 1.00
- Math Interventions .60 to 1.10
- Writing Interventions .50 to .85
19Policy and Legal Influences
- NICHD LD Studies
- Snow, C. E., Burns, M. S. Griffin, P. (Eds.)
(1998). Preventing reading difficulties in young
children. Washington DC National Academy Press. - Teaching children to read An evidence-based
assessment of the scientific research literature
on reading and its implications for reading
instruction http//www.nichd.nih.gov/publications/
nrp/smallbook.pdf - National Academy of Sciences/National Research
Council Panel Report http//www.nap.edu/catalog/10
128.html - LD Summit Researchers Recommendations (Bradley et
al., 2002) - Presidents Commission on Excellence in Special
Education (2002) report, http//www.ed.gov/inits/c
20Commonalties in Policy Recommendations
- Accountability-Improved results for all students
and better results are possible!! (Gloeckler) - Integration of general, remedial, and sp ed
through multiple tiers of intervention - Scientifically-based interventions with problem
solving - Progress monitoring with formative evaluation
- Decisions at all levels driven by child response
to intervention - Abandon IQ-Achievement discrepancy in LD
21Progression of Federal General and Special
Education Legislation
- 1960-70s To 2000s
- Assistance Results
- __________________________________________
- Rdg 1st IDEA 2004
- Procedures Outcomes
- Number Served Improvement
22Major Legal Themes (NCLB, IDEA)
- Scientifically-based instruction
- More frequent assessment, progress monitoring,
formative evaluation - Well integrated multiple tiers of Intervention
- Decisions driven by child responses to
instruction-intervention in general, remedial,
and special education - Alignment of resources to enhance positive
23Changes in Legal RequirementsIDEA (2004)
- (A) IN GENERAL.Notwithstanding section 607(b),
when determining whether a child has a specific
learning disability as defined in section 602, a
local educational agency shall not be required to
take into consideration whether a child has a
severe discrepancy between achievement and
intellectual ability in oral expression,
listening comprehension, written expression,
basic reading skill, reading comprehension,
mathematical calculation, or mathematical
24Response to Intervention (IDEA, 2004)
- (B) ADDITIONAL AUTHORITY.In deter- mining
whether a child has a specific learning
disability, a local educational agency may use a
process that determines if the child responds to
scientific, research-based intervention as a part
of the evaluation procedures described in
paragraphs (2) and (3). - Does response to intervention appear in the law?
25Final Regulation
- (b must consider, as part of the evaluation
described data that demonstrates that - (1) Prior to, or as a part of the referral
process, the child was provided appropriate
high-quality, research-based instruction in
regular education settings, consistent with
section 1111(b)(8)(D) and (E) of the ESEA,
including that the instruction was delivered by
qualified personnel and - (2) Data-based documentation of repeated
assessments of achievement at reasonable
intervals, reflecting formal assessment of
student progress during instruction, was provided
to the child's parents.
26Prevention-Early Intervention
- LEA can use 15 of federal IDEA funds to support
prevention and early identification-treatment - Purpose minimize over-identification and
unnecessary sp ed referrals - Provide academic and behavioral supports and
professional development re early literacy and
behavior - MUST use the 15 if LEA has significant
27Multiple Tiers Implemented Through Progress
Monitoring and Formative Evaluation (Sugai,
Horner, Gresham, 2002)
Enter a School-Wide Systems for Student Success
- Intensive, Individual Interventions
- Individual and Small Groups
- Intense, Prolonged Interventions
28Multi-Tiered Academic Interventions of Increasing
Intensity and Measurement Precision
- Tier I General Education All students
Effective instruction, 80-85 at benchmarks - Tier II Standard Protocol and Problem Solving
(about 10 to 20 weeks) Small group and
individualized interventions - Decision Making Continue Program, Modifications,
Comprehensive Evaluation?? - Tier III More Intensive, Sustained Instruction
in General and/or Special education - Key Mechanism Formative Evaluation
29Multi-Tiered Behavior Interventions of Increasing
Intensity and Measurement Precision
- Level I General Education School wide positive
discipline, effective classroom organization and
management, teacher assistance teams - Level II Individualized Problem Solving re
Behavior Targeted, intense individual
interventions in general education - Decision Making? Continue Program, Modifications,
Comprehensive Evaluation - Level III More Intensive, Sustained Instruction
in General or Special education - Key Mechanism Formative Evaluation
30Formative Evaluation
- Frequent assessment of progress
- Referenced to goals based on benchmarks toward
passing state tests - Decision rules regarding modification of goals or
instructional programs - All decisions about student needs and
instructional intensity are based on child RTI
31Characteristics of Effective Formative Evaluation
- Direct measures of skills
- Natural settings
- Efficient re costs and time required
- Sensitive to small increments of growth in
relevant skills - Results can be graphed in relation to goals
- Reliable in terms of stability
- Valid re relationship to broad indicators of
competence - Example CBM oral reading fluency and reading
32Tier I General Education, Universal Stage,
Primary Prevention
- Academics and Behavior
- Scientifically-based
- Explicit instruction
- Systematic intervention
- Inter-related, reciprocal relationships, mutually
supported - Discuss separately here, but acknowledge the
essential inter-relationship of academics and
33Tier I Academic Interventions
- Scientifically-based instruction in reading
- Curricula-content-Big ideas, e.g., reading
- Phonemic Awareness
- Alphabetic principles
- Fluency
- Vocabulary
- Comprehension
- Study of IHEs pre-service preparation in rdg
- 14 of 72 taught all 5 components and many taught
none, see http//www.nctq.org/nctq/
34IHEs and SBRR Five Components
Source http//www.nctq.org/nctq
Sample N72
- 5 Components
- Phonemic
- Alphabetic
- Fluency
- Vocabulary
- Compre-hension
5 4 3 2 1 0
35Tier I Academic Interventions
- Teaching Methodology Explicit Instruction
- Modeling, guided practice, practice to
automaticity, integration You do it with
feedback, You do it independently, You do it
automatically - Frequent responding with feedback, Brisk pace
- Systematic Instruction
- Sequential, Hierarchical
- Include all reading components each day
- Beat the odds teachers http//rea.mpls.k12.mn.us/
36Tier I Assessment Academics
- Routine Assessment of Progress
- Screen all students, begin in kindergarten 3
times per year with appropriate early literacy
measures - More intense instruction and monitoring within
classroom for students below trajectories toward
passing state benchmark tests - Grouping, instructional materials, time,
paraprofessionals Pat Vadasy at U of WA - Increase assessment to 2 Xs per month
37Reading Benchmarks (DIBELS)
38KTG Initial Sound Fluency Fall to January 05-06
Benchmark Winter KTG 25 sounds correct/min.
New KTG Teacher and Traditional Instruction
39KTG Initial Sound Fluency Fall to January 05-06
Benchmark Winter KTG 25 sounds correct/min.
Experienced Teacher Direct Instruction
40Phoneme Seg. Fluency Jan to May 05-06 Yr.
Benchmark 35 correct
New KTG Teacher and Traditional Instruction
41Phoneme Seg. Fluency Jan to May 05-06 Yr.
Benchmark May 35 per minute
Experienced Teacher Direct Instruction
42Nonsense Word Fluency Jan to May 05-06 Yr.
Benchmark 25 correct per minute
New KTG Teacher and Traditional Instruction
43Nonsense Word Fluency Jan to May 05-06 Yr.
Benchmark 25 correct per minute
Experienced Teacher Direct Instruction
44KTG Initial Sound Fluency Fall to January 05-06
Benchmark Winter KTG 25 sounds correct/min.
Students needing greater Genl Ed
monitoring and Interventions
451st Gr. Nonsense Word Fluency
Benchmark Winter First Grade 50 Words Per Minute
46Second Grade Oral Reading Fluency Benchmark End
of 1st42 WCM Winter71 WCM
End of 2nd100 WCM
47Behavioral Assessment and CBM Measures
- Focused on determination of change
- Formative evaluation critical
- Tied to effective practices and better outcomes
- Applications in general, remedial, and special
education - Identification of disabilities-integrates
identification with treatment
48Why Behavior Assessment (including CBM)
- Determine current levels in academics and
behavior degree of need - Monitor progress, assess change
- Foundation for formative evaluation-improving
interventions - Determine success of interventions
- Decisions based in child response to interventions
49Foundations of CBM
- Deno Mirkin (1977) Breakthrough
- Brief samples of behavior
- Use of oral reading fluency samples
- Production per unit of time
- Fluency and accuracy combined
- Words read correct per minute
- Math-digits correct
- Spelling-letters correct
50Prior Barriers to CBM Use
- Cumbersome for practitioners, developing own
passages - Conceptual issues Passages from curriculum or
generic passages? - Teachers concerns about comprehension Word
calling?? - Inertia satisfaction with current practices
- IDEA assessment of change not required
51Reading CBM
- Combines fluency (speed) and accuracy
- Broad range of competencies including
- Letter naming (Ktg)
- Sound identification (Ktg)
- Nonsense words or real word identification (Ktg
to first grade) - Oral reading fluency (mid first to high school
- Comprehension (maze, other methods)
52Importance of Standardized CBM Procedures
- Standardized meaning uniformity in
administration, scoring, interpretation - Prerequisite to use of data in
- Determining risk status within classroom or
school - Measuring change for individuals or groups
- Predicting later performance
53Oral Reading Fluency
- What is it?
- Reading aloud fluently and accurately from text.
- Why do it?
- Indicator of proficiency in reading that is
sensitive to growth - Highly correlated with performance on
standardized tests and tests of comprehension - Provides information that may be used to evaluate
effects of instruction - Word Calling Myth
54Administering Oral Reading Passages
- Essential Items
- -One student copy
- -One administration copy
- -Timer or stopwatch (make sure to time exactly 1
min) - -Administration script
55Instructions to Child
- When I say please begin start reading aloud at
the top of this page. Read across the page.
Demonstrate by pointing Try to read each word.
If you come to a word you dont know, Ill tell
it to you. If you get to the end of the page,
start over. Be sure to do your best reading. Are
there any questions? Pause Please begin.
56Examiners Administration Rules
- After reading instructions to students,
- Start timer. If the student fails to say the
first word of the passage after 3 sec., tell
him/her the word and mark it incorrect. If the
student stops or struggles with a word for 3
seconds, tell the student the word and mark it
incorrect. If the student reaches the end of the
page and does not continue, point to the first
word and ask the student to start over. At the
end of 1 minute, place a bracket after the last
word and say, please stop.
57Scoring Rules
- Words must be pronounced correctly to be counted
as correct - (disregard if mispronunciations due to speech
problems or dialect) - Ignore inserted or repeated words
58ORF Passage Making Friends(from Deno and Amy
- There once was a little girl named Ann who
9 - was very shy. She was too shy to make friends.
19 - Ann lived in an apartment building with her
mother 28 - and brother. Ann liked to play at the playground
37 - near her apartment building. 41
- One day Ann was playing on the swings when 50
- Total words read 49
- Words read incorrectly 3
- Words read correctly 46
59What is recorded?
- Give 3 Passages
- Record the Median Score
- Example
- If a students scores on the 3 passages were
- 24 words read correctly
- 38 words read correctly
- 35 words read correctly
60Sample passage from DIBELS, http//dibels.uoregon.
The Ant Hill
Dad and I took a hike in the woods. We walked
for a long 14 time and stopped to take a
rest. We sat down on a log and had a 30 drink of
water. A big hill was nearby. 38 Dad
said, "Look, there's an ant hill."
45 I walked up to the hill and took a closer
peek. At first it 59 looked just like
a dirt hill. Then I noticed a few ants running
72 around. I looked closer.
61Sample passage from DIBELS, http//dibels.uoregon.
The Rainy Day Picnic I was so sad. This was the
day we were going to the park for 15 a picnic.
I wanted to go to the playground. I wanted to
swing. I 29 wanted to lay on the grass and look
up at the fluffy clouds. But 43 that morning it
was raining. There were puddles
everywhere. 52 And we could hear thunder. I
started to cry. 61 My mother said, "Wait! We
will still have the picnic!" 71 I cried, "But
how? It won't be fun if it's wet!" 82
62Sample passage from DIBELS, http//dibels.uoregon.
Visiting Aunt Rose My Aunt Rose invited me to
spend the weekend. Aunt Rose 11 doesn't have
kids. She said I could be her kid for two days.
She's 25 like my big sister. 29 I like to go
to visit my Aunt Rose's home. She likes to do
the 44 same things I like. I like to go swimming.
So does my Aunt 57 Rose. The pool where she goes
also has a hot tub. I like to sit in 73 the hot
tub. So does my Aunt Rose. I always bring my
swimming 86
63Sample passage from DIBELS, http//dibels.uoregon.
The Robin's Nest There was a robin's nest
outside our kitchen window. 'I he 10 nest was in
a tall bush. The mother robin sat in the nest all
day 25 long. One day when I was watching, the
mother bird flew away. 37 I saw the eggs she was
sitting on. There were four blue eggs. 50 I
watched and watched. Pretty soon the eggs started
to move. 61 I watched some more until the eggs
started to crack. Finally-, the 73 eggs hatched.
I saw four baby birds. The baby birds opened
their 85 beaks wide. I heard them peeping. Soon
the mother bird came 96 back. Then the mother
robin put worms in their mouths. 106
64Resources for Reading and Interventions
- Good Kaminski DIBELS http//dibels.uoregon.edu/
http//www.dibelsassessment.com/ - Gary Germann and Mark Shinn AIMSWEB
- James Wright
- www.interventioncentral.org
- Vaughn-Gross Reading Center
- http//www.texasreading.org/utcrla/
- Florida Reading Center-Torgesen/Wagner
- http//www.fcrr.org/
65Math CBM
- Scoring rule Count the number of correctly
written digits in the problems - 64
- x 722
- 128 Answer
- 128
- 448__
- 46208
66Math CBM
- Scoring rule Count the number of correctly
written digits in the problems - 64
- x 722
- 128 3 pts Answer17
- 128 0 4 pts
- 44800 5 pts
- 46208 5 pts
67Math CBM
- Scoring rule Count the number of correctly
written digits in the problems - 64
- x 722
- 126 2 pts Answer12
- 138 0 3 pts
- 54800 4 pts
- 56206 3 pts
68Tier I Behavior
- Positive Behavior Supports (www.pbis.org)
- Universal screening for behavior in early grades
- Classroom organization and behavior management
- Teacher Assistance Teams (many names)
69Tier I Prevention School-wide Positive Behavior
- National Technical Assistance Center at
www.pbis.org - PBS is a broad range of systemic individualized
strategies for achieving important social
learning outcomes while preventing problem
behavior with all students.
70PBIS Characteristics of Support
1. Common purpose approach to
discipline 2. Clear set of positive expectations
behaviors 3. Procedures for teaching expected
behavior 4. Continuum of procedures for
encouraging expected behavior 5. Continuum of
procedures for discouraging inappropriate
behavior 6. Procedures for on-going monitoring
71Tier I Behavior Early Screening
- Focus on classroom and individuals
- Screen all children for behavior
- Aggressive behaviors-identify and treat at young
ages - Treat through age 8 Manage after age 8
- Early intervention much more effective than later
- Social isolation
- Bullying
- Classroom related social skills (or academic
72Tier I Behavior Importance of Prevention and
Early Identification-Early Treatment
- Walker et al (1995)
- If antisocial behavior is not changed by the end
of grade 3, it should be treated as a chronic
condition much like diabetes. That is, it cannot
be cured, but managed with the appropriate
supports and continuing intervention (p. 6).
73Multiple Gating Procedures (Walker Severson,
1995) Sopris West
Teacher Ranking of Children ( 3 highest ranked)
on Externalizing and Internalizing Behaviors
Teacher Rating (Exceeds Norms)
Direct Observations and Parental Questionnaire
Focused Interventions
74Behavioral Earthquakes
- Critical Behavioral Events
- High impact-great intensity-low frequency
behaviors Behavioral Earthquakes - Fire setting, cruelty, extreme aggressiveness,
suicide threats/attempts, physical confrontation,
use of weapons, etc. - Should provoke immediate referral
- School Archival Records Search (SARS)-Sopris
75Tier I Behavior cont. Classroom Organization
and Behavior Management (
- http//www.cde.ca.gov/ls/ss/se/classroommgmt.asp
- Kellam, Baltimore Schools
- Students randomly assigned to 1st grade
teachers, then classroom was the unit of analysis - Classrooms observed during first 9 wks., high
rates of disruptive behavior and aggression,
large differences across classrooms - Classrooms randomly assigned to,
- Experimental condition Good Behavior Game
(Barrish, et al, 1969 Sulzer-Azaroff Mayer,
1991) vs. - Control condition of in-service on general
curriculum issues
76Kellam Research Classroom Organization and
- Good Behavior Game (Barrish, et al., 1969)
- Group contingency
- Two groups formed into teams
- Define rules and positive behaviors
- Teams compete for positive consequences
- Team with highest rate of appropriate behaviors
earn rewards - Lining up first, Help teacher pick-up classroom,
free time, etc.
77Kellam Research Effects of Good Behavior Game
Were Statistically Significant
- Aggression and disruptive behavior continued in
control classrooms - Marked reduction in experimental condition
- Experimental classrooms had higher academic
productivity and achievement - Aggressive students in both conditions followed
through 6th grade and first grade classroom
effects persisted - First grade experience sets academic and
behavioral trajectory
78Tier I Implications of Behavior
- Classroom organization and behavior management
are crucial to student success - Teachers skills at classroom management were
then critical to childrens socialization,
particularly in the face of family poverty.
(Kellam, et al., 1998a, p. 182) - Teacher training typically does not provide
effective methods and experience in classroom
behavior management. (Kellam, et al., 1998, p.
182). - Relatively simple, cost effective interventions
can produce large and persistent effects
79Teacher Support Teams
- For students who need additional support and
intervention (1 to 5 of students) - Classroom based, teacher and/or team develops
- One or two session problem solving
- Minimal data requirements
- Attempts over 3-4 weeks
- Produce changes, then must sustain
- Apply basic problem solving procedures
80Basic Problem Solving (Teachers and School Teams)
(Heartland Area Education Agency, Johnston, IA)
Define the Problem (Screening and Diagnostic
What is the problem and why is it happening?
Develop a Plan (Goal Setting and Planning)
Evaluate (Progress Monitoring Assessment)
What are we going to do?
Did our plan work?
Implement Plan (Treatment Integrity)
Carry out the intervention
81Tier I Teacher Support Team Analysis
- What is student doing and why is it a problem
- When is student successful and less likely to
misbehave? - When is student less successful and more likely
to misbehave - Why does behavior occur, what is student getting
from the behavior - What other factors contribute to the behavior
- Consider attention, escape, etc.
82Principles Secondary Level (Sprick, R.S. (2006).
Discipline in the secondary classroom. San
Francisco Jossey-Bass.) (800-956-7739)
- Basic behavioral strategies, Key concepts
- Instructional design and evaluation systems
- Prepare for routines and procedures
- Expectations Teach students to be successful
- Rules and consequences, responding to misbehavior
- Motivation Enhancing desire to succeed
- Proactive planning for misbehavior
83Middle and High School RTI Applications
- Same principles and goals Improve Results
- Evidence-based interventions matched to student
needs implemented with good fidelity - Data-based, progress monitoring with formative
evaluation, that is, data on initial status,
goals related to benchmarks, progress monitoring
against goals, and changes in interventions based
on progress - Decisions based on student responses to
84Middle and High School RTI Applications Frequent
Goals at Middle and High School
- Academic skills deficits
- Teach skills in basic areas including reading and
math - See Florida web site for teaching reading to
adolescents at www.fcrr.org/ - CBM used, progress at gt 1 word correct growth per
week, goals, graphs, formative evaluation, etc. - Significant needs for basic instruction
85Middle and High School RTI Applications Course
Involvement and Completion
- Learning strategies Systematic teaching of
methods to learn content http//www.ku-crl.org/ - Taught in context of general education classes,
by general education teachers or special
education teachers (resource program) - Significant effect sizes related to completion of
courses, improved grades, and improved content
mastery - Many students with these needs
86Middle and High School RTI Applications Effort
and Work Completion
- Can Do But Wont Do
- Unintended reinforcement for poor effort and low
productivity - Interventions do improve both effort and
productivity - Data are critical!!!
- Data followed by interventions, etc.
87Middle and High School RTI Applications School
Involvement and Drop Out
- Drop out not an event, but a process
- Encouragement to leave or to stay??
- Drop out prevention measures
- Find at risk kids
- Ensure teacher encouragement, someone who cares,
monitors, encourages - Formal programs like Check and Connect
88Middle and High School RTI Applications Middle
and High School Problem Solving
- Define problem
- Determine data, several weeks, months, years
depending on the problem - Establish goals, Implement interventions, Monitor
progress, Change interventions as necessary - Evaluate results
89Middle and High School RTI Applications Problem
Solving Example
- Drop Out
- Scientifically-based interventions
- Identify proxies for drop out to permit early
intervention, e. g., school attendance,
disciplinary referrals, failing courses, etc. - Gather data on current conditions
- Establish goals
- Implement interventions
- Monitor progress and change intervention if
results do not meet reasonable goals
90Middle and High School RTI Applications Problem
Solving Example
- Failing courses
- Current status
- Causes of failure (effort vs skills or both)
- Goals for improvement (without lowering
standards) - Interventions (brainstorm)
- Monitor progress, change interventions as needed
- Evaluate results
91Summary of Tier I
- Universal level, all students
- Scientifically-based, right content and direct
instruction - Greater intensity and increased measurement
precision for students below benchmark
trajectories - Criterion for success? 80 to 85 are at or above
benchmarks - Assess classrooms, schools, districts
- Identify students needing additional assistance
92Tier II Academic and Behavioral Interventions
- Individual behavior interventions in general
education that meet all criteria for problem
solving - Individual or small group academic interventions,
following - Standard protocol interventions (reading)
- Individualized academic
- Evidence based practices.
93Tier II Behavior Problem Solving Criteria
- Behavioral definition of the problem
- Collection of data reflecting current level of
performance - Comparison of current level of performance to
expectations (peer comparisons, age or grade
norms) - Development of goals for change in performance
- Analysis of conditions (including prerequisite
and current skills levels)
94Tier II Behavior Problem Solving Criteria cont.
- Development of an intervention plan that is
written, systematic, and based on
scientifically-based instructional or behavioral
intervention principles - Development of an intervention plan that is
written, systematic, and based on
scientifically-based instructional or behavioral
intervention principles - Implementation of the plan with treatment
fidelity checks
95Tier II Behavior Problem Solving Criteria cont.
- Progress monitoring data collected frequently,
represented graphically, and results compared to
goals - Changes are made in the intervention based on
progress monitoring data - Evaluation of results with decisions made to
consider more intensive interventions which may
be special education
96Tier II Academic Interventions (Vaughn et al.,
2003 Exceptional Children)
- Goals Move performance to benchmark trajectories
and, If needed, consider more intensive
interventions - Example of Tier II academic intervention
- Small group, N4-5, pull out, similar needs
- 30 to 35 minutes per day in addition to classroom
instruction - Progress monitoring weekly
- 10 to 20 weeks of instruction
- 5-component reading interventions, with emphasis
on weak components
97Tier II Academics and Behavior
- Targeted individual interventions in classrooms
and in standard protocol academic settings - Behavior (attention and on task) predict outcomes
of academic interventions) - Standard protocol interventions use a point
system to prompt and reinforce task engagement - Improved behavior often is crucial to persistence
of academic interventions effects over time and
generalization to classroom settings
98Standard Protocol Reading Models for Tier II
- http//www.texasreading.org/utcrla/ U Texas,
Vaughn - http//www.fcrr.org/ Florida State Torgesen
- Reading five domains taught each day
- Direct instruction
- Weekly progress monitoring
- Individual graphs, progress against goals
referenced to benchmarks - Decisions determined by student response
- Fade Tier II and return to general education
- Consider Tier III based on insufficient response
99Graph Current Status
Words Correct Per Minute
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 12 14 16 18 20
100Determine Goal Class1.5 wd growth per week
Egbert Goal 2 wd growth per week
Words Correct Per Minute
Egbert goal line
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 12 14 16 18 20
101Monitor Egberts Progress Relative to Goal
Words Correct Per Minute
Egbert goal line
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 12 14 16 18 20
102Formative Evaluation Change Intervention
Change Intervention
Words Correct Per Minute
Egbert goal line
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 12 14 16 18 20
103Continue Intervention and Monitor Progress
Change Intervention
Words Correct Per Minute
Egbert goal line
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 12 14 16 18 20
104Raise Goal to 2.5 WCM Growth
Change Intervention
Change Goal
Words Correct Per Minute
Egbert goal line
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 12 14 16 18 20
105Continue Intervention and Monitor Progress
Change Intervention
Change Goal
Fade Tier II
Words Correct Per Minute
Egbert goal line
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 12 14 16 18 20
106Decisions Re Egbert
- Fade Tier II academic intervention
- Reduce number of weekly sessions
- Monitor progress to ensure continued progress
- Evaluate behavioral intervention (not shown here)
- Depending on results, consider enhancing, fading,
or discontinuing - Do NOT consider more intensive interventions
107Prevention of Special Education
- Presidents Commission (2002) Values and
Outcomes - Efficacy of special education is not universally
documentedlowered expectations, reduced academic
press - Later educational opportunities typically are
better if learning and behavior problems can be
resolved in early grades - Probable later career opportunities are better if
students can complete general education programs - Prevention and early intervention enhance
positive outcomes and expand educational and
career opportunities
108Case II Egberta, Academic Intervention
- Egberta (Egberts twin sister)
- Similar performance in reading
- No behavioral issues, described as quiet,
cooperative child who tries hard and does not
disrupt the class - Would not have been referred by teacher, but
discovered through universal screening
109Egberta Determine Goal Class1.5 wd growth per
week Egberta Goal 2 wd growth per week
Words Correct Per Minute
Egbert goal line
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 12 14 16 18 20
110Monitor Egbertas Progress Relative to Goal
Words Correct Per Minute
Egberta goal line
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 12 14 16 18 20
111Change Egbertas Intervention
Change Intervention
Words Correct Per Minute
Egberta goal line
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 12 14 16 18 20
112Implement Revised Intervention and Continue to
Monitor Progress
Change Intervention
Words Correct Per Minute
Egberta goal line
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 12 14 16 18 20
113Implement Second Intervention Revision
Change Intervention
Words Correct Per Minute
Egberta goal line
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 12 14 16 18 20
114Gap Not Closing Consider Eligibility and More
Intensive Interventions
Change Intervention
Class WCM54
Words Correct Per Minute
Egberta WCM32
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 12 14 16 18 20
115Egberta Consideration of Eligibility
- Levels Difference Large performance differences
compared to peers and benchmark expectations in
relevant domains of behavior - Rate Difference Large differences in rate of
learning compared to peers and trajectories
toward benchmark standards when provided with
high quality interventions implemented over a
significant period - Documented Adverse Impact on Education
- Documented Need for Special Education
- Exit Criteria
- Exclusion Factors Rule out MR etc.
116What is a Comprehensive Evaluation
- Note Federal Regulation,
- (g) The child is assessed in all areas related
to the suspected disability, including, if
appropriate, health, vision, hearing, social and
emotional status, general intelligence, academic
performance, communicative status, and motor
abilities. (34 C.F.R. 300.532 - Meaning? Note if appropriate
117Federal Requirements
- Multiple domains must be considered
- Screening in multiple domains followed by, if
appropriate, - If potential educationally related deficits are
suggested by screening, THEN - In depth assessment in the domain
- Principle If screening suggests adequate
functioning, then in depth assessment is wasteful
and irrelevant
118Comprehensive Evaluation After Tier II
119Comprehensive Evaluation After Tier II
120Comprehensive Evaluation Post Tier II
121Special Education Eligibility Determination Using
- Recall problems with current system
- Integrate identificaton with treatment
- Level of skills
- Pattern of skills, deficits and strengths
- Evaluation of progress
- Evaluation of outcomes
- Enhance effectiveness of special education
122Old Models of SLD Identification
- Problems with severe discrepancy criteria
- Unreliable (especially stability of discrepancy
scores) - Invalid (IQ discrepant poor readers do NOT
respond better than IQ non-discrepant poor
readers to reading instruction) - Causes Harm (Wait to Fail)
123Old Models of SLD continued
- Cognitive processing option ??
- Scatter is normal, virtually all children will
show significant strengths and weaknesses - Pattern of cognitive processes unrelated to
- More accurate SLD identification
- Improved instruction
- Improved child outcomes
- No scientifically-based studies showing benefits
of designing instruction from cognitive profiles - Vested interests? and Burden of proof
124Cognitive Processing Strengths and Weaknesses
- ALL children have strengths and weaknesses
- Normal readers? Not referred despite cognitive
strengths and weaknesses - Poor readers? May be referred and, if so,
cognitive strengths and weaknesses will be found - So what??
- Improve accuracy of identification?
- Improve interventions?
- Cash validity is not sufficient
125Cognitive Processing and Interventions ATI or
Matching Strengths Effects
- Treatment/Intervention Effect Size
- Modality Matched Instr. (Aud.) .03
- Modality Matched Instr. (Vis.) .04
- Simultaneous/Successive .??
- Right Brain/Left Brain .??
- Cultural Leaning Style .00
126Results of ATI Research
- King of England describing his Danish
brother-in-law There is nothing there. - Cronbach, (1975). Once we attend to
interactions, we enter a hall of mirrors that
extends to infinity. (p. 119) - Kavale (1999) No supportive data, but cannot kill
Phoenix-like processing claims - Vaughn and Linan-Thompson (2003), There is no
empirical support for the use of modality-matched
instruction or learning styles as a means to
enhance outcomes for students with LD. (p. 142).
127Challenge to Cognitive Processing Advocates in SLD
- Show the field one scientifically-based study
confirming a statistically significant
interaction between cognitive processing pattern
and teaching methodology OR - Document how cognitive processing can be used by
practitioners to make reliable and valid SLD
diagnoses, using the joint APA-AERA-NCME Test
128Digression Neuropsychology and Neuroscience
- Distinguish between neuropsychology and
neuroscience - Neuropsychology is dependent on psychometric
profiles - Difference scores are less reliable
- Scatter is normal
- Base rates for profile variations
- Flat profiles are atypical
- Nearly all have profile variations
129Neuroscience Findings
- Instruction in decoding changes brain functioning
on fMRI - Neuroscience findings generally refute
traditional neuropsychology with learning
problems - Neurological functioning more dynamic, less
static - Little practical application of fMRI to current
school psychology practice - No unique LD markers!!
130Digression fMRI Studies
- Science article fMRIs of boys and girls engaged
in decoding-Girls used both hemispheres, boys one - Implications??
- Do fMRI to find real LD?
- Abandon IQ and go to fMRIs
- Trade the hatchback for an 18 wheeler
- Cost issues 3m per machine, plus maintenance
131More fMRI Implications
- Delay reading until both hemispheres work for
males simultaneously - So that is going to happen?
- Equity issue---restrict girls to one hemisphere
hemispherectomy - Hey, fair is fair
- Improve male-female communication if females
could use only one hemisphere at a time - Wait until I tell Krisann
132Disproportionality Legal Requirements
- 300.173 Overidentification and
disproportionality - States must collect data on to determine if
significant disproportionality by race exists re - Identification of students with disabilities by
category - Placement options used, i.e., LRE profile
- Incidence and kind of disciplinary actions
including suspensions and expulsions
133Disproportionality Legal Requirements
- 300.173 Overidentification and
disproportionality continued - If significant disproportionality exists, the
state must - Review and, if appropriate, revise the policies,
procedures, and practices used in identification
or placement - Allocate 15 of IDEA funds to EIS, especially
focusing on children significantly overidentified - Require the LEA to publicly report on the
revision of policies, practices, and procedures
described under paragraph (b)(1) of this section.
134NRC Overrepresentation Panel Digression
- What were the real issues?
- Was IQ the issue?
- Did an IQ test ban resolve disproportionality or
improve outcomes - Reschly (1980) Right problem-Wrong Solution
135NRC Report Causes of Overrepresentation
- Biological factors
- Social factors
- General education experiences
- Special education system
136Centrality of Outcomes in Disproportionality
- Judge Peckham commenting on the 1979 Trial
Opinion ban on IQ tests, - clearly limited to the use of IQ tests in the
assessment and placement of African-American
students in dead end programs such as MMR.
(Crawford and Larry P., 1992, p. 15).
137Centrality of Outcomes in Disproportionality,
- Despite the Defendants attempts to
characterize the courts 1979 order as a
referendum on the discriminatory nature of IQ
testing, this courts review of the decision
reveals that the decision was largely concerned
with the harm to African-American children
resulting from improper placement in dead-end
educational programs. (Crawford and Larry P.,
1992, p.23).
138Overrepresentation PanelNRC Recommendations
- Universal early screening for academic and
behavioral problems (Ktg-Grade2) - Early identification-interventions
- Multi-tiered academic and behavioral
interventions - RtI for eligibility-eliminate IQ for LD
- Eligibility non-categorical for high incidence
disabilities OR change current classification
criteria for LD
139Overall Conclusion
There is substantial evidence with regard to
both behavior and achievement that early
identification and intervention is more effective
than later identification and intervention.
Executive Summary, p. 5 Efficacy of special
education with reading problems after grade 3?
140Solutions to Significant Disproportionality
- Prevention, especially improving reading
- 60 of 4th grade black students read below
basic inexcusable! - Eligibility determination procedures and decision
making - Focus on RTI and needs, consider alternatives to
sp ed - Intensive interventions and special education
exit for 20 to 40 - Torgesen et al. studies
141Overrepresentation PanelNRC Recommendations cont.
- . no IQ test would be required, and the results
of an IQ test would not be a primary criterion on
which eligibility rests. Because of the
irreducible importance of context in the
recognition and nurturance of achievement, the
committee regards the effort to assess students
decontextualized potential or ability as
inappropriate and scientifically invalid. (p.
142RTI in Special Education Programs
- Special education programs should be,
- Scientifically based
- Matched to student need
- Progress monitoring against goals (exit criteria)
- Formative evaluation
- Goal of passing benchmark tests, exiting
- Current special education programs????
143Special Education for Students with High
Incidence Disabilities
- High Incidence Disabilities
- Mild Mental Retardation
- Emotional Disturbance
- Specific Learning Disability
- Other Health Impaired-Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder - Rate is 1 or more of the general student
144High Incidence Disabilities
- School age identification
- Usually not identified as adults
- Teacher referral due to poor achievement plus,
for many, disruptive behavior - No identifiable biological anomaly, normal
appearance - Reading is a major concern for most (70-80)
145Improving IEPs
- Connect individual evaluation with IEP with
Special Education Interventions - Critical IEP Components (relevant to the
intervention) (not an exhaustive list) - Present Levels of Educational Performance
- Measurable Annual Goals
- Specifically designed instruction provided by
qualified personnel - Participation in the general education curriculum
and state wide assessments
146Present Levels of Educational Performance
- Must be related to the full and individual
evaluation - Desirable
- Stated in terms of the school curriculum
- Specification of gaps between current performance
and trajectories toward reaching benchmarks - Exit criteria for special education dismissal
147Measurable Annual Goals
- Goals are described in objective, measurable
terms - Goals are stated in terms of the general
education curriculum - Rate of progress specified, graphed
- Skills specified
- Progress compared to goals
- Interventions changed or goals changed depending
on progress
148Specially Designed Instruction
- Uniqueness of special education is NOT in
different methodologies BUT IS IN - Intensity, frequency of progress monitoring and
formative evaluation, precision of goals, and
specificity of instruction - Intensity involves time, group size
- Specificity of instruction, thoroughness of
skills specification, intentional teaching,
integration with other skills - Application of explicit, systematic instructional
149Special Education Final Remarks
- Special education can be effective
- Set of services brought to students, not a place
- Integrated with general education curriculum
- Strong accountability
- Implementation of scientifically based
interventions with - Specification of goals
- Frequent progress monitoring
- Formative evaluation
- Exit criteria
150Critical Skills/Competencies
- Problem solving-interviewing skills
- Behavior assessment including CBM
- Powerful instructional interventions
- Powerful behavior change interventions
- Relationship skills
- Tailoring assessment to referral concerns
151Continuing Education Problem solving and system
- Reschly, D. J., Tilly, W. D. III, Grimes, J. P.
(Eds.). (1999). Special education in transition
Functional assessment and noncategorical
programming. Longmont, CO Sopris West. - Bergan, J. R., Kratochwill, T. R. (1990).
Behavioral consultation and therapy. New York
Plenum. - Shinn, M. R. (Ed.). (1989). Curriculum-based
measurement Assessing special children. New
York Guilford Press.
152Continuing Education CBM, CBE, Behavioral
- Shinn, M. R. (Ed.) (1998). Advanced applications
of curriculum-based measurement New York
Guilford Press. - Shapiro, E. S. (Ed.) (1996). Academic skills
problems Direct assessment and intervention (2nd
Ed.). New York Guilford Press. - Shapiro, E. S., Kratochwill, T. R. (Eds.).
(2000). Behavioral assessment in schools