Title: Threlkeld Housing Association near Keswick
1Threlkeld Housing Association near Keswick
- Threlkeld Housing Association is actually a
small independent local trust, rather than a
Registered Social Landlord, which owns a
development of 14 homes. The homes were built in
1994 along with separate workshops on land
donated by ARC Ltd. The local manager wanted to
contribute something to the community due to the
company ending local quarrying operations on the
site. The company also provided a full time
manager for one year to help the community set
the scheme up and get it running. The properties
are all shared ownership jointly owned by the
occupants and the trust with the aim of providing
permanent locally affordable homes. Six of the
original purchasers are still resident, and there
have been no repossessions. All the re-sales have
gone through satisfactorily to people meeting the
local occupancy requirements so that the scheme
has been very successful. The Trust is aware that
the share offered for sale has crept up and may
have become too high to remain affordable to
local people, and is therefore considering how
the affordability might be improved for the
2Threlkeld Housing Association Rosemary Kemp,
3Threlkeld Housing Association
4Threlkeld Housing Association
5Threlkeld Housing Association
6Threlkeld Housing Association
7Threlkeld Housing Association
8Threlkeld Housing Association
9Threlkeld Housing Association