Title: A Reagan JROTC Year at a Glance
1- A Reagan JROTC Year at a Glance
2Junior Cadet Leadership Camp Camp Challenge
- Cadets selected for direct leadership positions
attend this 7 day camp immediately following the
end of the school year - It is a 24/7 experience in learning to follow
and learning to lead with many - physical challenges like orienteering and
3New Cadet Summer Drill
Summer drill is for new cadets and is always
scheduled for two weeks in July. Cadets are
introduced to drill, orienteering, rifle
marksmanship, rappelling, and a Leadership
Reaction Course. It is fun but not mandatory.
4Officer Mixer
Held the first Saturday of the new school year,
cadet officers from each of the 7 NEISD schools
come together for a night of dancing, games, and
team building. Each school is responsible for a
certain aspect of the mixer.
5Open School and Organize the Battalion
Cadets learn how to wear their uniform correctly
and with pride.
6Corps Picnic
Staff after a victory in kick ball.
Bravo Company reporting in.
The corps picnic is held the last Saturday in
September, it is a family event, with games that
include parents, younger brothers, sisters, and
of course, cadets.
Delta Company during tug-o-war.
7Skills Meets
A skills meet includes our drill teams, rifle
teams, color guards, and physical training teams.
We usually compete in at least 5 local skills
meets per year and one outside of San Antonio but
within the state of Texas.
8Military Ball
Rattler Guards tradition to sing to their dates.
Military Ball Court
Always held in February, this formal occasion is
run by cadets. Of course, the formal portion ends
no later than 830 PM followed with informal
activities such as dancing!
9Western Regions
In 2008, Rattler Guard placed first overall and
Diamondbacks placed third overall.
Our parents are a major factor in our success in
We have competed at Western Regions, also known
as Army Nationals, for the past 7 years. Since
our second competition one, or both, of our teams
have finished First or Second overall.
10National High School Drill Team Championships
Daytona Beach, Florida
Our drill teams have been a part of this
competition since 2002, only once have our teams
not placed in the top 10. It is held the first
weekend in May with teams from across the United
States, Germany, and Japan.
11Awards Banquet
This event recognizes the excellence of the
students in our program. Our Superior Cadets are
named along with the following year chain of
command. On the first Monday following the awards
ceremony, the new cadet chain of command begins
preparations for the new school year.