Title: Microsoft Publisher
1 Microsoft Publisher
Cancel the Catalog and Hide Wizard to reach
this screen
2Create Columns
From Arrange menu, choose Layout Guides
Boundaries and Guides
Set margins and number of columns
3Create Masthead
4Create Text Boxes
Click the Text Tool Button A
Drag mouse through area boundaries to desired size
5Insert Text File
You will probably want to create your text files
in your Word Processor where you have many more
editing features. Once text is created and
saved, the file can be inserted in
Publisher. Place your cursor in the desired
location. Then choose Insert Text File
6Autoflow Text Files to Fit Area
If your file does not fit in the specified Text
Box, Publisher will ask if you want to Autoflow
Say Yes to have the text flow into the next
Text Box
7Use Zoom
Simple edits can be performed in Publisher. See
the text easier by using Zoom
8Editing Tools
Familiar Edit Tools are on the Toolbar and on the
Format Menu
9Insert Clip Art
Use the clip art button on the Object Toolbar
Then Click the Insert Menu. Choose Picture, then
Clip Art
10Picture Editing Options
Choose Text Wrap, Fill and Outline Options from
the Picture Toolbar
This clip art is Text wrapped to the picture, is
filled with Red and has a gray outline