Title: Physical Soil Quality Indicators
1Physical Soil Quality Indicators
2Physical Soil Quality Indicators
- Soil Structure
- Aggregate Stability
- Bulk Density/Compaction
- Soil Pores
- Permeability
- Infiltration
- Surface Crusting
- Available Water Holding Capacity
3Soil Structure
- Definition
- The naturally occurring arrangement of soil
particles into secondary units or peds. - Why is it important?
- Infiltration/Permeability
- Soil Erosion
- Root penetration
- Others?
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Good Structure
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7Factors Influencing Soil Structure
- Surface development factors
- Biological activity
- Organic Matter
- Tillage
- Subsurface development factors
- Texture
- Shrink-swell, wetting drying cycles
- Others?
8Aggregate Stability
- Definition
- The ability of soil aggregates to resist
disruption. - Why is it important?
- Good Aggregate Stability reduces erosivity
- Facilitates water movement into and through soil
- Plant root growth
- Others?
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11Factors Influencing Aggregate Stability
- Organic Matter content
- Clay Content
- Tillage
- Others?
12Bulk Density/Compaction
- Definition
- Bulk Density is the weight of a given volume of
soil - Compaction is the reduction of pore space
- Why is it important?
- Root growth and development
- Water and air movement
- Others?
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15Compacted zone
16Soil Pores
- Definition
- Air or water filled voids in the soil.
- Why is it important?
- Infiltration
- Permeability
- Root Penetration
- Others?
45 Mineral
50 Pore Space
5 Organic
17Factors Influencing Soil Pores
- Tillage
- Compaction
- Plants and Animals
- Others?
18Soil at Bottom of Soil Core
Earthworm channels
18 Years No-till
Conventional Tillage
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21Water Movement Through Soil
22Soil Permeability
- Definition
- The ease with which fluids or gasses can flow
through soil. - Why is it important?
- Leaching of fertilizer or pesticides
- Slow permeability increases water erosion
- Water retention in structures (dam or pond)
- Others?
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25Factors Influencing Permeability
- Texture
- Compaction
- Porosity
- Structure
- Others?
- Definition
- The process of water entering the soil from the
surface. - Why is it important?
- Soil as storage medium for water
- Good infiltration reduces erosion, runoff, and
ponding. - Others?
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0.1 in/min
5 in/min
88 Water Stable Aggregates
35 Water Stable Aggregates
31Factors Influencing Infiltration
- Tillage and pore disruption
- Compaction
- Surface Crusting
- Biological Activity (earthworms, etc.)
- Soil structure
- Others?
32Earthworm Burrows
Middens piles of residue around the mouth of
earthworm burrows.
33Surface Crusting
- Definition
- Thin layer on the soil surface that restricts
water and air entry and seedling emergence. - Why is it important?
- Reduces infiltration
- Increases Runoff
- Others?
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37Factors Influencing Surface Crusting
- Organic Matter
- Residue Cover
- Aggregate Stability
- Rainfall Intensity
- Others?
38Available Water Capacity (AWC)
- Definition
- The amount of water that is between field
capacity and permanent wilting point. - Why is it important?
- Water supply for plants between each rainfall or
irrigation - Others?
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40Factors Influencing AWC
- Organic Matter
- Texture
- Bulk Density
- Others?
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