Title: Expert Group Meeting on Local Urban Observatory
1Expert Group Meeting on Local Urban Observatory
Gora Mboup, Ph.D. Chief Global Urban
Observatory Monitoring Research
- The United Nations Human Settlements Programme
(UN-HABITAT) is mandated by the United Nations
General Assembly to monitor and report on the
progress of the implementation of the Habitat
Agenda (HA). -
- In the aftermath of the Millennium Declaration
in September 2000, the Agency has the added
responsibility to report on the significant
improvement in the lives of slum dwellers,
Target 11, of the Millennium Declaration Goals
3Habitat Agenda has five chapters
- 1 Shelter
- 2 Social development
- 3 Environmental management
- 4 Economic development
- 5 Governance
20 key indicators 9 check-list 13
extensive indicators
4The Global Urban Indicators Database
- GUID 1
- 1993 data
- 46 key indicators
- 237 Cities
- GUID 2
- 1998 data
- 23 key indicators
- 242 Cities
A five year production cycle
- GUID 3
- 2003 data
- 20 key indicators
- 353 Cities
5Global sample of 360 cities Worldwide
representative 40 cities per UN region
Europe 40 cities
Other Developed 40 cities
Eastern Asia 40 cities
Asia Oceania 563 millions
South Eastern Asia 40 cities
Western Asia 40 cities
North Africa 40 cities
South Central Asia 40 cities
Latin America Caribbean 40 cities
Sub-Saharan Africa 40 cities
World 360 cities
6Global Urban Indicators
1. Promote the right to adequate housing 2.
Provide security of tenure 3. Provide equal
access to land 4. Promote equal access to
credit 5. Promote access to basic services
1 Shelter
Indicator 1. Durable Structures Indicator 2.
Overcrowding Qualitative data right to adequate
housing Extensive Indicator house price and rent
/ income
7Habitat Agenda Indicators
8Habitat Agenda Indicators
9Habitat Agenda Indicators
10Habitat Agenda Indicators
11Habitat Agenda Indicators
12 Millennium Development Goals Goal 7 Target 11
- By 2020, to have achieved a significant
improvement in the lives of at least 100 million
slum dwellers - In the aftermath of the Millennium Declaration
in September 2000, the Agency has the added
responsibility to report on the significant
improvement in the lives of slum dwellers,
Target 11, of the Millennium Declaration Goals
13Slum until 2002, no internationally agreed
definitions, concepts and method of computation
- Lack of slum definition and concepts
- Lack of slum data and indicators
- Not included in most MDG country report
14Expert Group meeting 2002
- UN-HABITAT organized a gathering of experts
and other stakeholders from around the globe, to
reach to an agreement on the universal definition
of secure tenure and slums, in Nairobi, 28-30
October 2002. The Expert Group Meeting (EGM) was
a major consensus building exercise on the
definition of security of tenure and slums, which
enabled, the measurable articulation of the
meta-global indicators, indicators and
sub-indicators of each concept -
15 Slum Household Indicators from the EGM
- A slum household is considered to be a group of
individuals living under the same roof that lack
one or more of the below conditions - Access to improved water
- Access to improved sanitation
- Access to secure tenure
- Durability of housing
- Sufficient living area
16Operational Definitions
- 2. Housing Durability Sufficient Living Area
3. Secure tenure
- Access to improved water
- Piped connection to house or plot
- Public stand pipe
- Bore hole-Protected dug well
- Protected spring
- Rain water collection
- Bottle water
- Housing durability
- Permanency of Structure
- Compliance of building codes
- Location of house (hazardous)
- Evidence of documentation that can be used as
proof of secure tenure status - Either de facto or perceived / protection from
forced evictions
Sufficient living area A house is considered to
provide a sufficient living area for the
household members if three or less people share
the same room.
- Access to adequate sanitation
- Direct connection to public sewer
- Direct connection to septic tank
- Poor flush latrine
- Ventilated improved pit latrine
- Pit latrine with slab
17What is measured?
- Four out of five of the slum definition
indicators measure physical expressions of slum
conditions lack of water, lack of sanitation,
overcrowded conditions, and non-durable housing
structures. These indicators focus attention on
the circumstances that surround slum life,
depicting deficiencies and casting poverty as an
attribute of the environments in which slum
dwellers live. The fifth indicator security of
tenure has to do with legality, which is not as
easy to measure or monitor, as the tenure status
of slum dwellers often depends on de facto or de
jure rights or lack of them. This indicator has
special relevance for measuring the denial and
violation of housing rights, as well as the
progressive fulfillment of these rights
18Methods and Primary Data Sources
- 1. Urban population
- World Urbanization Prospects The 2001 Revision
- 2. Water Sanitation
- WHO/UNICEF Water and Sanitation Assessment (JMP)
- Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS)
- Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS)
- Other household data (surveys or census)
- 3. Durability of Housing Sufficient Living Area
- DHS MICS or other household data (census or
survey) - UNSD Housing Statistics
- UN-Habitat Global Report on Human Settlements
- 4. Security of Tenure
- Insufficient data
Billion people
Urban slum population, estimated
Urban slum population, original target 11
Urban slum population, modified target 11
20Fine tuning in methods needed for assisting
national policies
- Countries differ vis a vis two aspects
- Magnitude of the problem proportion of slum
dwellers - Severity of problem, ie, the multitude of
deprivations in a country
21Magnitude severity of the slum problemand
policy implications (SSA)
22Magnitude severity of the slum problem and
policy implications (Asia)
23Magnitude severity of the slum problem and
policy implications (LAC)