Title: Random Errors Always Present''
1Random Errors Always Present..
- Necessary to analyze and obtain estimates of
their magnitude - Use statistical analysis! (Hence, the term
statistical error.) - Different results are obtained from one
measurement to the next - does a true value for
the measurement actually exist? - One approach - take large number of measurements,
use average - impractical in routine practice - How good is the result of a single measurement as
an estimate of the true value? - I.e. What is the
uncertainty of the result? - Need known frequency (or probability)
2Uncertainty, Probability, and StatisticsPart 2
- Probabilities
3Probability - the study of the chance that a
particular event or series of events will occur.
4Definition 1 Mathematical
- P(A) is a number obeying the Kolmogorov axioms
5Problem with Mathematical definition
- No information is conveyed by P(A)
6Definition 2 Classical
- The probability P(A) is a property of an object
that determines how often event A happens. - It is given by symmetry for equally-likely
outcomes - Outcomes not equally-likely are reduced to
equally-likely ones - Examples
- Tossing a coin
- P(H)1/2
- Throwing two dice
- P(8)5/36
7 Problems with the classical definition
- When are cases equally likely?
- If you toss two coins, are there 3 possible
outcomes or 4? - Can be handled
- How do you handle continuous variables?
- Split the triangle at random
- Cannot be handled
8Bertrands Paradox
- A jug contains 1 glassful of water and between 1
and 2 glasses of wine - Q What is the most probable winewater ratio?
- A Between 1 and 2 ?3/2
- Q What is the most probable waterwine ratio?
- A Between 1/1 and 1/2 ?3/4
- (3/2)?(3/4)-1
9Definition 3 Frequentist
- The probability P(A) is the large N limit
fraction of cases in which A is true (taken over
some ensemble)
The standard (frequentist) definition has an
interesting property (taught at school) - and an
interesting limitation not often taught at school
(Example - toss a coin)
10Problem (limitation) for the Frequentist
- P(A) depends on A and the ensemble
- Eg count 10 of a group of 30 with beards.
- P(beard)1/3
11Aside Consequences for Quantum Mechanics
- QM calculates probabilities
- Probabilities are not real they depend on the
process and the ensemble
PDG P(pp-)0.639 , P(np0)0.358
12Big problem for the Frequentist definition
Some events are unique. Consider It will
probably rain tomorrow. or even There is a
70 probability of rain tomorrow There is only
one tomorrow (Wednesday). There is NO ensemble.
P(rain) is either 0/1 0 or 1/1 1 Strict
frequentists cannot say 'It will probably rain
13Circumventing the problem
- A frequentist can say
- The statement It will rain tomorrow
- has a 70 probability of being true.
- by assembling an ensemble of
- statements and ascertaining that
- 70 are true.
- (E.g. Weather forecasts
- with a verified
- track record)
14But that doesnt always work
- Rain prediction in unfamiliar territory
- Higgs discovery
- Dark matter searches
15(No Transcript)
16Definition 4 Subjective (Bayesian)
- P(A) is your degree of belief in A
- You will accept a bet on A if the odds are better
than - 1-P to P
- A can be Anything
- Beards, Rain, particle decays, conjectures,
17Bayes Theorem Often used for subjective
- Conditional Probability P(AB)
- P(A B) P(B) P(AB)
- P(A B) P(A) P(BA)
- Example
- Wwhite jacket Bbald
- P(WB)(2/4)x(1/2)
- or (1/4)x(1/1)
- P(WB)
- 1 x (1/4) 1/2
- (2/4)
18Conclusion What is Probability?
- 4 ways to define it
- Mathematical
- Classical
- Frequentist
- Subjective
- Each has strong points and weak points
- None is universally applicable
- Be prepared to understand and use them all -