Title: Brady Bonds
1Brady Bonds
- Jose A. Boza
- David Marquez
- Elton Festari
- Rahul Bakshi
2Presentation Outline
- Brady Bond Introduction
- Citibank Requirements
- Mexican Bond Calculations
- Venezuela Bond Calculations
- Costa Rica Bond Calculations
- Country Risk Using Brady Bonds
- Recommendations
- Questions
3Brady Bonds
- Securities that have resulted from the exchange
of commercial bank loans, sometimes defaulted
loans, into new bonds. - Purpose To replace the sovereign debt of
developing countries (debt service reduction
agreement). - Par loans exchanged for fixed rate bonds,
issued with below-market interest rates (issued
at face value) - Discount floating rate bonds, issued with
market interest rates (issued below face value).
4Citibank Requirements
- Should company buy Mexican par or discount bonds?
- Should company buy Venezuelan par or discount
bonds? - Fair opening price for Costa Rican bonds
- Should Citibank sell its Mexican bonds in 1996?
- How can Citibank hedge its Mexican exposure?
5Mexico Bonds 1990 Issue
- Bond characteristics
- 30 year maturity
- 30-yr US treasury bond collateral for face value
- 3 coupon payments (18 months) collateral
6Mexico Bonds 1990 Issue
- Par bonds
- Fixed coupon of 6.25
- Discount bonds
- LIBOR plus 13/16
7Mexico Bond Calculations
- Data required
- YTM U.S. 7.925
- YTM Mexico 15
- LIBOR 8.5
- Default probability for Mexico 5.5
8Mexico Bond Calculations
9Mexico Bond Calculations
- Discount bond NPV
- P 51.77
- Recommendation
- Buy Par bonds.
10Venezuela Bonds 1990 Issue
- Bond characteristics
- 30 year maturity
- 30-yr US treasury bond collateral for face value
- 2.3 (14 months) coupon payments collateral
11Venezuela Bonds 1990 Issue
- Par bonds
- Fixed coupon of 6.75
- Discount bonds
- LIBOR plus 13/16
12Venezuela Bond Calculations
- Data required.
- YTM U.S. 7.925
- YTM Venezuela 14
- LIBOR 8.5
- Default probability Venezuela 5
13Venezuela Bond Calculations
14Venezuela Bond Calculations
- Discount bond NPV
- P 52.06
- Recommendation
- Buy Par Bonds.
15Costa Rica Bonds 1990 Issue
- Bond characteristics Principal Series A
- 20 year maturity
- No collateral for face value
- 3 coupon payments collateral
16Costa Rica Bond Calculations
- Data required.
- YTM U.S. 7
- YTM Costa Rica 12.5
- Default probability Costa Rica 5
17Costa Rica Bond Calculations
181996 Sell Mexican Bonds?
- Ability to sell at 71.50
- Valuation (NPV) at 58.69
- D (1 ytm) / ytm - (1 ytm) yrs (i -
ytm) / i (1 ytm) yrs - 1 i - Duration Less than 6 years (5.93)
- Duration the average (cash-weighted)
term-to-maturity of a bond. - Yes, sell.
19Mexican Par Bonds Useful Diversification Tool?
- US Rate DVBP The price rise (fall) of the bond
for a 100 basis point shift downward in the US
yield curve. - DVBP for Mexican Par Bonds 8.48
- High negative correlation b/t US and Mexican Par
Brady Bonds - Yes, good diversification tool.
20Method to Determine Country Risk
- State Variable Provides an estimate of country
risk embedded in the bond higher state value,
the lower risk of the bond. - State Variable for Mexican Brady Bonds - .001210.
- SD .11895 (relatively high)
- YTM(Brady Bond) YTM(Risk Free) Country Risk
21Hedging USD 600 Million of Mexican Brady par Bonds
- Options
- Put Options on Mexican Stock Exchange
- Put Options on CMEs options for Mexican par
Brady Bonds
22Forward Looking Mexicos Country Risk
- Mexico has industries growing in TeleCom and
Media - Growing correlation with US Economy
- Some political risks with upcoming elections in
2002 - Ability for economic growth in 2002 and 2003
- Retiring Brady Bonds and replacing with US 1.5bn
30-yr bond at 9 (frees up US Treasury assets
held by Mexico)