Title: Antennas and Antenna Arrays
1Chapter 10
- Antennas and Antenna Arrays
210-1 Overview
- Antenna structures designed for radiating and
receiving electromagnetic energy effectively in a
prescribed manner. - Antenna array a number of antennas arranged
together to obtain directivity and other
desirable properties. - Procedure for determining radiation
characteristics of an antenna - Determine the magnetic potential A. The phasor
retarded vector magnetic potential
3Overview (continued)
- where is the
wavenumber. - Find the magnetic field intensity H from A.
- Find the electric field intensity E from H with
J0 in space. - After knowing E and H, all other radiation
characteristics of the antenna can be determined.
410-2 The Elemental Electric Dipole
- Hertzian dipole a very short (compared to the
operating wavelength), thin, conducting wire of
5The Elemental Electric Dipole (continued)
- The radiation characteristics of a Hertzian
dipole that carries a time-harmonic current - Step 1 Find the phasor representation of the
retarded vector potential A. - From Eq. (10-1)
- where
- since
6The Elemental Electric Dipole (continued)
- the spherical components of
are - Step 2 Find H from A.
7The Elemental Electric Dipole (continued)
- Step 3 Find E from H.
- which gives
- where
8The Elemental Electric Dipole (continued)
- Far field (radiation field) the field at
distances very far from the antenna (
). - Far fields of a Hertzian dipole
- The other field components can be neglected.
910-3 Antenna Patterns and Directivity
- Radiation pattern of an antenna (antenna pattern)
the graph that describes the relative far-zone
field strength versus direction at a fixed
distance from an antenna. - E-plane pattern the magnitude of the normalized
field strength (with respect to the peak value)
versus for a constant - H-plane pattern the magnitude of the normalized
field strength versus for -
10Example 10-1
- Plot the E-plane and H-plane radiation patterns
of a Hertzian dipole. - Since in the far zone are
proportional to each other, we need only consider
the normalized magnitude of - E-plane pattern (Fig. 10-2(a)) from Eq. (10-10)
- , which represents a pair of circles.
- H-plane pattern Fig. 10-2(b))
11Example 10-1 (continued)
12Antenna Patterns and Directivity (continued)
- Radiation intensity, U the time-average power
per unit solid angle (SI unit watt per
steradian (W/sr)). - The total time-average power radiated
- where is the differential solid angle
- Directive gain of an antenna pattern the ratio
of the radiation intensity in the direction
to the average radiation intensity
13Antenna Patterns and Directivity (continued)
- The directive gain of an isotropic or
omnidirectional antenna (an antenna that radiates
uniformly in all directions) unity. - Antenna directivity, D the maximum directive
gain of an antenna, the ratio of the maximum
radiation intensity to the average radiation
intensity. - Calculating directivity from far-zone electric
field intensity
14Example 10-2
- Find the directive gain and the directivity of a
Hertzian dipole. - The magnitude of the time-average Poynting vector
- From Eqs. (10-9), (10-10), and (10-12),
- Directive gain
15Example 10-2 (continued)
- Directivity (the maximum value of )
- which corresponds to
16Antenna Patterns and Directivity (continued)
- Power gain (gain), of an antenna referred
to an isotropic source the ratio of its maximum
radiation intensity to the radiation intensity of
a lossless isotropic source with the same power
input. - Ohmic power loss, radiated power, total
input power, - Power gain of an antenna
- Radiation efficiency ratio of the power gain to
the directivity of an antenna
17Antenna Patterns and Directivity (continued)
- The efficiency of well-constructed antenna very
close to 100. - Antenna radiation resistance the value of
hypothetical resistance that would dissipate an
amount of power equal to the radiated power
when the current in the resistance is equal to
the maximum current along the antenna. - A high radiation resistance is a desirable
property for an antenna.
18Example 10-3
- Find the radiation resistance of a Hertzian
dipole. - Assuming no ohmic losses, the time-average power
radiated by a Herztian dipole - Using the far-zone fields in Eqs. (10-9) and
(10-10) with a current amplitude
19Example 10-3 (continued)
- Equating radiation resistance
- If is only about 0.08 , an
extremely small value.
20Example 10-4
- Find the radiation efficiency of an isolated
Hertzian dipole made of a metal wire of radius a,
length d, and conductivity - Amplitude of current I, loss resistance of the
wire dipole , radiation resistance - Ohmic power loss
- Radiated power
21Example 10-4 (continued)
- Radiation efficiency
- Loss resistance of the metal wire in terms of the
surface resistance - where
22Example 10-4 (continued)
- The radiation efficiency of an isolated Hertzian
dipole - Assume that
- We find that
23Example 10-4 (continued)
- and
- which is very low.
- Smaller values of and lower
the radiation efficiency.
2410-4 Thin Linear Antenna
- Linear dipole antenna centered thin straight
antenna having a length comparable to a
wavelength (Fig. 10-3).
25Thin Linear Antenna (continued)
- The current phasor
- The far-field contribution from the differential
current element - In the far zone,
26Thin Linear Antenna (continued)
- Using Eqs. (10-32) and (10-34) in Eq. (10-33),
- The integrand containing the product of two even
functions of z, - yields a
nonzero value. - Equation (10-35) then reduces to
27Thin Linear Antenna (continued)
- where
- The factor E-plane pattern function
(Fig. 10-4).
2810-4.1 The Half-Wave Dipole
- Half-wave dipole length
- With the pattern
function (Fig. 10-4(a)) - A maximum unity at nulls at
- The far-zone field phasors
29The Half-Wave Dipole (continued)
- The magnitude of the time-average Poynting vector
- The total power radiated by a half-wave dipole
- The integral in Eq. (10-41) evaluated numerically
1.218. - Hence
30The Half-Wave Dipole (continued)
- The radiation resistance of a free-standing
half-wave dipole - Maximum radiation intensity
- The directivity of a half-wave dipoles
- which corresponds to
referring to an omnidirectional radiator.
31Example 10-5
- A thin quarter-wavelength vertical antenna over a
perfectly conducting ground is excited by a
time-harmonic source at its base. Find its
radiation pattern, radiation resistance, and
directivity. - The method of images replace the conducting
ground by the image of the vertical antenna (Fig.
10-5(b)). - The quarter-wave vertical antenna in Fig. 10-5(a)
(quarter-wave monopole) the half-wave antenna
in Fig. 10-5(b). - The pattern function applies here for
32Example 10-5 (continued)
- The radiation pattern drawn in dashed lines in
Fig. 10-5(b) the upper half of that in Fig.
10-4(a). - The total radiated power is only one-half that
given in Eq. (10-42) - The radiation resistance
- Directivity the same as the directivity of a
half-wave antenna.
33Example 10-5 (continued)
3410-5 Antenna Arrays
- Antenna arrays A group of several antenna
elements in various configurations (straight
lines, circles, triangles, and so on) with proper
amplitude and phase relations to give certain
desired radiation characteristics.
3510-5.1 Two-Element Arrays
- The antennas are excited with a current of the
same amplitude, but the phase in antenna 1 leads
that in antenna 0 by an angle - Far-zone field phasors at point
- where is the pattern function of
the individual antennas, and is an
amplitude function. - The electric field of the two-element array
36Two-Element Arrays (continued)
- In the far-zone
- Thus
- where
- The magnitude of the electric field of the array
- where element factor
normalized array factor.
37Two-Element Arrays (continued)
- The element factor the magnitude of the pattern
function of the individual radiating elements. - The array factor depends on array geometry as
well as on the relative amplitudes and phases of
the excitations in the elements. - Principle of pattern multiplication the pattern
function of an array of identical elements is
described by the product of the element factor
and the array factor.
38Example 10-6
- Plot the H-plane radiation patterns of two
parallel dipoles for the following cases - In the H-plane (Fig. 10-6), the dipole is
omnidirectional, and the normalized pattern
function is equal to the normalized array factor - Thus
- a)
39Example 10-6 (continued)
- Broadside array (Fig. 10-7(a)) the pattern has
its maximum at - Their electric fields add in the broadside
direction and cancel each other at - b)
- which has maximum at and vanishes at
- The pattern maximum (Fig. 10-7(b)) in a
direction along the line of array (endfire
40Example 10-6 (continued)
41Example 10-7
- Discuss radiation pattern of a linear array of
the three isotropic sources spaces apart.
The excitations in the sources are in-phase and
have amplitude ratios 121. - This three-source array two two-element arrays
displaced - (Fig. 10-8).
42Example 10-7 (continued)
- By the principle of pattern multiplication we
obtain - The radiation pattern is sketched in Fig. 10-9
43Binomial Arrays
- In a binomial array of N elements, the array
factor is a binomial function and
the excitation amplitudes vary according to the
coefficients of a binomial coefficients - To obtain a directive pattern without sidelobes,
d in a binomial array is normally restricted to
4410-5.2 General Uniform Linear Array
- Uniform linear array an array of more than two
identical antennas equally spaced along a
straight line which is fed with currents of equal
magnitude and a uniform progressive phase shift
along the line (Fig. 10-10).
45General Uniform Linear Array (continued)
- The normalized array factor in the xy-plane
- where
- Array factor of an N-element uniform linear array
- Several significant properties
46General Uniform Linear Array (continued)
- Main-beam direction. The maximum value of
occurs when or when - which leads to
- Two special cases
- a) Broadside array. Maximum radiation
occurs at a direction perpendicular to the line
of the array - All the elements in a linear broadside
array should be excited in phase. - b) Endfire array. Maximum radiation occurs
47General Uniform Linear Array (continued)
- Phased arrays antenna arrays equipped
with phase shifters to steer the main beam
electronically. - Sidelobe locations. Sidelobes minor maxima that
occurs approximately when the numerator on the
right side of Eq. (10-60) is a maximum when
or when -
- The first sidelobe occurs when
48General Uniform Linear Array (continued)
- First sidelobe level. The amplitude of the first
sidelobes - down
from the principal maximum which is almost
independent of N as long as N is large. - Tapering excitation amplitudes reduces array
49Example 10-8
- For a five-element uniform linear array with
spacing, find the width of the main beam for
(a) broadside operation, and (b) endfire
operation. - The width of the main beam the region of the
pattern between the first nulls on either side of
the direction of maximum radiation. - The first nulls of the array pattern occur at
that makes (see Eq. 10-60)
50Example 10-8 (continued)
- For this example,
- a) Broadside operation.
At first nulls, - b) endfire operation.
At first nulls,
51Example 10-8 (continued)
- Width of main beam of endfire array is wider than
that of the corresponding broadside array. - A typical graph of the normalized array factor in
Eq. (10-60) (Fig. 10-11 for N5) a rectangular
plot of - The different transformations in Eqs. (10-64a)
and (10-64b) lead to different array patterns
versus for the same array factor.
52Normalized Array Factor of a Five-Element Uniform
Linear Array
5310.6 Effective Area and Backscatter Cross Section
- Reciprocity relations for antenna in transmitting
and receiving modes. - The equivalent generator impedance of an antenna
in the receiving mode is equal to the input
impedance of the antenna in the transmitting
mode, and - The directional pattern of an antenna for
reception is identical with that for
transmission. - Approximate Thevenins equivalent circuit at the
receiving end (Fig. 10-12), where the
open-circuit voltage induced, equivalent
generator impedance in the receiving mode,
load impedance.
54Effective Area and Backscatter Cross Section
5510-6.1 Effective Area
- Effective area of a receiving antenna the ratio
of the average power delivered to a matched load
to the time-average power density of the incident
electromagnetic wave at the antenna. - Under matched conditions,
- Neglecting losses, the antenna input impedance in
the transmitting mode -
- where denotes the radiation resistance.
56Effective Area (continued)
- The average power delivered to the matched load
- The time-average power density at the receiving
site - where denote the amplitude of the
electric field intensity at the receiving antenna.
57Example 10-9
- Determine the effective area, of an
elemental electric dipole of a length
used to receive an incident plane electromagnetic
wave of wavelength Assume that the dipole
axis makes an angle with the direction of the
incident electromagnetic wave. - The induced open-circuit voltage
- The radiation resistance of the elemental
electric dipole
58Example 10-9 (continued)
- The average power delivered to the matched load
- Effective area of Hertzian dipole
59Effective Area (continued)
- The directive gain of a Hertzian dipole
- Relation between effective area and directive
gain of an antenna - The above equation holds for any antenna.
6010-6.2 Backscatter Cross Section
- Backscatter cross section (radar cross section)
of an object the equivalent area that would
intercept that amount of incident power in order
to produce the same scattered power density at
the receiver site if the object scattered
uniformly (isotropically) in all direction. - Let
- Then
61Backscatter Cross Section (continued)
- The backscatter cross section is a measure of the
detectability of the object (target) by radar
(radio detection and ranging) hence the term
radar cross section. - It is a composite measure, depending on the
geometry, orientation, constitutive parameters
and surface conditions of the object, and on the
frequency and polarization of the incident wave
in a complicated way.
6210-7 Friis Transmission Formula and Radar Equation
- The average power density at antenna 2 at a
distance r away - where is the total power radiated by
antenna 1 having a directive gain - A received power in a matched load if antenna
2 has an effective area
63Friis Transmission Formula and Radar Equation
- Friis transmission formula the relation in Eq.
(10-79). - Alternative form of Friis transmission formula
- A radar system uses the same antenna for
transmitting short pulses of time-harmonic
radiation and for receiving the energy scattered
back from a target (Fig. 10-13).
64Friis Transmission Formula and Radar Equation
65Friis Transmission Formula and Radar Equation
- The power density at a target at a distance r
away - The received power
- By using Eq. (10-75), the radar equation
66Friis Transmission Formula and Radar Equation
- Alternative form of radar equation
- Geosynchronous satellites the satellites appear
to be stationary with respect to the earths
surface (geostationary). - The radius of geosynchronous orbit 42,300 (km)
(about 36,000 (km) from the earths surface). - Signals are transmitted from a high-gain antenna
at an earth station toward a satellite, which
receives the signals, amplifies them, and
retransmits them back toward the earth station at
a different frequency.
67Example 10-10
- An microwave link is to be established over a
distance of 10 miles at 300 (MHz) by using two
identical parabolic reflectors, each having a
directive gain of 30 (dB). The transmitting
antenna radiates a power of 500 (W). Neglecting
losses, find (a) the power received, and (b) the
magnitude of electric field intensity at the
receiving antenna. - a)
- Using Eq. (10-80), we have
68Example 10-10 (continued)
- b) From Eqs. (10-77) and (10-69),
- Thus,
69Example 10-11
- Assume that 50 (kW) is fed into the antenna of a
radar system operating at 3 (GHz). The antenna
has an effective area of 4 and a radiation
efficiency of 90. The minimum detectable signal
power (over noise inherent in the receiving
system and from environment) is 1.5 (pW), and the
power reflection coefficient for the antenna on
receiving is 0.05. Determine the maximum usable
range of the radar for detecting a target with a
backscatter cross section of 1 - At
70Example 10-11 (continued)