Title: Rehabilitation of Finger Extension in Chronic Hemiplegia
1Rehabilitation of Finger Extension in Chronic
- Derek G. Kamper1,2
- Robert V. Kenyon1,3
- William Z. Rymer1,2
Erik Cruz1 Xun Luo3 Heidi Waldinger1
1Sensory Motor Performance Program 2Northwestern
University 3University of Illinois at Chicago
Friedland, F., Physical Therapy, in Stroke and
its Rehabilitation
Limited finger extension is the most common
chronic motor impairment following stroke
(Trombly, 1989).
Isometric extensor weakness
11 stroke subjects, 5 control subjects
Yet, extensor activity is present
Attempted voluntary isometric extension
Attempted voluntary isometric flexion
Suggestion that treatment can alter cortical and
peripheral activation
Constraint-induced use (Liepert et al., 1998
Voluntary wrist extension in CP subject prior to
NMES therapy
Voluntary wrist extension in CP subject after
NMES therapy
6Aim Develop rehabilitation devices for hand
- Assist extension only
- Externally actuated
- Lightweight
- Safe
- Provide feedback of assistance
- Adaptable to assist individuated finger movements
7Subject population
- Chronic hemiplegia following stroke (gt 9 months)
- Stage 2 or 3 for hand on Chedoke-McMaster scale
(lt 50 full finger extension) - Absence of visuoperceptual disturbance
- Absence of fixed contracture
- Capacity to provide informed consent
8Design of development activities
Body-powered orthosis
- Cable-driven
- Biscapular abduction/ shoulder flexion produce
finger extension - Figure 8 harness
- Force transducer measures assistance
9Design of development activities
Current glove design
Zipper across palm for ease of donning
Cable housing sewn into dorsal side
10Design of development activities
- Translation of cable housing
- Stiffness of PIP joint
- leads to hyperextension of DIP and MCP
- Cumbersome forearm cuff
11Design of development activities
Pneumatically-powered hand
12Design of development activities
- Thrice weekly for 8 weeks
- Virtual targets
- Feedback of assistance level
- Glasstron head-mounted display
- CAVElibrary
- Use see-through VR to visualize object and hand
- GUI for therapist select object type and size
13Design of development activities
Efficacy testing
Free movement (CyberGlove)
14Design of development activities
Efficacy testing
Isometric and isokinetic (servomotor)