Title: Observerbased fault detection and isolation
1Observer-based fault detection and isolation
- Michel Kinnaert
- Dpt of Control Engineering and System Analysis
- Université libre de Bruxelles
- Michel.Kinnaert_at_ulb.ac.be
- Introduction and motivation
- Notion of redundancy
- Structure of an FDI system
- Preliminaries on geometric system theory
- Residual generation for linear systems
- Residual generation for nonlinear systems
- Decision system
- Conclusion
3Introduction Motivation (1)
- Notion of fault
- Event that modifies the operation of the process
in such a way that its performance is degraded
and/or its missions cannot be achieved - Classical monitoring system
- Comparison of measured signals to fixed
thresholds and/or tests on the gradient of the
signals - Alarm operator chooses synoptic with detailed
information on the signal ? action to be
4Introduction Motivation (2)
- Detection of important faults (not incipient
faults ) - Little help to analyse the origin of the faults
- System for fault detection and isolation
- Improved decision help for the operator
- Incipient faults
- Predictive maintenance
- Automatic controller reconfiguration
- (autonomous system)
5Introduction Motivation (3)
- Consequences
- Less unexpected process shutdowns
- Higher product quality
- Reduction of maintenance costs
- Improved compliance with environmental
- Introduction and motivation
- Notion of redundancy
- Structure of an FDI system
- Preliminaries on geometric system theory
- Residual generation for linear systems
- Residual generation for nonlinear systems
- Decision system
- Conclusion
7Notion of redundancy
- Material redundancy
- drawbacks cost, space,
- safety critical applications (nuclear,
aeronautics, ) - Analytical redundancy
- Check compatibility between different types of
measurements and a mathematical model of the
supervised process
- Introduction and motivation
- Notion of redundancy
- Structure of an FDI system
- Preliminaries on geometric system theory
- Residual generation for linear systems
- Residual generation for nonlinear systems
- Decision system
- Conclusion
9Structure of an FDI system
- Introduction and motivation
- Notion of redundancy
- Structure of an FDI system
- Preliminaries on geometric system theory
- Residual generation for linear systems
- Residual generation for nonlinear systems
- Decision system
- Conclusion
11Preliminaries on geometric system theory (1)
(Wonham, 1985)
- A-invariant subspace
- Definition
- Interpretation for a dynamical system
- Examples 0, , the subspaces generated by
the eigenvectors of A - The intersection and the sum of two A-invariant
subspaces is A-invariant -
12Preliminaries on geometric system theory (1bis)
- Change of coordinates xTz such that Z is the set
of vectors of the form -
13Preliminaries on geometric system theory (2)
14Preliminaries on geometric system theory (3)
- Change of coordinate exhibiting unobservable
state variables -
15Preliminaries on geometric system theory (3)
16Preliminaries on geometric system theory (4)
- Set of all (C,A)-invariant subspaces containing a
- given subspace V
17Preliminaries on geometric system theory (5)
- (C,A)-unobservability subspace
18Preliminaries on geometric system theory (6)
19Preliminaries on geometric system theory (7)
- Observation space and observability rank
condition for bilinear system -
20Preliminaries on geometric system theory (8)
21Preliminaries on geometric system theory (9)
- Kabore, 1998Hammouri et al.,2001De Persis et
al., 2000 - (C,A)-invariant subspace
- Define
22Preliminaries on geometric system theory (10)
- Set of all (C,A)-invariant subspaces containing a
- given subspace V
23Preliminaries on geometric system theory (11)
24Preliminaries on geometric system theory (12)
25Preliminaries on geometric system theory (13)
- Generalization to control affine nonlinear
systems of the form
(h, )-invariant coditribution Observability
codistribution (De Persis and Isidori, 2001)
- Introduction and motivation
- Notion of redundancy
- Structure of an FDI system
- Preliminaries on geometric system theory
- Residual generation for linear systems
- Residual generation for nonlinear systems
- Decision system
- Conclusion
27Linear Systems - Model of faulty system
- Linear state space model
- Additive faults
- Examples
- Actuator faults EB, G0
- Sensor faults E0, GI
- Multiplicative faults
- Changes in the entries of A, B, C f0 (not
considered - here)
28Linear systems Basic principle of observer
based residual generation(1)
- Process model
- Luenberger observer
- State estimation error
Supervised system
State observer
Estimated state
29Linear systems Basic principle of observer
based residual generation(2)
- Output estimation error
- Generally does not decay to zero in the presence
of a fault or at least exhibits significant
transient upon occurrence of a fault -
- can be used as a residual vector
30Linear systems Basic principle of observer
based residual generation(3)
- Structured residuals
- Coding set
- Incidence matrix
31Linear systems Basic principle of observer
based residual generation(4)
- - No need to estimate the whole state vector
- - Assure sensitivity to certain faults and
unsensitivity to others - Fundamental problem of residual generation
32Linear systems Statement of FPRG (1)
- Supervised system
- Fundamental problem of residual generation (FPRG)
- Determine a filter of the form
- Such that 1) when , as
for all u and d - 2) when , r is affected by the
33Linear systems - Statement of FPRG (2)
- Concatenation of supervised system and filter
34Linear systems Existence of a solution to FPRG
- Equivalent necessary and sufficient conditions
for the existence of a solution to FPRG
(Massoumnia et al.,1989 Isidori et al., 2000)
f scalar - 1)
- 2) Existence of suitable changes of
- coordinates on the state space and the
output - space
- 3)
35Linear systems - Existence of a solution to FPRG
- 2) Existence of suitable changes of coordinates
on the state space the output space
36Linear systems - Existence of a solution to FPRG
37Linear systems Design of residual generator (1)
38Linear systems Design of residual generator (2)
39Linear systems Design of residual generator (3)
- 3) Design a Luenberger observer for system
- (Eq1), (Eq2) residual output estimation
error - Remark Steps 1 and 2 ? extraction of an
observable - subsystem which is not directly affected by the
unknown - Inputs (d only enters in the equations via y).
- Introduction and motivation
- Notion of redundancy
- Structure of an FDI system
- Preliminaries on geometric system theory
- Residual generation for linear systems
- Residual generation for nonlinear systems
- Decision system
- Conclusion
41Nonlinear system - sensor faults (1)
- Dedicated observer scheme
- Model of the class of processes
- f(t) sensor fault (bias, drift, )
- Assume that an exponential observer can be
constructed for each single output
42Nonlinear system - sensor faults (2)
- Structure of the
- dedicated observer
- scheme
43Nonlinear system - sensor faults (3)
44Bilinear system Model Class
45Bilinear system - Residual generation
- Considered structure for residual generator
46Bilinear system Statement of BFPRG(1)
- BFPRG for system (bil1), (bil2)
- Consider the concatenated system (bil1)-(bil5)
- (input u,d,f state x, xr,g output r)
- Determine a filter of the form (bil3)-(bil5) for
- which there exists a subset U of the set of
- admissible inputs s.t.
- when f0, r is not affected by d and it
asymptotically decays to zero for all u in U and
for all initial conditions - r is affected by f
47Bilinear system Statement of BFPRG (2)
- Definition
- The output y of
48Bilinear system Existence of a solution to
- Equivalent necessary and sufficient conditions
for - the existence of a solution to BFPRG (Hammouri et
al., - 2001 Kinnaert, 1999)
- 1)
- 2) Existence of suitable changes of coordinates
on the state space and the output space - 3) Existence of a solution to a set of algebraic
equations observability condition
49Bilinear system Existence of a solution to
- Remark1) Condition (1) written for ,
see - (Hammouri et al., 2001) for
- 2) In comparison with linear case,
- convergence of residual only for a particular
- class of inputs
- 3) Solution for a linear time invariant
- residual generator up to output injection, see
- (Yu and Shields, 1996)
50Bilinear systems Design of residual generator
51Bilinear systems Design of residual generator
52Bilinear systems Design of residual generator
53Comparison linear/ bilinear (1)
- Simulation study
- -Control levels
- in tanks R1 and
- R3 by acting on
- speed of pump
- P1 and aperture
- of valve V5
- -Faults
- 1)Leak in tank R1
- 2)Clog in branch P2
- 3)Bias on level in R3
54Comparison linear/ bilinear (2)
- Linearized model obtained by computing
analytically linear model around set point - Bilinear model obtained by least square
identification from data resulting from the
complete nonlinear simulator - Synthesis of linear and bilinear FDI systems for
detection and isolation of the three faults - Illustration with residual sensitive to fault 3
55Comparison linear/ bilinear (3)
Measured inputs
Measured outputs
Residuals obtained from linear model and
bilinear model
56Bilinear system stochastic framework (1)
- Kinnaert and El Bahir (2000)
- Similar model as above but discrete time and with
measurement and process noise (Gaussian white
noise) - Extracted subsystem independent of unknown input
can be seen as a linear time-varying system up to
output injection - Kalman filter
- Residual innovation of Kalman filter
57Bilinear system stochastic framework (2)
- Form of the residual
- Distribution of the residual
58Control affine nonlinear systems (1)
- Process model
- NLFPRG stated as a generalization of FPRG and
BFPRG - (De Persi and Isidori, 2001) Resort to notion of
observability - codistribution to extract a subsystem not
directly affected - by d. Extra hypotheses needed to assure the
existence of - an asymptotic observer for that system
- (Hammouri et al. 1999a,b) Less general
transformation for the - extraction of a subsystem not directly affected
by d, but - guarantee of existence of high gain observer for
that - subsystem
59Control affine nonlinear systems (2)
- An example of a design by inspection
- Fault detection and isolation in a hydraulic
system (Hammouri et al., 1999b) - Aim detect and isolate the following two faults
- - drop of the spool control force
- - increase in the internal leakage of the piston
60Control affine nonlinear systems (3)
- Schematic of the hydraulic system
61Control affine nonlinear systems (4)
- State space model of the hydraulic system
62Control affine nonlinear systems (5)
63Control affine nonlinear systems (6)
- Residual generator to detect fault 2
- Consider the last three equations of the model
with - and measurement equation
64Control affine nonlinear systems (7)
65Control affine nonlinear systems (8)
- Simulation results
- Residual as a function of time
- Fault 1 step-like fault between t10s and t20s
- Fault 2 step-like fault between t30s and t40s
- Introduction and motivation
- Notion of redundancy
- Structure of an FDI system
- Preliminaries on geometric system theory
- Residual generation for linear systems
- Residual generation for nonlinear systems
- Decision system
- Conclusion
67Decision system Deterministic framework
- Compare absolute value of the residual to a
fixed threshold - Compare integral of the absolute value (or the
square) of the residual over a moving window to a
fixed threshold - Time varying threshold to handle modelling
uncertainties (Emami-Naeini et al., 1998) -
68Decision system Stochastic framework (1)
- Use on-line algorithm to detect changes in
- the mean of the residual
- 1) cumulative sum algorithm
- 2) generalized likelihood ratio algorithm
- Algorithms based on the log-likelihood ratio
- of the residual under fault-free and faulty
situations (Basseville and Nikiforov, 1993
Blanke et al., 2006)
69Decision system Syochastic framework (2)
- Principle of CUSUM algorithm
- Log-likelihood ratio
- Fundamental property
70Decision system Stochastic framework (3)
Decision function
Alarm time
- Introduction and motivation
- Notion of redundancy
- Structure of an FDI system
- Preliminaries on geometric system theory
- Residual generation for linear systems
- Residual generation for nonlinear systems
- Decision system
- Conclusion
72Conclusion (1)
- Fundamental problem of residual generation solved
for different classes of nonlinear system - Resort to geometric system theory and nonlinear
observers - Related problem dealing with multiplicative
faults ? adaptive observer approach, - asymptotic local approach
- (Zhang et al., 1994)
73Conclusion (2)
- Open issue proper handling of modelling
uncertainties in a nonlinear framework - Most work for linear systems Fault detection
problem stated as an optimization problem to
achieve trade-off between sensitivity to fault
and insensitivity to unknown inputs - Observer with disturbance attenuation (Besançon,
2003), Bayesian approach (particle filter), set
membership approach.
74Conclusion (3)
- Towards fault tolerant control
- Design of FDI system and reconfiguration
mechanism to assure specified closed-loop
performance - Interplay between FDI and reconfiguration
75Conclusion (4)
- Multi-controller scheme
- How many controllers to reach a specific
performance level - Proper handling of modelling uncertainties
- Keep in mind physical nature of faults
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