Title: Introduction to ECommerce
1Introduction to E-Commerce
- Dr. Panagiotis Kanellis
- Arthur Andersen, Business Consulting
- Email panagiotis.kanellis_at_gr.arthurandersen.com
- Evangelia Kopanaki
- National and Kapodistrian University of Athens,
Dept of Informatics - Email evik_at_di.uoa.gr
2- In the latest of a string of bad news for ONLINE
RETAILERS, Amazon.com reported its biggest-ever
net loss, of 323m, in the fourth quarter of
1999 for the year as a whole, its net loss was
720m - -The Economist, February 4 2000
3What is E-Commerce?
- The Electronic Support of one or more phases of
a commercial transaction - OR electronic buying selling
- Electronic Commerce is a way to improve the
exchange of goods, services, information, and
knowledge between organizations through the use
of networked enabled technologies. - Source Electronic Commerce A Firmwide
Perspective - San Jose, July 98
4- Business-to-Consumer
- E-Commerce A Critical Analysis
5Business-to-Customer E-Commerce
- Involves
- Electronic Retailing
- Home Banking
- On-line Banking
- On-line advertising and marketing
- Stock Brokerage
- On-line publishing (electronic books
and newspapers) - Virtual Universities
- Video-on-demand
6Retailing over the Web Promises
- Attractive new medium
- Low cost compared to physical shops
- Savings can be passed on to consumers as
discounts - Convenient for customers and vendors
- User friendly
- Global Market just a click away
7Buying a shirt
Source Wigand, R.T. and Benjamin, R.I. (1999)
8Success Stories
- Amazon.com online book sales
- virtual shelves hold 2.5m books
- Airline tickets (EasyJet)
- disintermediation of travel agents
- Music CDs (CDNow)
- IT products (Dell and Compaq)
- Supermarkets (Tesco and Walmart)
9The Transaction Cycle
- Information
- company and product
- marketing, public relations, advertising
- detailed catalogue with prices
- Order and Payment
- Delivery
- After sales service
10Electronic Catalogues
- A Seller wants
- fast updates
- marketing capabilities
- to attract new customers
- to capture customer information
- integration with internal systems
- payment, distribution
- A Buyer wants
- search capabilities
- shopping basket
- order payment
- personalization
- special offers
- relevant information on
- product features
- availability, delivery time
11Strange Behaviour
- Considerable investment in web sites
- Soaring stock prices for Internet firms
- Little evidence of profitability
- 75 of E-Commerce initiatives fail
- Little sign of global e-commerce or e-cash
- Failure of electronic malls
12Cant judge a book by its cover
- Infinite no. of web sites
- overload
- many poorly designed and structured
- poor quality/out of date information
- good sites are costly to develop and maintain
- Infinite no. of users
- but how many are frequent and expert buyers
- affluent American male surfers are not buyers
- Sellers use customer preferences for targeted
marketing - Customers broadcast desired product requirements
allowing different vendors to offer bids - Problems of getting customers to the site
- Limitation of Web search engines
- Privacy Issues
- Difficulty in locating and comparing stores
- Assumes Web expertise
- Issues of trust
14Promotion and Advertising
- Revenue opportunity from advertising
- Facilitates joint promotions
- But
- Web discounts and special offers (fairly
uncommon) - Has yet to mature
- New medium constrained by size of screen
- Need careful design
15Products Information
- Offers detailed up-to-date information
- on a wide range of products
- fast updates
- personalization
- But
- Poor product coverage
- Customer cannot interact with product
- Little product Information
- Needs search engine/careful structuring
16Online Ordering Remains Rare
- Fast, global, 24-hour service
- Potential to provide help with product selection
and ordering, service information, auctions,
shopping basket - But
- No help with product selection
- Long load times
- Remains rare in practice
- inappropriate for some industries
- problems with international trading
- lacks personal touch
17Online Settlement
- Advantages of immediate payment and
- availability of terms and conditions
- widespread availability of credit cards
- possibility of online distribution
- But
- Suffers from
- security worries
- inappropriate payment systems
- Like ordering, still uncommon
18After Sales Service
- Opportunity to capture customer information and
provide value-added services - Opportunity for push marketing for new
products and upgrades - FAQs and feedback forms common
- But
- User profiling and user groups rare
- Need to address privacy issues
19Ease of Use
- An attractive site is likely to gain customers
- a poorly designed site will damage a firms
reputation and sales - Need for multiple languages
- Navigation problems, navigation guidance
- Need for Information
- Problems of screen limitations, excessive
graphics, inconsistent design - Trade off simplicity vs. functionality
20Need to Understand Shopping
- As a leisure activity
- As a social/family activity
- Provides exercise and sensory stimulation
- Provides status and authority
- personal service and haggling
- Provides opportunity to examine goods
- Part of identity construction
21Shopping in Greece
- Greece is suburban people live near shops
- Shopping areas and centres are safe
- Local phone calls are not free
- Perceptions of conventional mail order
- if goods are not in the shops, they are faulty
22Retailing Reconsidered
- Instead of a huge open global retail market, the
Web is more likely to emphasise - Information provision
- Niche markets
- Private Networks (intranets/extranets)
- wholesale collaboration
- New (information-based) products
23 Business-to-Business E-Commerce and the Wired
24Issues to Address
- What are the IOS? Where did they come from?
- What are the underlying technological
requirements? - Internet-EDI Vs VAN-EDI
- Organisational, Interorganisational, Managerial
25Interorganisational Information Systems (IOS)
- Information systems that cross organisational
boundaries - A computer-based Information System that
facilitates the exchange of information
electronically using telecommunications between
different organisations computer systems. - They include all aspects of using networked
computers for business purposes including office
automation, electronic mail, corporate intranets,
extranets, Web and EDI systems for document
exchange and purchasing
26Changing Business Environment
- Complex turbulent business environment
- Increased Competition, Change and Uncertainty
- Organisational Responses
- cost reduction
- core competency/outsourcing
- improved logistics
- improved quality customer service
- improved flexibility and speed of response
27Changing Technological Environment
- Improved standardized ICT
- Cheaper, deregulated telecommunications
- (Internet, ISDN, Cable TV, wireless)
- Growth in organisational IS
- experience and maturity
- Changing role of IS
- more strategic and infrastructural
- IS for coordination
- CSCW (Computer Supportive Co-operative Work)
email Video-conferencing
28Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
- The electronic interchange of formatted data
between computer applications using agreed
message standards - Preceded Web-based Electronic Commerce
- Is appropriate for the exchange of structured
business documents - orders, invoices, delivery notes
- Links suppliers, customers and banks
- Organizations
- e.g. trading partners, suppliers
- (Reliable 3rd-party) networks (VANs)
- Software
- EDI translator
- bridging message passing security
- store forward / store collect?batch
- Message standards
- formats product codes
30Paper-based processes...
Notify Manufacturer
Data Entry - order
Notify Customer
Data Entry - invoice
32Tactical Benefits
- Improved Communication
- speed accuracy
- Cost savings
- stock reduction
- decrease co-ordination costs relatively cheap
transmission - no rekeying less paper-handling fewer errors
- Improve customer service
- Reduce cycle times
- Increase responsiveness to customers
33Strategic Benefits
- Improved trading relationships
- vehicle for collaboration
- Improved logistics
- JIT (Just-In-Time Manufacturing)
- QR (Quick Response)
- ECR (Efficient Consumer Response)
- Competitive gains
34Internal Problems
- Slow growth of international standards
- Proliferation of competing standards
- Problems of integration with the internal
processes/systems - Incompatibility of different VANs
- Reorganization of processes
35Interorganisational Problems
- Impacts trading relationships
- Interdependence and domination
- hub-and-spoke arrangements
- EDI becomes a requirement to trade
- Inequitable sharing of costs and benefits
- Hubs gain more than spokes
- Initiators of the IOS project ( or powerful
organisations) gain more than non-initiators (or
smaller trading partners) - Little chance of sustainable advantage
36Coercion through Fordnet
- Ford locked their suppliers into a proprietary
network - expensive, inconvenient, no supplier influence
- Produced a coercive trading relationship whereby
Ford tried to extend their computer systems into
suppliers premises - Fordnet chrystalised power imbalance
- This is not sustainable, since Ford changes to
37Tescos use of EDI
- Very competitive market
- price, quality, service range
- Hub spoke network with suppliers
- Exclusion of small suppliers, unable to
implement EDI - Growth by message type
- suppliers stock availability self billing etc.
- Considerable efficiency gains
- Closer relationship with suppliers
38Small Businesses (SMEs) EDI
- SMEs traditionally lack
- expertise to set up and use technology
- expertise to realize the benefits of integration
- the necessary capital for equipment
- the market power to set favorable standards
- enough willing partners
- normally remain the spokes
39The use of the Internet in B2B E-commerce (1)
- Low cost of installation
- Public network provides ubiquitous access
- Platform independent
- Facilitates inter-organisational transactions
that are not EDI-based - Enables small suppliers to participate in
business transactions - Problems
- Security and Reliability
- Does not provide VANs services
40The use of the Internet in B2B E-commerce (2)
- Internet-based EDI
- VAN providers are now offering Internet-based
services - Suppliers use the Web to access information
provided by their customers - not EDI-based
communication - XML Vs EDI
41TESCOs Internet-based information Exchange
- TESCOs ECR trial beginning of 1998
- The TESCOs Internet-based Information Exchange
- shares electronic point of sale data, as well as
stock, promotions and new product information
with suppliers. - Suppliers may also gain access to a directory of
stores, people and news and can give feedback. - TESCO monitors the performance of suppliers.
- TESCO offers interchange links to smaller
suppliers -
- After 2 years 60m pounds have already been saved
by improving replenishment through better
42SMEs Internet/Web
- Internet/Web offers
- expanded market coverage/market share
- access to information, ideas and RD
- facilitation of collaboration
- time cost efficiency
- cheap technology public open standards
- opportunity for creativity
- mechanism for implementing EDI
43Dangers of the Internet for SMEs
- SMEs still lack
- the design, marketing and technical skills needed
to implement and operate an effective web site - the management skills required
- the credibility of a household name
- Internet only delivers a limited market
- Much depends on the industry context
44Putting It All Together
- Difficult global socio-political environment
- Business challenges
- Strategic Response
- IOS management methodologies
- Organisational change
- The important issues are not only technological
but also (inter)organisational, managerial and
45Key Managerial Issues
- How could an organization transform its
structure and processes so as to function more
effectively in the e-conomy? - How does an organization creates and maximizes
value in the e-conomy? - How should we build and manage the
organizational IT infrastructure for the
46Organizational Transformation
47In Summary
- Reengineer your company
- Reexamine your old business model
- The buyer always wins
- Hold your customers hand
- Consider outsourcing
- No web site is an island
- Create an online sense of community
Source Business Week