Title: Task Force on Indicators and Reporting
1Task Force on Indicators and Reporting
2Basic principles for target setting (1)
- A target can be many things gt flexibility to
adapt to country needs - Development of a law, monitoring programme, water
management plans, introduction of a new approach - Institutional framework
- Capacity building or a study
- Social and economic issues
- National / local / pilot projects
- Specific parameter
- gt But in all cases it must be possible to assess
3Basic principles for target setting (2)
- Need for a holistic approach gt importance of the
process - Need to promote harmonization
- Need to have a meaningful reporting system that
allows building a coherent picture for the whole
4Guidelines approach
- For most areas illustrate options for target
setting non-comprehensive but useful shopping
list - For few core areas common indicators which
become part of the reporting system - gtIs it useful/agreeable?
- gtDo we need definitions, standards?
- gt Which can be core common indicators?
5Consequences for reporting
6Quality of drinking-water (Art 6(2)(a))
- Percentage of samples that fails to meet the
standards for - E. coli
- All water intended for drinking not detectable
in any 100 ml - Treated water entering the distribution system
not detectable in any 100-ml sample - Treated water in the distribution system not
detectable in any 100-ml sample - Enterococci
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Ref. GDWQ Vol 3 pp. 143, 288, 238
7Quality of drinking-water (Art 6(2)(a)) chemical
- Percentage of samples that fails to meet chemical
water quality - Countries to decide in accordance with local
needs (Fe, Pb, Cu, NO3/As) - Not weighted, but by water supplier
- Quality at tap
- Ten core parameters from amongst Annex 1 Part B
of the DWD
GDWQ , Chemical safety of drinking-water
8Reduction of the scale of water-related disease
(Art 6(2)(b))
9Reduction of the scale of water-related disease
(Art 6(2)(b))
- Incidence I rate at which new events occur in a
certain population during a defined time period - Number of new events in spec. period/
- Number of persons exposed during that period
- Prevalence P number of cases in a defined
population at a particular point in time - Number of people with the disease at spec.
time - Number of people in the pop at risk at the
spec. time
Bonita, Beaglehole, Kjellstrom Basic epidemiology
WHO Geneva
10Reduction of the scale of water-related disease
(Art 6(2)(b))
- Outbreak
- Two people experience similar illness after
exposure to water and health - Problems remain with case definitions, clinical
analytical capacity etc
11Access to drinking water (Art 6(2)(c))
- Percentage of population with access to safe
drinking water connected to a public supply
according to WatSan_Ex1 - Percentage of population with access to an
improved drinking water source - Focus on rural areas / sparsely populated areas
- Social/affordability issues
12Access to sanitation (Art 6(2)(d))
- Access to improved sanitation (JMP)
- Percentage of population served by sewerage
connections and wastewater treatment plants
(primary, secondary and tertiary treatment) - WatSan_P1
- Focus on rural area / small settlements
13Levels of performance of collective and other
systems for water-supply (Art 6(2)(e)) -
- Water production m3/y
- Water consumption m3/y
- Continuity of supply (hrs of pressure)
- Rate of failure of legally residual chlorine at
point of consumption (where required) - Main failures
- Water losses per connection (m/conn/y)
14Levels of performance of collective and other
systems of water-supply (Art 6(2)(e)) -
- Energy efficiency (mWh/m3 produced)
- Unit cost of water to supplier
15Levels of performance of collective and other
systems of sanitation (Art 6(2)(f)) - operations
- Volume of wastewater produced
- Volume of wastewater collected
- Volume of wastewater treated
- Pump failures (hrs out of service/time unit)
16Levels of performance of collective and other
systems of water-supply (Art 6(2)(f)) - sanitation
- Energy efficiency (mWh/m3 treated)
- Unit cost of wastewater treatment to water user
17Good management practice water supply (Art 6 (2)
- National percentage of water production utilities
with established and enforced protection zones - National percentage of water production utilities
with recognized certification (ISO 900 quality
man, ISO 14000 env man, ISO 22000 Food safety
man, WSP) - National percentage of water production utilities
with accreditation to national accreditation
18Good management practice sanitation (Art 6(2)(f))
- Individual utility
- Annual mean removal (BOD/N/P)
- Effluent quality target exceedance
- Sludge production (m3 sludge/ m3 wwater)
- Sludge treatment (tonnes/y/treatment method)
19Good management practice sanitation (Art 6(2)(f))
- National level
- Number of existing wwtp ( load in pop eq/y)
- Number of operational wwtp (with load)
- Number of planned wwtp
- (with load and year of start up)
- Number of wwtp slated for upgrade (with load)
- Number of dysfunctional wwtp (w/ design load)
20Untreated wastewater(Art 6(2)(g)(i))
- of wastewater that is not collected
- of collected wastewater that is not treated
- of collected wastewater that undergoes only
primary treatment
21Untreated storm water overflows(Art 6(2)(g)(ii))
- Capacity of sewage collection and treatment
plants to cope with stormwater overflow - dry weather flow vs storm water flow
- storage capacity for storm water runoff
- total number of storm overflows per year
- Change from combined to separate sewerage systems
(pop served)
22Quality of discharges of waste water Art 6 (2)(h))
- Non compliance with limit concentrations
(domestic / industrial waster water) - Health indicators (faecal coliforms, pathogens)
- Quantity of dangerous substance released
- Permit system for discharges / quality control
23Disposal or reuse of sewage sludge (Art 6(2)(i)
first part)
- Basic statistics
- Production (tonne/y or tonne/m3 treated)
- Treatment means
- Disposal of raw sludge
- Disposal of treated sludge
- (nature, agriculture, reused inside and outside
the plant) - Cases of non compliance
24Quality of waste water used for irrigation
purposes (Art 6(2)(i) second part)
- Agriculture
- E. coli per 100 ml per area of activity
- Helminth eggs per litre per area of activity
- Aquaculture protection of workers and local
communities - E. coli per 100 ml
- Viable trematode eggs per litre
WHO Guidelines for the safe use of wastewater,
excreta and greywater Vol. 1 Policy and
regulatory aspects p 33
25Quality of waters used as sources for drinking
water (Art 6(2)(j) first part)
- Relevant obligations
- EU Water Framework Directive (art. 7(1)
- Repelled EU Abstraction Directive (75/440/EEC)
- EU Ground Water Directive 2006/118/EC
26Quality of waters used for bathing (Art 6(2)(j)
second part)
- Microbial quality values
- Based on 95th percentile value of intestinal
enterococci / 100 ml and taking into account
local conditions
WHO (2003) Guidelines for safe recreational water
environment Vol 1 Coastal and Freshwater WHO
Geneva pp 70
27Enclosed bathing waters (Art 6(2)(k))
WHO (2006) Guidelines for safe recreational water
environments Vol 2 WHO Geneva
28Quality of waters for aquaculture or production
of shellfish ((Art 6(2)(j)))
- EU shellfish (and fish) directive 79/923/EEC and
2006/44/EEC set standards and requires monitoring
for salinity, temperature, DO, As, Cd.. - Existence of targets and parameters for waters
used for aquaculture or for the production or
harvesting shellfish depending on national
situation - physical parameters
- biological parameters
- chemical parameters
- Compliance with these standards
- Risk- approach data on outbreak of
shellfish-related diseases - Other food-related legislation 854/2004,
853/2004 etc.
29Identification and remediation of contaminated
sites (Art 6 (2) (l))
- Inventory
- Risk assessment (only related to risk of
water-related disease? - Remediative action taken ( of sites)
30Effectiveness of management of water resources
(Art 6 (2) (m))
- Process related targets
- Enabling conditions (laws, regulations,
transboundary agreements) - Institutional measures (RBO)
- Management instruments (river basin management
plans) - Cross-cutting issues (financing, public
involvement, education, training)
31Effectiveness of management of water resources
(Art 6 (2) (m))
- Quality and quantity aspects
- Based on national classification systems / good
status - Focus on specific pollutants (pesticides)
- Population living under water scarcity
- Water exploitation index (national / river basin)
- Abstraction of water for domestic needs per person
32Frequency of publication of information on
quality of drinking water and other waters (Art 6
(2) (n))
- Any period up to three years (art 7 (2))
- Other reporting obligations