Title: Today in Astronomy 241: the Sun
1Today in Astronomy 241 the Sun
- Todays reading Carroll and Ostlie Ch. 11, on
- The Suns interior
- The Suns atmosphere
- The Suns interior and atmosphere, according to
StatStar and the linear stellar model - The Sun, in visible light (top, R. Gendler) and
neutrinos (bottom, R. Svoboda and K. Gordan, LSU,
with Super Kamiokande). Not on the same scale,
2The Suns interior
- Central conditions, according to accurate models
(tested with helioseismology) - Outer 29 by radius is convective convection
zone extends all the way to the base of the
photosphere (this also known from
Hydrogen already substantially depleted!
3The Suns interior (continued)
4Suns interior (continued)
5Suns interior 1H, 3He, 4He abundances
6Recall the pp chain for understanding
distribution of H, He isotopes
- PP I for example (70 of pp chain reactions)
From Chaisson and McMillan, Astronomy Today
7Suns density and enclosed mass profile
8Convection condition in solar interior
9The Sun is pretty close to static
Carroll and Ostlie figure 11.2
10The StatStar Solar interior
11StatStar vs. Linear Stellar Model
12The Solar atmosphere
- Base of photosphere granulation from top of
convection cells - Photosphere
- T 5500 K, Frauenhofer absorption-line spectrum
continuum opacity dominated by H-. - Chromosphere
- increasing temperature, higher excitation
species, emission lines. - Corona
- very high temperatures and low density, very high
excitation ions, forbidden emission lines.
13Problems left over from last class
- Continuing the development of the linear stellar
modelUse the ideal gas law to get the
temperature as a function of radius, and the
central temperature. Note that - Assume that radiative energy transport dominates,
and that a Kramers law can be used for the
opacity, to obtain an expression for dT/dr.
Evaluate it at r R/2. - Then produce an expression for dT/dr from the
result of problem C, similarly evaluated at r
14Todays in-class problems
- Set equal the results from problems D and E, and
obtain an expression for the luminosity generated
within r R/2 which, because of the strong
temperature dependence of energy generation,
should be equal to the total luminosity of the
star. - Finally, use the luminosity to obtain an
expression for the stars effective temperature,
in terms of its mass and radius.
15Todays in-class problems (continued)
- Here are the answers, in convenient units
- A.
- B.
16Todays in-class problems (continued)
17Todays in-class problems (continued)