Title: Ten Years of ANREP
1Ten Years of ANREP
Association of Natural Resource Extension
- Ben Jackson
- President-Elect
- October 2005
2History Highlights
Association of Natural Resource Extension
- Founded in 1995
- Official bylaws developed in 1996
- Permanent home assigned to UGA in 1997
- Held first biennial conference in 1998 -
Minnesota (200 participants) - Awards program developed in 1999
3History Highlights
Association of Natural Resource Extension
- Held second conference in 2000 - Nevada (300
participants) - Joined JCEP in 2001
- Membership on ECOP Budget and Legislative
Committee - Held third conference in 2002 - Florida (250
4History Highlights
Association of Natural Resource Extension
- Participated in Galaxy III in 2003 - Salt Lake
City - Held 4th conference in 2004 - West Virginia (230
participants) - Created two liaison positions in Washington, DC
to focus increased funding for RREA - Added member to the JOE editorial board
5Association of Natural Resource Extension
Poster Sessions
Field Trips
2 0 0 2
Food and Fun
6Association of Natural Resource Extension
2 0 0 4
7Our Objectives
Association of Natural Resource Extension
- To bring together forest, wildlife, fisheries,
water, range, and recreation resource extension
professionals to discuss natural resource issues,
needs and opportunities of mutual interest and
to facilitate information sharing - To promote cooperation on natural resource issues
and educational and training efforts between the
various states and regions, as well as between
governmental agencies, private natural resources
groups, related industries and other natural
resource professionals
8Our Objectives
Association of Natural Resource Extension
- To discuss, develop, sponsor, and promote
educational and training programs and activities
which will advance the practice of natural
resource management - To provide support and promote activities and
programs at the national level that advance
natural resource management, education, training,
and diversity in the work force - To advance the professional status of natural
resource extension professionals (NREPs) by
encouraging professional self-improvement - To strengthen communication with Extension
9Other Relevant Facts
Association of Natural Resource Extension
- Governed by an Executive Council of President,
Past-President, President-Elect, Secretary,
Treasurer and four Regional Representatives - Committees include Awards, Communications,
Resolutions/Policy, Biennial Conference,
Strategic Planning, Membership, Professional and
Leadership Development, etc. - Membership as of 10/01/05 of 536 members
- Wide diversity of members (discipline,
geographic, gender, county-state, scope)
102005 Executive Council
Association of Natural Resource Extension
- President Janean Creighton, University of
Arkansas at Monticello - President-Elect Ben Jackson, University of
Georgia - Past-President Scott Reed, Oregon State
University - Secretary Andy Londo, Mississippi State
University - Treasurer Deborah Hill, University of Kentucky
- Northeast Rep Nick Polanin, Rutgers University
- Southern Rep Marella Crane, University of
Florida - North Central Rep Mike Reichenbach, University
of Minnesota - Northwest Rep James Reeb, Oregon State
University - Executive Secretary Bill Hubbard, Southern
112003-05 Accomplishments
Association of Natural Resource Extension
- Committee structure improved and enhanced.
- Awards Program continued
- Regional leadership meeting planned with other
JCEP partners - Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Ohio and New York on
board as State Chapters - PILD Galaxy planned with other JCEP partners
12IdahoIdaho Association of Natural Resources and
Community Development Extension Professionals
Association of Natural Resource Extension
132003-05 Accomplishments
Association of Natural Resource Extension
- State champions effort revitalized.
- Completed 2004 ANREP conference in West Virginia
and planned 2006 ANREP conference in Utah - Arrangement with ECOP Forestry Liaison Team and
USDA CSREES to contract with a specialist to work
on natural resources education legislative
issues. - Representative on Journal of Extension Editorial
Board - www.anrep.org updated
14Of Special Note!The 2005 Awards Program
Association of Natural Resource Extension
- Promotional materials
- Short publication
- Long publication
- Newsletter
- Newspaper series
- Slide set/computerized graphics presentation
- Radio
- Video/video disk
- Television/video-conference
- Computer software application
- Webpage
- Mixed media
- Innovative program
152006 Plans
Association of Natural Resource Extension
- Four regional JCEP leadership meetings in
February - Public Issues Leadership Development (PILD)
Conference - April 21-24, Washington, DC - Annual meeting May 14-17, Park City, UT
- Membership recruitment/retention initiative.
- Improved communications and benefits
- Assist states with developing chapters
16Website Improvements
Association of Natural Resource Extension
- Executive Committee meeting minutes posted
regularly - Awards information up-to-date
- Upcoming events
- State partner links
- Materials to support local ANREP events
17Searchable and printable online membership
Association of Natural Resource Extension
18Website Improvements
Association of Natural Resource Extension
- Can search by
- Name
- Discipline
- State
- Region
- Committee membership
- Officer membership
- State champions
19Enhanced Search Capacities
Association of Natural Resource Extension
- Executive Committee meeting minutes posted
regularly - Awards information up-to-date
- Upcoming events
- State partner links
- Materials to support local ANREP events
20For More Information!
Association of Natural Resource Extension
- Website address www.anrep.org
- Email addresses anrep_at_charter.net, anrep_at_uga.edu
- Listserv anrepnet_at_listserv.uga.edu
- Contact Bill Hubbard, whubbard_at_uga.edu, (706)
21Some of My Goals for 2006
Association of Natural Resource Extension
- Allow Student Members
- Attract International Members
- Establish Sponsorships for Monetary Awards
- Establish Financial Foundation for Scholarhsips
- Provide More Leadership Development Opportunities
- Maintain and Increase Subject-Matter Diversity
- Create How-We-Did-It Fact Sheets
Association of Natural Resource Extension
23NACDEP Goals
- To discuss issues, needs, and opportunities and
facilitate information sharing - To promote cooperation on community development
issues and educational and training efforts - To promote educational and training programs and
activities that advance sound community
development practices. - To provide support and promote activities and
programs at the national level
24NACDEP Goals (contd)
- To advance the professional status of community
and economic development extension professionals - To strengthen communication with Extension
administration. - To see expanded investments in applied social
science research that is critical to the
generation of knowledge - To promote the importance of community and
economic development through education, advocacy,
and coordination within the land grant system
(ECOP) ECOP is an elected committee which
represents the 57 state and territorial
cooperative extension systems in policy
decisions, and provides nationwide program and
organizational leadership. Structurally, ECOP
works through the Association, in concert with
the USDA's Cooperative State Research, Education,
and Extension Service (CSREES) to initiate
strategic planning and identify nationwide issues
that lead to program and budget priorities. It
represents the states and territories in
legislative matters before Congress and develops
and maintains linkages and supportive
relationships with other national organizations
and associations.