Title: Scientific Data Management: From Data Integration to Analytical Pipelines
1 Scientific Data Management From Data
Integration to Analytical Pipelines
Bertram Ludäscher ludaesch_at_sdsc.edu
- Knowledge-Based Information System
- San Diego Supercomputer Center
- University of California, San Diego
- Data Integration for Scientific Data
- Difference to conventional data integration
- Need for mediators KR
- gt semantic (model-based) mediation
- Demo Ontology-enabled geologic map integration
- Scientific Workflows and Analytical Pipelines
- Business WFs vs. Scientific WFs
- Example SciWF (promoter-identification) and
critique - General requirements
- National Science Foundation (NSF)
- www.nsf.gov
- GEOsciences Network (NSF)
- www.geongrid.org
- Biomedical Informatics Research Network (NIH)
- www.nbirn.net
- Science Environment for Ecological Knowledge
(NSF) - seek.ecoinformatics.org
- Scientific Data Management Center (DOE)
- sdm.lbl.gov/sdmcenter/
4An Online Shoppers Information Integration
El Cheapo Where can I get the cheapest copy
(including shipping cost) of Wittgensteins
Tractatus Logicus-Philosophicus within a week?
One-World Scenario XML-based mediator
Mediator (virtual DB) (vs. Datawarehouse)
5A Home Buyers Information Integration Problem
What houses for sale under 500k have at least 2
bathrooms, 2 bedrooms, a nearby school ranking
in the upper third, in a neighborhood with
below-average crime rate and diverse population?
Multiple-Worlds Mediation
6Some BIRNing Data Integration Questions
Biomedical Informatics Research
Network http//nbirn.net
- Data Integration Approaches
- Lets just share data, e.g., link everything from
a web page! - ... or better put everything into an relational
or XML database - ... and do remote access using the Grid
- ... or just use Web services!
- Nice try. But
- Find the files where the amygdala was
segmented. - Which other structures were segmented in the
same files? - Did the volume of any of those structures differ
much from normal? - What is the cerebellar distribution of rat
proteins with more than 70 homology with human
NCS-1? Any structure specificity? How about other
7A Neuroscientists Information Integration Problem
Biomedical Informatics Research
Network http//nbirn.net
What is the cerebellar distribution of rat
proteins with more than 70 homology with human
NCS-1? Any structure specificity? How about other
Complex Multiple-Worlds Mediation
8Information Integration Challenges
Heterogeneities S4...
- System Aspects
- platforms, devices, distribution, APIs,
protocols, - Syntaxes
- heterogeneous data formats (one for each tool
...) - Structures
- heterogeneous schemas (one for each DB ...)
- heterogeneous data models (RDBs, ORDBs, OODBs,
XMLDBs, flat files, ) - Semantics
- unclear hidden semantics e.g., incoherent
terminology, multiple taxonomies, implicit
assumptions, ...
9Information Integration Challenges
- System aspects Grid Middleware
- distributed data computing
- Web Services, WSDL/SOAP, OGSA,
- sources functions, files, data sets,
- Syntax Structure
- (XML-Based) Data Mediators
- wrapping, restructuring
- (XML) queries and views
- sources (XML) databases
- Semantics
- Model-Based/Semantic Mediators
- conceptual models and declarative views
- Knowledge Representation ontologies, description
logics (RDF(S),OWL ...) - sources knowledge bases (DBCMsICs)
10Information Integration from a DB Perspective
- Information Integration Problem
- Given data sources S1, ..., Sk (DBMS, web sites,
...) and user questions Q1,..., Qn that can be
answered using the Si - Find the answers to Q1, ..., Qn
- The Database Perspective source database
- Si has a schema (relational, XML, OO, ...)
- Si can be queried
- define virtual (or materialized) integrated
views V over S1 ,..., Sk using database
query languages (SQL, XQuery,...) - questions become queries Qi against V(S1,..., Sk)
11Standard (XML-Based) Mediator Architecture
(XML) View
(XML) View
(XML) View
wrappers implemented as web services
12Scientific Data Integration ... Questions to
Queries ...
What is the distribution and U/ Pb zircon ages of
A-type plutons in VA? How about their 3-D
geometry ? How does it relate to host rock
Complex Multiple-Worlds Mediation
GeoPhysical (gravity contours)
Geologic Map (Virginia)
GeoChronologic (Concordia)
Foliation Map (structure DB)
13Towards Shared Conceptualizations Data
Contextualization via Concept Spaces
14Rock Classification Ontology
15Some enabling operations on ontology data
- Concept expansion
- what else to look for when asking for Mafic
16Some enabling operations on ontology data
- Generalization
- finding data that is like X and Y
17Ontology-Based GEON Workbench
- Uploadable
- OWL ontologies
- OWL inter-ontology mappings (articulations)
- Data sets (shape files)
- Semantic Registration
- Link data set D with ontology O1 (w/
instance-based heuristic) - Query D using ontology O2
- (e.g. rock classification O1 GSC, O2BGS)
- Ontology-Enabled Application
18Amalgamating OWL Rocktype Ontologies
- OWL ontologies
- Geologic age
- GSCs hiearchies
- Composition
- Texture
- Fabric
- Genesis
- All-in-one hierarchy
- Mappings
- for now synonyms only
- next steps more of OWL DL
19Navigatable, Amalgamated Rocktype Ontology
20(No Transcript)
21Example Geologic Map Integration
22Ontology-Enabled Geologic Map Integration
Demonstration(Kai Lin _at_ SDSC)
- http//kbis.sdsc.edu/GEON/map-integration.html
23GEON and Semantic Data Integration
24Mediator Demo
25Getting Formal Source Contextualization
Ontology Refinement in Logic
Biomedical Informatics Research
Network http//nbirn.net
26Distributed Querying Processing Challenges Part
I, The Basics
- Scientific data (BIRN, GEON, ...) variant of
data integration problem studied by database CS
community - Given
- user query against integrated view
- view to source mappings (GAV/LAV)
- sources with limited access patterns
- Compute a distributed query plan P s.t.
- P has a feasible execution order
- P optimized wrt. time/space/networking complexity
27Real-time Observatories, Applications, and
Data management Network
- Autonomous field sensors
- Seismic, oceanic, climate, ecological, , video,
audio, - RT Data Acquisition
- ANZA Seismic Network (1981-present)13 Broadband
Stations, 3 Borehole Strong Motion Arrays, 5
Infrasound Stations, 1 Bridge Monitoring System
Kyrgyz Seismic Network (1991-present) 10
Broadband Stations IRIS PASSCAL Transportable
Array (1997-Present)15 - 60 Broadband and Short
Period Stations IDA Global Seismic Network
(1990 -Present) 38 Broadband Stations - High Performance Wireless Research Network
(HPWREN) - High performance backbone network 45Mbps duplex
point-to-point links, backbone nodes at quality
locations, network performance monitors at
backbone sites High speed access links hard to
reach areas, typically 45Mbps or 802.11radios,
point-to-point or point-to-multipoint - Data Grid Technology (SRB)
- collaborative access to distributed heterogeneous
data, single sign-on authentication and seamless
authorization,data scaling to Petabytes and 100s
of millions of files, data replication, etc.
28A P2P Problem from ROADNet
- Networks of ORBs send each other various data
streams - Avoid actual loops in the presence of virtual
loops - A ? B ? C
- A c1?B
- B c2 ? C
- C c3 ? A
- ...
- Idea L(c1) ? L(c2) ? L(c3)
- In the real system unix regexps
29Scientific Workflows and Analytical Pipelines
30What is a Scientific Workflow?
- A Misnomer
- well, at least for a number of examples
- Scientific Workflows ? Business Workflows
- Business Workflows control-flow-rich
- Scientific Workflows data-flow-rich
31Scientific Workflows ? Business Workflows
- Business Workflows
- show their office automation ancestry
- documents and work-tasks are passed
- no data streaming, data-intensive pipelines
- lots of standards to choose from WfMC, BPEL,
BPEL4WS,.. XPDL, - but no clear semantics for constructs as simple
as this
Source Expressiveness and Suitability of
Languages for Control Flow Modelling in
Workflows, PhD thesis, Bartosz Kiepuszewski, 2002
32Scientific Workflows ? Business Workflows
- Scientific Workflows
- Data-intensive, data streaming approach
- Execution pipelines
- Have analysis and modeling (simulation) steps
- cf. Ptolemy-II, SEEK,
- are often really Scientific Analysis
Pipelines/Dataflows - with some control-flow, e.g., for collection
programming - inherit features from
- good old visualization pipelines AVS, Khoros,
- problem solving environments, workbenches,
- heterogeneous modeling systems (Ptolemy-II)
- Grid environments, portrals,
33The Brave New Old World of Workflow Management
34The ZEN of Workflow Patterns(Source
- Basic Control Patterns
- Sequence - execute activities in sequence
- Parallel Split - execute activities in parallel
- Synchronization - synchronize two parallel
threads of execution - Exclusive Choice - choose one execution path
from many alternatives - Simple Merge - merge two alternative execution
paths - Advanced Branching and Synchronization Patterns
- Multiple Choice - choose several execution paths
from many alternatives - Multiple Merge - merge many execution paths
without synchronizing - Discriminator - merge many execution paths
without synchronizing. Execute the subsequent
activity only once. - N-out-of-M Join - merge many execution paths.
Perform partial synchronization and execute
subsequent activity only once. - Synchronizing Join - merge many execution paths.
Synchronize if many paths are taken. Simple merge
if only one execution path is taken
35The ZEN of Workflow Patterns
- Structural Patterns
- Arbitrary Cycles - execute workflow graph w/out
any structural restriction on loops - Implicit Termination - terminate if there is
nothing to be done - Patterns Involving Multiple Instances
- MI with a priori known design time knowledge -
generate many instances of one activity when a
number of instances is known at the design time - MI with a priori known runtime knowledge -
generate many instances of one activity when a
number of instances can be determined at some
point during the runtime (as in FOR loop) - MI with no a priori runtime knowledge - generate
many instances of one activity when a number of
instances cannot be determined (as in WHILE loop)
- MI requiring synchronization - generate many
instances of one activity and synchronize them
36The ZEN of Workflow Patterns
- State-based patterns
- Deferred Choice - execute one of the two
alternatives threads. The choice which thread is
to be executed should be implicit. - Interleaved Parallel Routing - execute two
activities in random order, but not in parallel.
- Milestone - enable an activity until a milestone
is reached - Cancellation Patterns
- Cancel Activity - cancel (disable) an enabled
activity - Cancel Case - cancel (disable) the process
37The ZOO of Workflow Standards and Systems
Source W.M.P. van der Aalst et
al. http//tmitwww.tm.tue.nl/research/patterns/
38OK, back to dataflow
Source Edward Lee et al. http//ptolemy.eecs.berk
- Extensible Open Source Tool (EECS UC Berkeley)
- Various combinable, clearly defined execution
models (domains) - Process Networks (Kahn, McQueen), Synchronous
Dataflow Networks, - Discrete Events, Continuous Events,
- executed by corresponding directors
39Some Commercial Tools
40Another one
41 and another one
42MAP Data Massaging a la Blue-Titan/Perl
43Scientific Workflows Everywhere
- Chimera, Pegasus, Dagman, CondorG,
- The Mission
- Sort out all the issues! For example
- Supported execution models
- Physical vs. logical resources (function nodes,
data transformer nodes, data nodes) - Smarter Typing
- e.g. for connecting output(f_n) ???
input(f_n1) - Storage types (XML Schema?)
- PL types (Haskell-like? Hindley-Milner?
Mycroft-OKeefe?) - Semantic types (OWL DL?)
- Unit types (EML unit dictionary, derived from
STMML) - Grid resource type !???
- Work towards a common framework (yet another
44Example Workflows/Pipelines
- BIRN (Neuroimaging pipelines, )
- GEON (Pluton characterization, )
- GriPhyN (Sloan Sky Survey, )
- SCEC (Pathways 1 2, )
- SEEK (Ecological niche modeling, )
- SciDAC/SDM (Promoter identification, )
45Biomedical Informatics Research
Network http//nbirn.net
Scientific Workflows/Analytical Pipelines over
Brain Data
46SEEK Vision Overview
- Large collaborative NSF/ITR project UNM, UCSB,
SDSC/UCSD, UKansas,.. - Fundamental improvements for researchers Global
access to ecologically relevant data Rapidly
locate and utilize distributed computation
Capture, reproduce, extend analysis process
47SEEK Components
- EcoGrid
- Seamless access to distributed, heterogeneous
data ecological, biodiversity, environmental
data - Semantically mediated and metadata driven
- Centralized search management portal(s)
- Analysis and Modeling System
- Capture, reproduce, and extend analysis process
- Declarative means for documenting analysis
- Pipeline system for linking generic analysis
steps - Strong version control for analysis steps
- Easy-to-use interface between data and analysis
- Semantic Mediation System
- smart data discovery, type-correct pipeline
construction data binding - determine whether/how to link analytic steps
- determine how data sets can be combined
- determine whether/how data sets are appropriate
inputs for analysis steps
48AMS Overview
- Objective
- Create a semi-automated system for analyzing data
and executing models that provides documentation,
archiving, and versioning of the analyses,
models, and their outputs (visual programming
language?) - Scope
- Any type of analysis or model in ecology and
biodiversity science - Massively streamline the analysis and modeling
process - Archiving, rerunning analyses in SAS, Matlab, R,
SysStat, C(),
49SMS Requirements from AMS
- ...assist users in determining the
appropriateness of combining various analytical
steps and data sources based on semantic
mediation... - Semantic mediation should occur in three areas
- determine whether it is appropriate to link
together particular analytic steps. - mediate between multiple data sets to determine
in what ways they can be combined. - determine whether the selected data sources are
appropriate inputs for the selected analysis.
50Some functional requirements
- SMS should have the ability to ...
- FR1 recognize data types (XML Schema types!? EML
types?) of registered EcoGrid data sets - FR2 recognize semantic types (OWL and/or RDF(S)
!?) of registered EcoGrid data sets - FR3 recognize registered EcoGrid ontologies
- Note semantic types reference those ontologies
- FR4 recognize data type signature (XML Schema?
WSDL?) of analytical steps (ASs) - FR5 recognize semantic type signature of
analytical steps - FR6 recognize semantic constraints (OWL?
First-order? What syntax? KIF? Prolog?) - Note data schemas and signatures of analytical
steps have those
51... some functional requirements
- Ability to ...
- FR8 check well-typedness (data and semantics) of
a data set wrt. an analytical step - FR9 check compatibility of two data sets wrt.
"generalized operations" between those data sets
(e.g., "semantic" join and union) - FR10 check well-typedness (data and semantics)
of chained analytical steps - FR11 introduce data type conversions (e.g., int
? float) - FR12 perform and "explain" semantic type
substitutions - (e.g. if some AS works for Cs and D-isa-C, it
also works for Ds) - FR13 optional generate type correct APs from a
given schema of desired output and (optionally)
input parameters
52Use Cases
- Clients of the SMS include the AMS, the EcoGrid,
and "scientific workflow engineers". - UC1 Client requests type signature (data and
semantic types) of a registered EcoGrid data set
(DS) - UC2 Client requests "other semantic constraints"
of a DS. - UC3 Client requests type signature (data and
semantic types) of an analytical step (AS) - UC4 Client requests "other semantic constraints"
of an AS. - UC5 Client requests type signature of an AP.
- UC6 Client requests type checking of AP.
- UC7 Client requests registered data sets
compatible with the inputs of an AS (e.g., if AS
is scale sensitive, then all data sets must have
the same scale a flag is raised if data needs
scaling). - UC8 Client requests all registered ASs which can
produce a given parameter (the latter is part
of a registered ontology) - UC9 Client requests candidate predecessor and
successor steps for a given AS.
53Planned Components
- SW1 Formal language(s) for representing/instantia
ting data types, semantic types, ontologies, and
"other semantic constraints". - SW2 System for data type checking and inference
(includes introduction of data type conversion
steps) - SW3 System for semantic type checking and
inference -
- SW4 optional System for "planning" APs given
some of output parameters, data sets, and input
54A Problem Abstract to Executable WFs
- Scientists would like to ...
- create a high-level abstract WF and
- not bother about web service urls, parameter
passing, low-level data transformations, control
flow, ... - How to go from ...
- a high-level Abstract Workflow (AWF) to
- an Executable Workflow (EWF) of web services ??
- Basic idea
- Use nested definitions (sub-workflows) to conquer
complexity - ? Abstract-as-View (AAV) approach demo short
paper _at_ SSDBM03 - Possible approaches
- WF engine to execute complex nested workflows
- ? compile (or flatten / unfold) AWF into EWF
via AAV - inspired by (and potential of) query rewriting in
database mediation
55Conceptual Workflow (Promoter Identification
Workflow PIW)
Compute clusters (min. distance)
For each promoter
Select gene-set (cluster-level)
Compute Subsequence labels
For each gene
With all Promoter Models
Compute Joint Promoter Model
56manageClustalW Loop
noMore Genes
updated GeneList
ClustalW Sequence
loop back
orient gt 0
complement Sequence
full Genomic Sequence
orient lt 0
orient gt 0
outputNext Promoter
updated Promoter List
promoter List
Sequence List
multipleSeq Alignment
Unfolded EWF
inspected TFBSs
57Simple WF Language Constructs (both AWFEWF)
expression Array
AWF for Matts PIW
updated Gene List
managegeneLoop/ while geneList not EMPTY
LOOP1 for each gene
updated Gene List
geneList EMPTY
Loop1 Final
CW Sequence
manageClustalW Loop
updated GeneList
ClustalW Sequence
noMore Genes
loop back
orient gt 0
complement Sequence
orient lt 0
EWF for Matts PIW (partially unfolded)
orient gt 0
inspected TFBSs
Sequence List
multipleSeq Alignment
promoters AAV
AWF to EWF via Abstract-as- View (AAV)
gene_seq AAV
61Abstract Workflow (AWF)(here Datalog chain
program over relations with i/o patterns)
AWF piw(DB,Gene,TFBSModel) -
cDNASequence(Gene, GeneSeq), localAlignment(DB,
CDNASeq,RankedPromoterList), firstRest(Promoter,
RankedPromoters,RankedPromoters1), promoter_deta
il(Promoter, PromoterId, Start, End,
Orientation), cDNASequence(PromoterId,Geno
micSeq), trim_sequence(GenomicSeq, Start, End,
Orientation, ShortSeq), convertSeq(Orientation,S
hortSeq,PosSeq), transfac(PosSeq, TFBSModel).
62Abstract-As-View (AAV) Definitions(note
Control-Flow Issues)
AAV cDNASequence(GeneId, CDNASeq) -
genbank(GeneId, CDNASeq)
fail(genbank), embl(GeneId, CDNASeq)
CDNASeq). localAlignment(DB, CDNASeq,RankedPromot
erList) - blast(CDNASeq,DB,xml,RankedPr
omoterList) fail(blast),
fasta(CDNASeq,DB, RankedPromoterList)
oterList). convertSeq(Orientation,ShortSeq,PosSe
q) - negative(Orientation),
complement(ShortSeq,PosSeq) equals(ShortSeq,P
63AWF to EWF (contd)
User supplied
Declarative specification
GetGenomicSequence (selectedGene,
-GenomicSequence) - GENBANK
(selectedGene, -cDNASequence), BLAST
(cDNASequence, dbName, format,
-rankedGenomicSequenceList). GetGenomicSequence
(selectedGene, -GenomicSequence)
- GENBANK (selectedGene, -cDNASequence), BLA
T (cDNASequence, QueryType, SortCriteria,
OutputType , -rankedGenomicSequenceList). Ident
ifyPromoterElements (rankedGenomicSequenceList,
-element) - PromoterSequences
(rankedGenomicSequenceList, getBeginEnd(Specie
s, -Begin, -End), -element).
For each gene
Need extra domain knowledge
Translation to EWF needs creation of iterators
Same functionality, different operational
constraints and availability
64AWF ? EWF Translation
- Check whether AWF is well-formed and well-typed
if not, corresponding warnings are issued (a
semantic type mismatch may not only be a workflow
design error, but often indicates the
incompleteness of the underlying ontology). - Next the AWF is successively unfolded, using the
AAV view definitions. - (Compiling AWF into EWF using AAV is similar to
rewriting a query against a global schema into
queries against the sources.) - The unfolded logic query plan then undergoes
several rewriting steps until a certain normal
(DNF/UCQ?) is reached. If the join variables (
the connection edges) are not of the same data
type (but at least of compatible semantic types)
then the insertion of conversion rules is
attempted if this fails, an error is reported. - For each list of conjunctive goals, the system
tries to find an executable goal order, i.e., one
which satisfies all i/o restrictions imposed by
the web service descriptions of executable tasks. - Implementation a set of Java and Prolog
programs, rules, ontologies and repositories
65Generated EWF Plan (using NIH BIRN Mediation
66More Problems Reconcile this
- Simple, intuitive graph/pipeline language,
- which is expressive enough to handle real-world
flows - and allows some static analysis
- e.g., compile-time type checking, resource
allocation and staging, - while trying to leverage existing work
- e.g., Ptolemy-II directors Process Networks
(PN), Synchronous Dataflow (SDF), ..., - standards efforts (Grid workflow languages, )
67The Spectrum(Analytical) Pipelines .
(Scientific) Workflows
- Spectrum of languages formalisms
- Pipelines (a la Unix)
- Dataflow languages
- Kahns process networks (PN)
- Synchronous dataflow networks (SDF)
- Web page-flow
- Active XML, WebML,
- Hesitating-weak-alternating-tree-automata-ML
- (Business) Workflows
- Grid workflows (Chimera, Pegasus, Condor, ??)
- Which ones?
- Consolidation? Standardization?
68Example Promoter Identification Workflow (PIW)
- scientific data sets flow between the steps
- abstraction of tasks into higher conceptual
levels - branching/merging of tasks and looping
69(Ptolemy II-Based Architecture)
Execution monitoring(Ptolemy-II)
Directors PN, SDF, . . , XPDL/OFBiz Style
Ptolemy-II Director
SciDAC Extensions to Ptolemy-II
Web Service plug-in
web service invocation
web service invocation
Validation Errors
query rewriting
semantic type checking
data type conversion
web service matching
ET -- Web service AT -- (Mini workflow of ETs
Composition of ETs and ATs) ?
may become a web service if deployed
Abstract Task (AT) Repository
Data Parameter Ontologies
Datatype Conversion Repository
Executable Task (ET) Repository
70Its demo time again
71Details of PIW
72Some Problems and Possible Solutions
- PIW-1 control-flow overly complicated
- while scientific workflows are really
dataflow analysis pipelines - PIW-1 designed to fit ( an unfit design)
- Now a PT-II custom solution (replacing Perl
PIW-0 custom solution) - gt General WF design and execution methodology (
SWF Engineering) - Now Every web service is hand-crafted
- gt different instantiations of a single generic
WSDL actor - Now The control flow is hand-crafted
- gt Declarative functional programming constructs
(map, ) - Now No plugging together of 3rd party tools/web
services/actors - gt General Data Transformation Actor
- Now we know better how to design for reuse!!
- (Ptolemy folks knew it all along .)
73hand-crafted control solution also forces
sequential execution!
No data transformations available
Complex backward control-flow
74Simplified Process Network PIW
- Back to purely functional dataflow process
network - ( a data streaming model!)
- Re-introducing map(f) to Ptolemy-II (was there in
PT Classic) - no control-flow spaghetti
- data-intensive apps
- free concurrent execution
- free type checking
- automatic support to go from piw(GeneId) to PIW
map(piw) over GeneId
map(f)-style iterators
Powerful type checking
Generic, declarative programming constructs
Generic data transformation actors
Forward-only, abstractable sub-workflow
75Optimization by Declarative Rewriting
- PIW as a declarative, referentially transparent
functional process - optimization via functional rewriting possible
- e.g. map(f o g) map(f) o map(g)
- Details
- Technical report PIW specification in Haskell
map(f o g) instead of map(f) o map(g)
Combination of map and zip
76Summary and More Open Issues
- Generic WSDL Grid service actors
- creates a web service actor from WSDL-description
- creates a grid service actor from a grid-service
description !?? - Data transformation actors
- XSLT, XQuery, Perl,
- can be enhanced by semantic types
- Declarative collection programming (map(f), )
- Compilation approach AWF? EWF
- User interaction at design/compile-time and
runtime - Automated WF auditing, pauseresume,
- Standard exchange language for scientific
workflows (Moml vs. SciDAC, SEEK,
Chimera/Pegasus, Dagman, DiscoveryNet, ) - Virtualize and Grid-enable everything!
- Computation_at_LOC, Data_at_LOC, HELP!!
77Combine EverythingDie eierlegende Wollmilchsau
- Database Federation/Mediation
- query rewriting under GAV/LAV
- w/ binding pattern constraints
- distributed query processing
- Semantic Mediation
- semantic integrity constraints, reasoning w/
plans, automated deduction - deductive database/logic programming technology,
AI stuff... - Semantic Web technology (OWL, )
- Scientific Workflow Management
- more procedural than database mediation (often
the scientist is the query planner) - deployment using grid services!
78F I N