Title: Fractions in the Kitchen
1Ginger Raven, Chico Junior High School Fractions
In The Kitchen
Fractions in the Kitchen Ginger Raven Chico Jr.
High School, Chico, CA
2Ginger Raven, Chico Junior High School Fractions
In The Kitchen
My name is Ginger Raven and I am an Assistant
Principal at Chico Junior High School and former
Home Economics Teacher. My web site is
http//ctap295.ctaponline.org/graven/index.html M
y email is graven_at_cusd.chico.k12.ca.us This is a
seventh/eighth grade Math lesson (standard 1.0)
on fractions. The students will use a cookie
recipe to double, triple and cut in half
3Ginger Raven, Chico Junior High School Fractions
In The Kitchen
- Expectations
- Create a lesson using technology to be used in a
math classroom - To learn how to use Excel to show results with
graphs and charts - To learn how to use power point for presentations
- How to put a lesson on a web site
4Ginger Raven, Chico Junior High School Fractions
In The Kitchen
- Outcomes
- I learned the following
- Searching the internet for educational websites
- Downloading and uploading techniques
- Using Excel to create graphs
- Linking pages and projects
- Using Power point to create a presentation
- Web page creation in Netscape Composer
5Ginger Raven, Chico Junior High School Fractions
In The Kitchen
- Successes
- Students realize the use of math in real life
situations - Students interest in learning math increased
- Food always creates built in incentive to learn
- Students learned how to measure accurately
6Ginger Raven, Chico Junior High School Fractions
In The Kitchen
- Successes Continued
- Met standards
- Students use of measuring utensils introduced in
relation - to fractions.
- Students use the internet to find recipes
7Ginger Raven, Chico Junior High School Fractions
In The Kitchen
- Shortcomings
- Lack of student knowledge of how to do fractions
- Lack of student knowledge of cooking
- Time and equipment so students could make their
own - cookies
- Lack of adult help
8Ginger Raven, Chico Junior High School Fractions
In The Kitchen
Student Data
The students improved in their post tests and the
average of their projects. There were a few
students that did not improve. These students
werent quite ready for fractions or their
attendance was poor.
9Ginger Raven, Chico Junior High School Fractions
In The Kitchen
After reviewing the data, I noticed that the
students needed more practice with fractions
before making the cookie recipe. Their wasnt
enough time for the students to learn how to use
the cooking lab and make the cookies. I would
make the unit longer in length.
10Ginger Raven, Chico Junior High School Fractions
In The Kitchen
This project helped me see how using technology
motivates students to learn. Our PLATO lab has
been very successful in remediating students.
This lesson encouraged students to see the value
of learning math and how they will use it all
their lives. Creating lessons around the
standards is necessary today and hopefully these
lessons will be helpful to other teachers. I
learned many new techniques from this project.
11Ginger Raven, Chico Junior High School Fractions
In The Kitchen
Student Work The following slides contain
pictures of the math lab students working on the
Fractions in the Kitchen lesson. Enjoy!