Title: Farming System Study
1Farming System Study
- Overview of Individual Farming System Reports
With the support of
2Justifications and Purposes
- Build a reference for policy makers to better
understand - The geographic differentiation of farming systems
and their responses - Reactions by household type to policy changes
Identify Farming Systems
3Farming System
- Result of the interaction of socio-economic and
biophysical factors - Natural resources (Climate, water, soil)
- Socio-economic (Population density, information
human capital, technology level, market access
integration) - Policy interventions (Infrastructure)
- Farming systems are characterized by a specific
combination of natural and socio-economic factors - Within each farming system, different household
types reflect adjustment possibilities to
changing conditions in the FS - Each HH type presents different characteristics
- Farm resources
- Income sources and livelihood opportunities
- Household vulnerability to adverse ecological and
market conditions - HHs respond differently to policy changes
The aggregation of HH responses at territorial
level (Farming Systems) allows to link economic
policies to household performances and strategies
- Identification (Secondary data) of
- Major FS boundaries (ACZ, irrigation,
socio-economic conditions) - Sub-systems and niches
- Field surveys to
- Identify representative Mantikas and villages per
FS - Define household types
- Assess household characteristics changes
- Quantify farm economic aspects
- Household classification criteria (local)
- Holding size
- Income sources
- Technology level
- Other resource endowments (assets, labour, etc.)
7Field survey
29 Missions
327 Days
46 Villages
229 Farmer Questionnaires
459 Gross Margins
106 Group Discussions
8Overview of FS
FS of Northern and North-eastern
Plains Irrigated mixed
Hilly and Mountainous FS Rainfed and
supplementary irrigated
Coastal Intensive Irrigated FS
FS of Al Ghab and the Central Rainfed and
Irrigated Plains
Pastoral and Agro-Pastoral FS Arid and Semi-arid
FS of Southern Semi-arid Mountainsand Plains
9Overview of FS
10Example HH Analysis for FS3
- FS of Northern and North-eastern Plains
- Farming system characteristics
- Large holding size
- Relevance of strategic crops
- Market access characterized by public collection
centres - Relatively good water availability (natural and
created) - Relevance at national level
- High share of nation production (crops, livestock
feeding) - Vulnerability to policy changes
- Main water user
11HH Analysis in FS3Irrigated Sub-system
Share of HH type
Income sources
Cropping pattern
12HH analysis
- Changes over the last decade
- Livestock population
- Land size
- Land productivity
- Water availability (mainly wells)
- New investments in tree crops (rainfed olive)
13Strategies HH perspective
- Intensification
- Diversification
- Expansion
- Off-farm
- Exit
- Irrigated s-sys
- Poor HH
- Medium HH
- Better-off HH
- Mixed s-sys
- Poor HH
- Medium HH
- Better-off HH
14HH vulnerability
15Characteristics of FS
- Importance of major and of minor products in
national context (FS3 Cotton, FS4Ghab
Sugarbeet, FS1 Citrus) - Average holding structure and characteristics of
household types suggests differences in potential
contribution to growth and in social concerns - Differences between household types are not
directly observable from the geographical
distribution of production (Poor casual labour,
Better-off crop production) - Reactions by household type to internal
development in the farming system and to policy
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20Strategies HH perspective FS3
- Intensification
- Diversification
- Expansion
- Off-farm
- Exit
- Irrigated s-sys
- Poor HH
- Medium HH
- Better-off HH
- Mixed s-sys
- Poor HH
- Medium HH
- Better-off HH
21Strategies Feasibility Policy framework
- Intensification
- Diversification
- Expansion
- Off-farm
- Exit
- For whom?
- Poor HH ?
- Medium HH ?
- Better-off HH ?
- In which FS?
- Which policy support is required?
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24Policy areas I
- Credit
- Liquidity constraints, particularly for poor
households - Crop finance/seasonal credit
- Investment ? Medium/Long-term credit
- Informal credit markets
25Policy areas II
- Land tenure
- Lengthy administrative procedures for tenure
registration - Transfer of ownership of agrarian reform land
- Importance for improved credit access in some FS
- Avoid farmers being inclined to seek informal
arrangements, which tend to be unfavourable for
poor farmers
26Policy areas III
- Industrial crops
- Provide stability and employment (directly and
indirectly), particularly for poor households - Influence cropping pattern also in areas with
principally good market access - Reduce land use intensity on land which has
benefited from large public investment - Water fees and water use efficiency
27Policy areas IV
- Price and market information
- Support the farm management decision making for
crops under private marketing through price and
market information - Extension unit/Agricultural plan
- Dual function Administrative and advisory
- Stimulation of progressive farming practices more
successful in free market dominated FS - Procedures for plan implementation of industrial
crops extremely demanding
28- Thank youfor your kind attention!
- The NAPC team is looking forward to the dialogue
about the farming systems framework for the
analysis of the agricultural sector - NAPC Researchers
- Ahmed Saadeddin, Akram Shhaideh, Firas Yassin,
Hassan Al Mojahed, Mourad Sayyed, Raid Hamza,
Samira Al Zoughbi - Mahmoud Al Ashram, National Consultant
- Horst Wattenbach, International Consultant
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