Title: Asbestos Recognition
1Asbestos Recognition Waste HandlingPart 1 of 2
- John Podolinsky
- State of Montana
- Department of Environmental Quality
- Waste Underground Tank Management Bureau
- Asbestos Control Program
- Fall 2008
2What is Asbestos?
- Naturally occurring fibrous minerals.
- Chrysotile, amosite, crocidolite, anthophyllite,
tremolite, actinolite, others. - Over 3000 different products were made using
asbestos fibers. - Some new products are still made using asbestos
see EPA Asbestos Ban Phase Out Rule.
3Asbestos Micrograph
4Asbestos Uses and Why
- Asbestos fibers were/are added to construction
materials and other products to enhance
properties of insulation, heat and cold
resistance, fireproofing, sound proofing,
texturing, condensation control, decoration,
chemical resistance, friction, tensile strength,
filler, filtering, etc.
5Asbestos Containing Material (ACM) Defined
- ACM is any material containing more than one
percent asbestos (gt1) by Polarized Light
Microscopy techniques. - Friable ACM contains gt1 asbestos and can be
crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by
hand pressure. - Non-Friable ACM contains gt1 asbestos and cannot
be crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by
hand pressure. - Regulated Asbestos Containing Materials (RACM)
are friable ACMs and non-friable ACMs that are or
have become friable, and therefore, regulated by
definition of RACM in Asbestos Work Practices
Procedures Manual.
6Examples of Friable ACM
- Pipe insulation, boiler insulation, tank
insulation, ceiling tiles/panels, fireproofing,
heater/furnace/duct insulation, duct tape,
ceiling texture, ceiling materials, wall
materials, plaster, drywall, texture, attic
insulation, wall insulation, textured paint, etc.
- Most friable ACMs were banned by EPA in the 1970s
and 1990.
7Pipe Boiler Insulation
8Aircell Pipe Insulation
9Ceiling Tiles/Panels
10Heater/Furnace/Duct Insulation
11Sprayed On Fireproofing
16Dry Crushing Mill - 1966
- 80-100 asbestos material found as attic
insulation in Bozeman, Livingston, and Helena. - Raw material originated from the Gallatin Canyon
Karst Asbestos Mine. - Processed at the/former Bozeman Train Depot.
- Mousy-bed/dirty cottage cheese appearance with
fibers. - Karstolite ore used as backfill in foundations,
pipe trenches, culverts, etc.
Brown Cellulose (non-asbestos)
Gray Cellulose (non-asbestos)
19Non-Friable ACM Examples
- Packings Gaskets
- Resilient Floor Covering (Floor Tile, Sheet Vinyl
Floor Covering) - Asphalt Roofing Products
- Cement Asbestos materials such as water pipe,
flue pipe, board, siding roofing shingles - Putty, caulks, mastics, adhesives, grout, caulks,
concrete, brake and clutch materials, electrical
insulation, etc. - Others
- Many non-friable ACMs are not banned
20Flooring MaterialsFloor Tile, Sheet Vinyl, Mastic
21Asphalt Roofing
22Cement Asbestos Board
23Cement Asbestos Pipe
24Asbestos Siding
25Asbestos Exposure/Health Effects
- Fibers can be inhaled and ingested.
- Can cause illnesses such as plural plaques,
asbestosis, mesothelioma, lung cancer,
gastrointestinal illness. - 10-40 year latency period between exposure and
illness. - Smoking and Susceptibility.
26Asbestos Inspection
- Prior to building demolition or renovation
activities, building materials that will be
impacted are required to be inspected for
asbestos by a DEQ-accredited asbestos inspector
on behalf of the building owner or contractor. - Inspection can serve as a waste characterization
for transportation and disposal purposes. - Non ACM examples - wood, glass, metal, fiberglass.
27Asbestos Non-Compliance
- Many building demolition and renovation
activities fail to comply with asbestos
inspection requirements and proper asbestos
abatement procedures. - Fear that asbestos waste is transported and
disposed of non-compliantly. - Fear of asbestos exposures to personnel who
transport and disposal unknowingly/non-compliantly
28Asbestos Non-Compliancecontinued
- Transporting and disposing of asbestos waste
without a TD permit or being accredited by DEQ
are citable offenses. - OSHA and Department of Labor Industry
regulations also apply to protect employees from
asbestos exposure (MT Safety Culture Act). - Concern about handling non-friable ACM,
wallboard, and vermiculite waste stuff that
sometimes falls outside of DEQ asbestos
29What To Do??!!
- If regulated asbestos waste is placed in your
dumpster??!! - If regulated asbestos waste comes to your
gate??!! - If regulated asbestos waste is dumped at your
30Asbestos Transportation DisposalPart 2 of 2
- John Podolinsky
- State of Montana
- Department of Environmental Quality
- Waste Underground Tank Management Bureau
- Asbestos Control Program
- Fall 2008
31Asbestos Waste Regulations
- Asbestos and Solid Waste Administrative Rules of
Montana, Title 17, Chapters 74 and 50 - Asbestos Work Practices Procedures Manual,
section 5.09 A B - EPA National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air
Pollutants (NESHAP) - OSHA and Dept of Labor Industry
- DOT and MDT
32Solid Waste ARM
- Only DEQ-licensed class II IV landfills can
accept regulated asbestos waste, which are
defined as Group II wastes. - Non-friable ACM can be disposed of as
construction/demolition waste. OSHA/DLI
regulations apply for employee protection.
33Asbestos ARM
- Asbestos project means the removal,
encapsulation, enclosure, repair, renovation,
placement in new construction, demolition of
asbestos in a building or other structure, or the
TRANSPORTATION OR DISPOSAL of asbestos-containing
waste. Does not include less than 3 square or
linear feet of RACM. - ARM 17.74.303 Exclusions Homeowner asbestos work
is exempt from regulations, but asbestos waste
packaging, transport, and disposal requirements
apply. The Manual and NESHAP are incorporated by
reference in the ARM.
34Asbestos Waste Transport and Disposal
- Transport and disposal (TD) of regulated
asbestos waste (3 or more square or linear feet)
are regulated by DEQs Asbestos Control Program. - TD asbestos project permit required
- Accreditation requirements apply to personnel
conducting TD asbestos project worker or
35Asbestos Manual
- Section 5.09 A B of the Manual covers who can
transport and dispose of asbestos waste, proper
waste packaging in leak-tight wrappings, lining
of dumpster, loading/unloading placarding,
personnel protection, adequate wetness of waste,
labeling of waste with generator name and
address, verification of waste quantity,
temporary waste storage, licensing of disposal
site, covering of waste, waste shipment record
(WSR), etc.
- 40 CFR Part 61, subpart M, Asbestos.
- Governs building demolition and renovation
activities, inspecting for asbestos, building
demolition/renovation notification, asbestos
removal, asbestos waste disposal, and other
sources of asbestos emissions. - Applies to facilities on Indian Reservations.
- Active and inactive asbestos waste disposal
sites. - WSR, fencing, signage, waste cover, mapping,
recordkeeping, etc. - EPA AHERA applies to schools.
37OSHA/Dept of Labor Industry
- 29 CFR 1926.1101, 29 CFR 1910.1001, and others
regulate asbestos activities. - Montana Safety Culture Act DLI for public
employees. - OSHA and DLI govern employer responsibilities and
employee safety.
38Department of Transportation
- 49 CFR Parts 172 173
- Proper identification and shipping requirements
- Class 9 Hazardous Substance
- Waste label - NA2590 for white asbestos, NA2212
for blue or brown asbestos - Proper packaging, wetness, labeling, WSR, etc.
- Accredited asbestos project worker or
contractor/supervisor - Transportation Permit
- Poly lined dumpster
- Asbestos Danger signs posted during
loading/unloading - Waste Shipment Record/Manifest
- Proper packaging, labeling, wetness, etc.
- Discrepancies reported to DEQ
40Waste Shipment Record/Manifest
- Accredited asbestos project worker or
contractor/supervisor - Disposal Permit
- Waste Shipment Record/Manifest
- Proper packaging, labeling, wetness, etc.
- Asbestos Danger signs posted during
loading/unloading - Dispose of in asbestos cell which is fenced,
mapped, etc. - Cover waste with 6 of non-asbestos material or
other options - Discrepancies reported to DEQ or EPA
- Close inactive waste disposal sites per NESHAP
42Warning Sign
- Posted and easy to read
- Asbestos Waste Disposal Site, Do Not Create
Dust, Breathing Asbestos is Hazardous to Your
43Asbestos Signage
45Asbestos Waste Concerns
- Care for asbestos waste waste reduction,
compacting, transfer station actions, etc. - Concern about handling non-friable ACM,
wallboard, and vermiculite waste stuff that
sometimes falls outside of DEQ asbestos
regulations. - Salvaging, recycling, or reusing waste that
contains asbestos. - Training available.
- DEQ Asbestos Control Program
- (406) 444-5300 www.Asbestos.mt.gov
- EPA (800) 227-8917 www.epa.gov
- Department of Labor Industry
- (406) 444-6418 http//erd.dli.mt.gov
- OSHA (406) 247-7494 www.osha.gov
- DOT (800) 333-4636 www.dot.gov
- MDT (406) 444-6200 www.mdt.mt.gov