Title: Caveats
- You should never examine XML as plain text.
Instead use an XML aware viewer/editor (browsers
are modest possibilities MS XML Notepad is
better XML Spy etc have multiple views for
different purpose) - You should never produce non-trivial XML with a
generic XML editor. Instead use (schema aware)
specialized software.
- SDD should not be generated by hand. Rather,
tools that support descriptive data should
produce and consume SDD (Not that hard to do
because XML databinding frameworks like Castor
generate a lot of the code from the Schema)
- This presentation ignores all previous Caveats
4- Goal Code the taxonomic treatments in Wheelers
Ants of the American Museum Congo Expedition in a
way that would support using XQuery for such
questions as - Which ants are similar to Myrmocladoecus?
- Which ants have a bidentate thorax?
- Which ants have an arboreal nesting habitat?
- Provide the description of Myrmomalis.
- Which ants have the same nesting habitats as the
Myrmocladoecus? - Part of NSF grant to AMNH investigating issues of
digitizing legacy systematics literature, Tom
Moritz, PI, Norman Johnson (Ohio), Bob Morris
(UMass-Boston), Klements Boehm (Karlsruhe) also
Donat Agosti (AMNH), Drew Koning (AMNH), students
at UMB, Karlesruhe, and Magedeburg.
5SDD Example
- Example of scoring of a character
- Exploration of Terminology
- Example of XQuery against sample instance
document if time permits
6- Subgenus Myrmocladoecus Wheeler (Myrmorhachis
Emery, 1920 not of Forel, 1912).Thorax usually
margined, often bidentate or bispinose. Scale of
petiole often spinose or mucronate. Usually
small and somewhat like Polyrhachis. Thorax
sometimes with a dorsal depression. In one
species, pronotnum dentate. Nests in hollow
twigs. (Neotropical). - Subgenus Myrmeurynota Forel. Pronotum very broad,
with a lateral, lamelliform margin, often
vaulted. Thorax rapidly narrowing behind.
Epinotum very narrow at its sloping face, which
often has a peculiar appendage. Gaster broad,
short, and small, sometimes more or less
spherical. Probably arboreal. (Neotropical).
7Which ants have an arboreal nesting habit? let
stateID doc("ants.xml")/Datasets/Datas
et/DescriptiveData/ Terminology/Characters/C
text()"arboreal/_at_id for taxonKeyRef in
n ./CodedData/Character/State/_at_refstateID
/Header/ ClassName/_at_ref for taxonName in
face/ ClassNames/ ClassName_at_idtaxonKeyRef
//Text return ltantsgtltantgttaxonNamelt/antgtlt/