Title: Canadian Tire. Cara Operations. Church & Dwight. Coca Col
1The PMRS Ottawa Chapter would like to acknowledge
the support of the following organizations.
Without their kind donations we could not
continue to offer quality programs such as the
one you are about to see.
2PMB A not for profit association
Over 475 Members
3Publisher Members (English)
50 Plus British Columbia Magazine Canadian
Business Canadian Family Canadian Gardening
Canadian Geographic Canadian Hockey
Magazine Canadian Home Country Canadian Home
Workshop Canadian House Home Canadian
Living Chatelaine Cottage Life enRoute
Magazine eye Weekly Famous Magazine Fashion Fashio
n 18 Flare Food Drink Gardening Life GardenWise
Globe Television Glow Going Places Golf
Canada Good Times Hamilton Magazine Harrowsmith
Country Life Homemaker's Magazine Hour Inside
Entertainment Journey LeisureWays Maclean's Mirror
National Post Business NOW Ontario Golf Ontario
Out of Doors Ottawa City Magazine Outdoor
Canada People Professionally Speaking
Profit Reader's Digest Rev R.O.B.
Magazine Saturday Night Spectator TV Sports
Illustrated Starweek Style at Home Teen
Tribute The Toronto Sun Time Today's
Parent Toronto Life Tribute TV Guide TV Times TV
Week Vancouver Magazine Western
Living Westworld Where Canada
4Publisher Members (French)
7 Jours Affaires Plus Capital Santé Châtelaine Cli
n d'oeil COOL Cote Jardins Coupe de
Pouce Décoration Chez Soi Décormag Dernière Heure
Echos-Vedettes Eclat Elle Québec En
Primeur Femme dAujourdhui Femme Plus Filles
d'aujourd'hui Fleurs Plantes et Jardins ICI
Montréal LActualité La revue des fonds
mutuels Le Bel Âge
Le Devoir Le Journal de Montreal Le Lundi Le
Magazine Enfants Québec Les Affaires Madame Magazi
ne Hockey Canadien Magazine les Ailes Magazine
PME Primeurs Québec Science Recevoir Rénovation
Bricolage Revue Commerce Sélection du Reader's
Digest Sentier Chasse-Pêche Star Inc. Styles de
Vie Touring TV 7 Jours/TV Hebdo Voila! VOIR
5Agency Members
Ad Express Canada Allard Johnson
Communications Amalgame Cargo Inc. AOR Media
Management Armada, Agence de Publicite Axmith
McIntyre Wicht BBDO Bos Media Solutions Brainstorm
Group Bristol Group Campbell Michener
Lee Carat Canada Copeland Communications Corporate
Communications Cossette Communications Cramer
Krasselt DCC Communications DDB Canada Doner
Canada Due North Communications Gaggi Media GJP
Advertising Genesis Media Global Television
Agency .
Groupe BCP Ltee Hewson Bridge Smith Initiative
Media JAN Kelley Marketing Jeffrey Simbrow
Associates John Street LXB M2 Universal Marketing
Communication Inc. Magi Communications M/A/R/C
Inc. MAXX Media McKim Communications Media Buying
Services Media Dimensions Media Experts MediaVest
Canada Mediavision W.W.P. Mindshare Canada OMD
Canada ONE Company Optimedia Canada Optimum
Media Padulo Advertising
Palm Publicite Parallel PHD Canada Phoenix
Group Publicite Martin Inc. Saatchi
Saatchi SGCI Marketing Comm. Sharpe
Blackmore Starcom Worldwide Target Marketing
Comm. Taylor George Design TBWA/Chiat Day Tequila
Communications The Media Edge (YR) The Richards
Group Thom Group TMM Taylor Made Media TN
Media Touche! Troutbeck Chernoff Walker Media
Inc. Wasserman Partners Wills Company Wolf
Advertising Zoum Communications
6Advertiser Members (200 members)
AW Aeroplan AGF Funds Inc. AIM Funds Air
Canada American Express Apple Canada Art Gallery
of Ontario Aventis Pharma Bank of Montreal Bayer
Consumer Care Bell Canada Benjamin Moore
Campbells Canadian Tire Cara Operations Church
Dwight Coca Cola Limited Compaq Canada Corby
Distillers Daimler Chrysler Diageo
EJ Gallo Wines Energizer Canada Fidelity
Investments Ford Motor Company Frito-Lay Futuresho
p General Mills General Motors Georgia
Pacific Glaxo Smithkline Hershey Canada Ikea
Canada Imperial Oil Imperial Tobacco Investors
Group Kellogg Canada Kodak Canada Kraft
Canada Labatts Loreal
Manulife Financial McDonalds Restaurants Molson
Breweries Nestle Canada Novartis Ontario Power
Generation Petro Canada Pfizer Warner
Lambert Procter Gamble Quaker Tropicana
Gatorade Reckitt Benckiser Revlon Rogers
ATT Royal Bank Scotiabank Scott Paper TD Canada
Trust Unilever Visa Canada Wrigley Canada
7PMB answers thousands of questions.
- Examples of products and services
- What is the ownership of hand held organizers?
- Which provinces retail scene has the highest
share for Big Box Stores? - To what extent is travel to the far east driven
by ethnic origin? - What do the owners of SUVs think about
environmental issues? - How many professionals fly West Jet?
- What is the level of ownership of investment real
estate by province?
8Handheld Organizers / PDAIn PMB 2004, 9 of
respondents reported ownership in past 12 months,
and 1 reported purchase .
9Uptake by younger people is well ahead of older
10The question as it appeared the first time in PMB
survey .
11The question is now updated to reflect the how
the market is developing.
12Questionnaire update driven by membership
- Members have the opportunity for input in the
spring of each year. - Reviewed by Research Committee for entry into
fall fieldwork. - Results available approximately 18 months later
- Next opportunity for updates Spring 2005
Results PMB 2007
13Usage of retail stores is measured in 32
different product areas
Home Improvements Gardening/Lawn
Care Furniture Bedding Bath Goods Household
Appliances Small Electric Appliances Audio,
Video Equipment Personal Computers Software Vide
o Tapes Tapes/Compact Discs Cameras Film/Photofin
ishing Automotive Supplies Tools
OTC Medicine Prescriptions Prescription
Eyewear Cosmetics Grocery Stores Convenience
Stores Pet Food Womens Clothing Mens
Clothing Shoes Childrens Clothing/Shoes Sporting
Goods/Clothing Toys Games Arts Crafts Books
14Example ----
15Big Box has higher usage level in Prairies and
Atlantic provinces
16PMB answers thousands of questions.
- Examples of products and services
- What is the ownership of hand held organizers?
- Which provinces retail scene has the highest
share for Big Box Stores? - To what extent is travel to the far east driven
by ethnic origin? - What do the owners of SUVs think about
environmental issues? - How many professionals fly West Jet?
- What is the level of ownership of investment real
estate by province?
17Far Eastern travel by ethnic background
18To which of these groups do you belong?
- Aboriginal
- Black
- White
- Filipino
- South Asian
- East/South Asian
- West Asian
- Arab
- Latin/Central American
- Chinese
- Japanese
- Korean
- Other
19The PMB Study
- Annual study
- Nationally representative sample
- Stratified random sample
- 2-year sample size 25,230
47,000 Enumeration Areas
2000 E.A.s selected
10 H.H. per E. A.
1 respondent per H.H.
20Response rates controlled by city,income,
Goal 65 60 60 60 60
PMB 2003 66.1 60.1 60.4 59.6
PMB 2004 66 60 60 60 60
National Major cities High income
areas Toronto high income Toronto managerial
21Verification proceduresto achieve 99 accuracy
- Fieldwork verification checks
- - 3 out of every 7 interviews
- (TNS Canadian Facts and PMB)
- - 99.5 validation required
- Data entry
- - 99.5 validation required
22Key demographic data are matched to Statistics
- Matching done within
- Region
- Province
- Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver
- Other cities grouped by size
Household Size
Personal Household Income
Latin American
Latin American
Latin American
26PMB answers thousands of questions.
- Examples of products and services
- What is the ownership of hand held organizers?
- Which provinces retail scene has the highest
share for Big Box Stores? - To what extent is travel to the far east driven
by ethnic origin? - What do the owners of SUVs think about
environmental issues? - How many professionals fly West Jet?
- What is the level of ownership of investment real
estate by province?
27(No Transcript)
28Environmental attitudes do not show much
variation by type of vehicle in household.
29Environmental attitudes do not show much
variation by type of SUV.
30(No Transcript)
31(No Transcript)
32(No Transcript)
33Web access to PMB information
- Top-line product data
- Questionnaires
- Resource Centre - Definitions
- PMB Study Guide
- Technical Volume
34PMB answers thousands of questions.
- Examples of products and services
- What is the ownership of hand held organizers?
- Which provinces retail scene has the highest
share for Big Box Stores? - To what extent is travel to the far east driven
by ethnic origin? - What do the owners of SUVs think about
environmental issues? - How many professionals fly West Jet? 110,000
- What is the level of ownership of investment real
estate by province?
35Close to one-third of respondents flying West Jet
are MOPEs (Managers/professionals/owners)
36Ownership of investment real estate
37BC respondents claim highest level of ownership
of investment real estate
38By contrast, cottages have a higher incidence in
the east
39PMB answers thousands of questions.
- Examples of contemporary issues
- Canadians views on Canada US relations are
there geographical or educational differences? - Are parents more concerned about nutrition
issues than non-parents? - How many Albertans favour strengthening Canadas
social welfare net? - Do young people read magazines as much as other
Canadians? - What do gay women think about legalizing
marijuana? - How many Canadians are active in social or
community projects, are there differences by
40Proportion of respondents agreeing with statement
Canada is becoming too closely linked to USA
41- Are parents more concerned about nutrition
issues than non-parents? - No, both claim to be informed on nutrition at the
same level. - However, there is a substantial difference by
42(No Transcript)
4319 of Albertans strongly agree with statement
I support the maintenance and strengthening of
Canadas social welfare net.
44Albertans have on average the same view on this
measure as other English Canadians, it is Quebec
that is most different.
45Young people 18-24 have highest level of magazine
reading across all age groups.
46Readership technique Recent Reading
- New methodology adopted in 2001
- Compatible with international magazine reading
measures - Supported by all sectors of PMB membership,
advertisers, agencies and publishers.
47Stage 1 of two stage process - Screening
- Complete interview is a 45 minute in home
interview - Initial screening stage - Respondents shown a
logo card of each publication - Asked if they have read any issue of the
publication in the past 12 months
48Stage 2 Detailed Readership
Respondents passing screening stage when
they last read or looked into any issue of the
publication Shown a time scale card ..
49Card AWeekly/Bi-WeeklyWHEN LAST READ OR
- Yesterday
- Past 2 to 3 Days
- Past Week (7 Days)
- Past 2 Weeks (14 Days)
- Past 3 Weeks (21 Days)
- Past Month (30 Days)
- Longer Ago
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Weekly Bi-Weekly
50Card B10/11/12 times a yearWHEN LAST READ OR
- Past Week (7 Days)
- Past 2 Weeks (14 Days)
- Past Month (30 Days)
- Past 5 Weeks
- Past 6 Weeks
- Past 2 Months (60 Days)
- Longer Ago
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
11/12 times 10 times
51Card C7/8/9 times a yearWHEN LAST READ OR
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
- Past Week (7 Days)
- Past Month (30 Days)
- Past 6 Weeks
- Past 7 Weeks
- Past 2 Months (60 Days)
- Past 3 Months (90 Days)
- Longer Ago
8/9 times 7 times
52Card D4/5/6 times a yearWHEN LAST READ OR
- Past Week (7 Days)
- Past Month (30 Days)
- Past 2 Months (60 Days)
- Past 3 Months (90 Days)
- Past 4 Months (120 Days)
- Past 6 Months
- Longer Ago
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
5/6 times 4 times
53- Additional Readership Information
- Frequency of reading
- Reading occasions
- Time spent reading
- Source of copy
- Where read
- Interest score
54Examples of contemporary issues.
55Sexual Orientation Data
- Question tested in Summer 2002
- Included in product questionnaire in 2003
fieldwork - First reporting PMB 2004
56Question Details (1)
57Question Details (2)
58Sexual orientation analysis
59Sexual orientation Summary
60(No Transcript)
619 of Canadians claim involvement in social or
community project (within past 2 years)
62There are major differences in participation
according to occupation
63Other examples of contemporary issues.
REMEDIES (available for first time in PMB 2005)
CONDITIONS Arthritis Asthma Depression Diabetes
Erectile Difficulties High Blood Pressure High
Cholesterol Incontinence Overactive Bladder Ulcer
KINDS Anti-Arthritics Anti-Asthmatics Anti-Chole
sterol Anti-Depressants Anti-Hypertensives Prescri
ption Painkillers
BRANDS Accupril Celebrex Prozac Viagra
Vioxx Other
65Expanded health care information
- Medical conditions and prescriptions
- Use of vitamins, minerals, supplements
- Types of health professional visited (past 6
months) - Home health care products (hearing aids etc)
66(No Transcript)
67Other examples of contemporary issues.
68PMB Partnerships/linkages
- Geodemographic Linkage
- Map Info
- Generation 5
- Optima
- A.C. Nielsen
- Environics-Analytics
69Other examples of contemporary issues.
70Multiple measures for assets
- amount of securities and savings
- Home ownership and value
- Other real estate cottage, farm, retirement
property, undeveloped land.
71Each measure shows increasing wealth of 50 64
age group
72Each measure shows increasing wealth of 50 64
age group
73The Value of PMB Data
Product Usage
Retail Store Data
TV Programs
Other Media Linkages
Print Media Planning/Buying
74Its Your Study