Title: Economic confrontations and strategies of power
1Economic confrontations and strategies of power
- by Christian Harbulot
- Director of the École de Guerre Économique,
- the School of Economic Warfare in Paris
- Associated Director within the cabinetC4ifr
2Bibliographical references
- Collective publication under the direction of
Christian Harbulot and Didier Lucas, Does France
have a strategy of economic power? avril 2004. - Robert Kagan, The Power and the weakness, the
United States and Europe in the new world order,
Plon, 2003. - Collective publication under the direction of
Christian Harbulot and Didier Lucas, the
cognitive war, éditions Lavauzelle, 2002.
3Going beyond of the thought of Clausewitz
- "If the military war imposed itself as the
continuation of the policy by other means, the
economic and cognitive wars prove to be the
perpetuation of the war - and thus of the policy
- by other means that physical violence." - Eric Delbecque
- Ways of the power
4Strategy cycles
- A long cycle which can be illustrated by the
victory of the young American Republic over
Europe. In two centuries, the United States have
overtaken world supremacy from the European
colonial empires. - An average cycle which can be described by the
way in which the United States take into account
since the year 1990 the rise to power of China on
the international scene. - A short cycle symbolized by the conflicts of low
or average intensity as it was the case with the
last war in Iraq.
5The beginning of another History
- Change of course of 1989 and not of 2001
- Cohabitation of the two worlds
- - the United States vis-a-vis the rest of the
world - - Multipolar powers (China, Russia, India)
- The risk of strategic inertia
- - 50 years in the wake of the american economy
- - The refusal to change paradigm
6The 5 fields of power
- Military
- Diplomatic
- Cultural
- Geoeconomics
- Informational
7Economic power and informational cultures
Subsistence economies Protection of the
asset Vital spaces economies Commercial
conquest Imperial" economies Informational
supremacy Market economies Turn around the rules
Ressources economies Economic War Parallel
Economies Illegal economy Block
economies Economic security
Electronic trade Total information control
8The three chess-boards
- The geoeconomic chess board
- The chess board of the competitors
- The chess board of the civil society
9The analyse grids
10Which strategies of power?
- The old reference marks on the concept of power
- the pré carrés (IVè Republic)
- National independance (De Gaulle)
- Concept of critical size (Pompidou,Balladur)
- The new reference marks
- The concept of key-sector
- The problem of increasing power
- The concept of grand strategy
11American priorities in the geoeconomic field
- The defense of the economic interests of the
United States is the priority n1 of the American
foreign politics (Bill Clinton, 1994) - Allies can be potential, specific or durable
adversaries economic - The seek for strategic supremacy implies the
development of overall influence policies - The American liberal state is directing more
than the French colbertist state in the conquest
of the external markets
12The essential questions
- How to increase the economic power of a country
in times of peace? - Which strategies can be applied?
- How to leave the framework independance /
dependancy? - Est-il possible de promouvoir une politique
déquilibre des échanges tout en conquérant des
parts de marché ? - Is it possible to promote a policy of equal
exchange and still conqueror market shares? - Which orchestration is it necessary to create a
public/privat complicity? - How to deploy durable influence strategies in
foreign countries?
13Companies and the interest of power
- The false debate The national economic interests
are diluted in the globalization - A report of the American Congress precises
- "the multinational firms should be regarded as
American if and when they act in the national
interest, and as American companies they should
be the target of detailed attention"
14A defensive vision of the national interest
- Resulting from the context of the cold war
(omerta on dividing points of the Western block) - Safeguarding of the pre square (raw materials,
agriculture, industries of defense, energy,
transport, aeronautics, space sector?) - Schedule of 1959 on economic Defense
- Concept of protection of the inheritance,
unbearable dependencies and competitiveness of
the companies
15Errors of grid interpretation
- The failure of the French strategy for the
computer industry - - the strategy of independence vis-a-vis the
strategy of conquest of the world - market
- - the impossibility to counter the cultural
surrounding - The non-perception of the stake of power
concerning the smart card - the responsibility of the theory of the heart
of a profession - the drifts of French liberalism
- The late taking into account of the importance
of the investment funds - unhooking in the locking of the financial
instruments - the surprise by the Carayon Rapport
16For a new approach of the economic power
- End of fatalism
- Restrictive concept of competitiveness of the
companies - New territories of search for power in
information technologies, biotechnology's,
knowledge industry, health industry, security
industry - New dimension of the policy and the civil
society in the decision-making process at the
sides of the companies
17Cleavages between politics and economy
- Laffaire SANOFI / Aventis
- the autism of the employers about the interest
of power - the slow awakening of the finance inspection
- retrograde ideas of the MEDEF
- Not taking into consideration the strategic
allied grids - purchase of Kroll by a big American insurance
group - No French response
18Research orientation of the LaregeTowards a
competitive matrix of power
- Phase of
- Decline
- Preservation
- Development
Ration of Strong against weak Weak against
- In a Context
- Global
- Regional
- Local