Title: Tuomo Rankinen, PhD
1Heritability of Chronic Diseases
Tuomo Rankinen, PhD Pennington Biomedical
Research Center Human Genomics Laboratory Baton
Rouge, LA
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4Familial Aggregation
- When relatives exhibit greater trait similarity
than do pairs of unrelated individuals - Function of shared genes, shared environments,
and/or some combination of both - Research strategies
- Family history approach
- Family study approach
- Case studies w/ population comparison
- Within vs. between family variation
5Familial Risk of DiseaseLambda coefficient
?R KR / K
- KR prevalence of disease / trait among
relatives of an affected proband - K prevalence of disease / trait in general
6Lambda coefficient for an autosomal dominant
trait with variable levels of penetrance and
attributable fraction, for different disease
7Changes in MZ Twins with Overfeeding and Negative
Energy Balance
Overfeeding Negative Energy Balance
Changes in body weight (kg)
Changes in body weight (kg)
Changes in body weight (kg) Changes in body
weight (kg)
Bouchard et al. Obes Res, 1994
Bouchard et al NEJM, 1990
8Familial aggregation in the HERITAGE Family Study
9The HERITAGE Family StudySBP50 training
responses in families
SBP50 training response
Family Rank
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11Gene effects
- Polygenic many genes each of small effect,
measurable influence on trait only in aggregate
(additive) - Major a single gene that has a measurable
effect on a trait - Oligogenic several genes, each having
measurable effects on a trait - Pleiotropic a gene that effects multiple traits
- Other Effects include environmental, GxG and GxE
- Proportion of phenotypic variation directly
attributable to genetic differences among
individuals - VG genetic, VC common environment, VE
unique environment - Variance components derived from trait
correlations among family members - Research strategies
- Twin studies
- Family studies
- Nuclear vs. extended families (incl. Adoptions)
- Heritability estimate is always population and
environment specific!!
Genetic heritability h2 VG / VP Cultural
heritability c2 VC / VP
14Components of genetic variance
- VA Additive genetic variance
- Phenotypic variation which is transmissible from
parents to offspring - VD Dominance variance
- Variation due to nonlinear interaction between
the transmissible alleles at a single locus - Contributes only to covariance between relatives
who can share a genotype IBD (e.g., full sibs and
twins) - VI Epistatic variance
- Variation due to all nonlinear interactions among
alleles at different loci
15Expected covariances for pairs of relatives
16Heritability estimatesTwin studies
- MZ twins 100 genes in common
- DZ twins 50 genes in common
- Non-twin sibs 50 genes in common
- If rMZ gt rDZ, evidence for genetic effect
- If rDZ gt rMZ, evidence for environment effect
- If rDZ gt rsibs, evidence for environment effect
- Heritability twice the difference between MZ and
DZ intraclass correlations
h2 2rMZ rDZ
17Genetic Liability of Type 1 Diabetes Among
Finnish TwinsHyttinen et al. Diabetes
- 22,650 twin pairs (born 1958-86) from the
national twin register - Diabetes status from the National Hospital
Discharge Register (1970-98), the Finnish
Diabetes Register (1965-98), and the Central Drug
Register (1964-) - 228 twin pairs (247 cases) with type 1 diabetes
- 44 monozygotic pairs
- 93 same-sex dizygotic pairs
- 90 opposite-sex dizygotic pairs
- Structural equation model
18Concordance rates for type 1 diabetesin Finnish
VA 88 VE 12
From Hyttinen et al. Diabetes 2003521052-1055
19Familial CorrelationsNuclear family
Spouse rFM Parent-Offspring rFC rMC Sibli
ng rCC
t2 (VG VC) / VP generalized
heritability twice average P-O and Sib correlation
20Heritability estimatesNuclear families
- Only spouses provide information about
non-genetic covariance! - Heritability estimate includes both genetic and
shared environmental sources of variation
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22Segregation Analysis
- Relies on non-normality in data
- Admixture of distributions
- Assume trait determined (in part) by single
biallelic gene - e.g. gene A may take one of two allelic forms, A
and a
Standardized Trait Value
24Segregation Model
Gene frequency p f(A) q f(a), Where (pq)
1 Genotypic frequency p2 f(AA) 2pq f(Aa) q2
? Genotypic means
Mode of transmission (d) Codominant Recessive
mAAmAa Dominant mAamaa
Mendelian transmission tAA 1 tAa ½ taa 0
Displacement t maa mAA
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26Research Strategies to Study the Genetic Basis
of Complex Multifactorial Traits
- Genome-wide scans
- Linkage analyses
- Microsatellites
- Family data
- Hypothesis generation
- Candidate genes
- Association studies
- Biallelic markers (SNPs)
- Independent subjects or family data
- Hypothesis testing
27Positional Cloning in Post-Human Genome Era
Modified from Boerwinkle et al. Circulation 2000
28Genetic Linkage
- Location of genetic loci sufficiently close
together on a chromosome that they do not
segregate independently - No or very little recombination between the loci
(? ltlt 0.5) - Property of the relative position of loci, not
their alleles - The observed co-segregation within a given family
can involve any allele at the marker locus
29Genetic Linkage
- Crossing-over a reciprocal event in a pair of
homologous chromosomes, takes place when the
chromosomes have already duplicated at the
beginning of the first meiotic division - Recombination fraction (?) the probability that
an odd number of crossover events will take place
between two loci the proportion of recombinant
30From www.accessexcellence.org
31Modified from Ott 1999
32Types of Linkage Analysis
- Model-based linkage analysis
- model for the trait segregation required
- Mendelian segregation
- Recessive / Dominant
- Gene frequency
- Penetrance
- Model-free linkage analysis
- genetic model for the trait not needed
- allele sharing I.B.D. between relative pairs
- excess allele sharing between affected sibs
- phenotypic vs. genotypic resemblance between
relative pairs
33Proportion of Alleles Shared IBD
- The genetic similarilty of the sib pair is
measured as the proportion of alleles they share
identical-by-descent - fj1 and fj2 probabilities that the jth sib
pair share 1 and 2 alleles IBD, respectively
34Allele Sharing Identity-by-Descent (IBD)
1 / 2
3 / 4
Parental genotypes
Number of alleles shared IBD
Proportion of alleles shared IBD
35Model-Free Linkage for Quantitative
Traits(original Haseman-Elston)
Gene-Environment Interactions?
37ADRB2 gene polymorphism, BMI and physical activity
Body mass index
Waist circumference
Meirhaeghe et al. Lancet 1999
38Physical activity, breast cancer and BRCA1 and
BRCA2 mutations
King et al. Science 2003
39Coronary heart disease risk and LIPC genotype
Hokanson et al. Am J Epidemiol 2003
40Physical activity, coronary heart disease risk
and LIPC genotype
Hokanson et al. Am J Epidemiol 2003
41Are chronic diseases / complex traits due to
genetic or environmental factors?
42Recommended Reading
- Khoury MJ, Beaty TR, Cohen BH. Fundamentals of
Genetic Epidemiology. Oxford University Press,
New York 1993 - Rao DC, Province MA (eds.) Genetic Dissection of
Complex Traits. Academic Press (Elsevier Science)
2001 - Ott J. Analysis of Human Genetic Linkage. Johns
Hopkins University Press 1999