Title: BOKU University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences
1BOKU University of Natural Resources and
Applied Life Sciences
Has undergone several sever changes during the
last year.
One of them has been a change from a structure of
many small institutes to one of fewer and larger
Department of Forest and Soil Sciences
2The Department of Forest and Soil Sciences is now
of 13 departments of BOKU
Department of Forest and Soil Sciences
3Department of Forest- and Soil Sciences
Soil Science
Forest techniques
Forest Ecology
School Forest
Forest Growth and Yield
Forest Entomology, -pathology and Forest
Department of Forest and Soil Sciences
4Department of Forest- and Soil Sciences
Department of Forest and Soil Sciences
5Department of Forest- and Soil Sciences
Federal budget without staff and
infrastructure 300,000
Project (soft) money without staff 2 mio
50 from Federal ministries
30 from EU-projects
10 Austrian Science Foundation
10 others (private companies)
Department of Forest and Soil Sciences
6- Curricula, served by the Department
Natural Resource Manag. Ecological Engineering
Department of Forest and Soil Sciences
Department of Forest and Soil Sciences