Effect of NonCondensables on Natural Circulation Passive Safety Systems - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Effect of NonCondensables on Natural Circulation Passive Safety Systems


Jos Luis Mu oz-Cobo, Luis Herranz, Juan Carlos de la Rosa, Alberto Escriv ... hpfg is the specific enthalpy of phase change plus the subcooling energy to the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Effect of NonCondensables on Natural Circulation Passive Safety Systems

2 RCM of the IAEAs CRP Oregon State
University, Corvallis, USA Aug-Sept 2005
Effect of Non-Condensables on Natural
Circulation Passive Safety Systems José Luis
Muñoz-Cobo, Luis Herranz, Juan Carlos de la
Rosa, Alberto Escrivà Presented by Juan Carlos
de la Rosa Instituto de Ingeniería Energética
Universidad Politécnica de Valencia Edificio I4
Camino de Vera s/n 46022 Valencia -
SPAIN delarosablul_at_yahoo.es
Main Contents
  • General Presentation of the UPV
  • Main aspects of the developed work
  • Condensation inside vertical tubes in presence of
    NC gases
  • Condensation on Finned Tubes Heat Exchangers in
    presence of NC gases

General Presentation of the UPV
  • The UPV is one of the leading Technical
    Universities in Spain with 35000 Students and
    2500 Faculty lecturers, Professors and
  • The Institute of Energy Engineering belongs to
    the UPV and has 60 researchers that works in the
    following areas
  • Thermal Engineering
  • Nuclear Engineering and Thermalhydraulics
  • Electric Engineering
  • Renewable Energy Sources

General Presentation of the UPV
  • Thermalhydraulics and Nuclear Engineering Group
    Participation in Projects related with Natural
    Circulation Passive Safety Systems
  • CEE-TEPSS Technology Enhancement of Passive
    Safety Systems 1996-1999, European Fourth
  • CONGA (Subcontract with CIEMAT). Containment
    Behaviour in the Event of Core Melt with Gaseous
    and Aerosol Releases 1996-1999.
  • CEE-NACUSP NaturalCirculation and Stability
    Performance of BWR 1999-2004. Fifth European
    Framework Project.
  • EPP-1000, Small and Large Break LOCA Analysis in
    collaboration with ANSALDO and DTN. 1999-2000.

Main Aspects of the developed work
By means of the proposed PIRT -which has to be
finished and consolidated in this 2 RCM-, the
UPV and Ciemat have already made the following
  • Related with the 2 Phenomena of the proposed
    PIRT -Tracking of Non-Condensables-, we have
    studied the main different models which simulate
    the condensation inside vertical tubes in the
    presence of NC gases. Also, we have made a model
    for the condensation on finned tubes heat
    exchangers in presence of NC gases, which gives a
    good agreement. The main prototypes of passive
    safety reactors which can incorporate this models
    in its simulations are the ESBWR and SBWR for the
    Passive Containment Cooling Condensers (PCCC),
    and the SWR-1000 for the Finned Tubes Heat
  • Related with the 3 Phenomena of the Proposed
    PIRT -Condensation on the containment
    structures-, we have developed an analytical
    model for the condensation on the containment
    structures, explicitly done for the AP600 passive
    safety reactor.

Main Aspects of the developed work
  • Finally, related with the 9 Phenomena of the
    proposed PIRT -Liquid Temperature
    stratification-, we have studied the
    Stratification that occurs in the hot legs of a
    Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) using commercial
    codes (like CFX) and developing new codes (like

Condensation inside vertical tubes in presence of
NC gases
  • The ESBWR and the SBWR extract the containment
    heat by means of the passive containment cooling
    condensers (PCCC). Each condenser is formed by a
    set of vertical tubes connected to common lower
    and upper headers or drums, and submerged into a
    water pool. A tube drains the steam plus
    non-condensable mixture from the containment and
    drives it to a distributor that transports the
    mixture by natural circulation to the upper
    headers of the PCCCs. Once the gas enters into
    the tubes, the steam condenses on the walls of
    the tubes, and the condensation heat is
    transferred to the PCCC pool.
  • The condensate is drained by gravity to the
    lower header, where accumulates at the lower part
    of the lower drum where it is removed by gravity
    through the drain line which is directly
    connected to the reactor vessel. The
    non-condensed steam plus the non-condensable
    gases are discharged through the vent line into
    the wetwell pool.

Condensation inside vertical tubes in presence of
NC gases
Condensation inside vertical tubes in presence of
NC gases
Condensation inside vertical tubes in presence of
NC gases
The main objective is to propose several models
which can be easily implemented in the existing
thermal-hydraulics codes, like RELAP, TRAC-BF,
and TRACE. There exists two main paths to arrive
to construct a model
  • The first one is an a priori or analytical
    method, which sees the physical system as a white
    box. This means that the model will be
    constructed by means of the conservation
    equations along with closure relations, and/or
    using the heat and mass transfer analogy.
  • The second one is an a posteriori or
    semi-empirical method, which sees the physical
    system as a black box, in a way that the model
    will be constructed based on an analytical
    previous model, making the correct adaptation to
    the real physical system by means of an empirical

Condensation inside vertical tubes in presence of
NC gases
  • Following this aim, we have compared three
  • The University of California at Berkeley model,
    called the UCB model, developed by Vierow and
    Schrock, all together with the improved UCB
    model, called UCBA, and developed by Kuhn.
  • The Second model is the one from the Middle East
    Technical University at Ankara, called the
    METU-TAEA model, and performed by Anglar and
  • Finally, the third analyzed model is the UPV-FIT
    model, performed by José Luis Muñoz Cobo et al.

Condensation inside vertical tubes in presence of
NC gases
  • All these models belong to the second
    way to construct a model, that is, they use an
    empirical factor to account for the phenomena not
    implemented in the source analytical model.
  • As we have previously said, these
    simple models are based on obtaining the real
    heat transfer coefficient (HTC) by means of one
    previously obtained analytically, in our case,
    through the Nusselt theory
  • In this way, the positive and negative
    aspects of each model will depend on the
    phenomena not included analytically, that is, in
    the degree of dependence that each one has with
    the experiments that were used to get the
    degradation factor.

Condensation inside vertical tubes in presence of
NC gases
  • The UCB model
  • We can obtain a Nusselt number for the
    laminar and turbulent region which will be used
    to calculate the film thickness

Condensation inside vertical tubes in presence of
NC gases
  • The UCB model
  • The degradation factor must account for two kind
    of phenomena not included in the Nusselt theory
  • The enhancement of the HTC produced by the
    shrinkage caused by the transfer of momentum from
    the gas mixture to the condensate film
  • The degradation produced by the NC effect, which
    would almost counterbalances the forces created
    by the depression that occurs when the steam
    condensates in the interface

Condensation inside vertical tubes in presence of
NC gases
  • The UCBA model
  • This model was improved by the
    Khun-Schrock-Peterson correlation denoted as
    UCBA, that takes on account the waviness of the
    condensate layer and the interfacial shear
    stress, but the model is more complex because
    involves to solve the Nusselt liquid film
    boundary layer equation with specified shear
    stress at the interface and it is not as direct
    as the Vierow Schrock model, because it is
    necessary to iterate to solve this equation.
  • In this model
  • where

Condensation inside vertical tubes in presence of
NC gases
  • The METU-TAEA model
  • In this case, the degradation factor is given
  • Where f1 is the enhancement factor of
    the HTC produced by the shrinkage caused by the
    transfer of momentum from the gas mixture to the
    condensate film. Also, this enhancement factor
    takes into account the effect produced by the
    onset of disturbance waves at the interface at
    relatively low condensate Reynolds numbers

Condensation inside vertical tubes in presence of
NC gases
  • The METU-TAEA model
  • with
  • where d1 is the film thickness without
    interfacial shear stress, and d2 is the film
    thickness with interfacial shear stress. We note
    that the interfacial shear stress is influenced
    by both the interface velocity and the mixture
    side velocity. For this reason fOTHER is
    correlated as
  • Where C1, C2, Z1, and Z2, are constants
    of the model, Rel and Reg are the Reynolds
    numbers of the condensate and the gas plus NC
    mixture respectively.

Condensation inside vertical tubes in presence of
NC gases
  • The METU-TAEA model
  • As the NC gases are being accumulated in the
    interface creating a gradient concentration, the
    Ficks law assures that a mass transfer of NC
    gases will produce from the interface to the
    bulk. According to Aglar and Tanrikut, this can
    be expressed with the help of the Sherwood
    number. Then, the degradation factor can be
    written in the following expression
  • where C3, and Z3 are model constants,
    ync is the NC molar fraction and Sh is the
    Sherwood number.

Condensation inside vertical tubes in presence of
NC gases
  • The UPV-FIT model
  • This model only depends empirically on the NC
    mass fraction, because the other phenomena not
    included in the Nusselt theory -waviness and
    shear stress effects- have been implemented
    through d, in a way that its influence has not
    been accounted for experimentally. This goal has
    been achieved introducing a different d from the
    one of Nusselt. In this way, instead of
  • We have

Condensation inside vertical tubes in presence of
NC gases
  • The UPV-FIT model
  • Where
  • d is obtained solving
  • where the interfacial shear stresses
    and the wavy effects of the condensate layer
  • have been introduced, and dN is the one
    obtained from the Nusselt theory.

Condensation inside vertical tubes in presence of
NC gases
  • The UPV-FIT model
  • In this way, we can use a degradation factor that
    only takes account for the NC mass fraction
  • Where
  • and

Condensation inside vertical tubes in presence of
NC gases
  • Comparisons
  • First, we compare the results of the
    UCBA and METU-TAEA models, defining an average of
    the absolute values of the relative differences
    in between the calculated hcal and experimental
    hexp heat transfer coefficients as
  • The second comparison is made with all
    the models for the NC effect, using the Vierow
    and Schrock experiments. Also, we evaluated a
    mixed model defined as

Condensation inside vertical tubes in presence of
NC gases
Condensation inside vertical tubes in presence of
NC gases
Average relative error
Condensation inside vertical tubes in presence of
NC gases
  • Conclusions
  • The actual models which can be
    implemented in the Thermal-Hydraulic Codes to
    simulate the Condensation inside tubes in
    presence of NC gases, are all semi-empirical
  • The problem of this kind of model
    construction is that we almost can not enhance
    it, that is, as the models use an empirical
    factor to account for the phenomena not included
    in the Nusselt theory, it is almost impracticable
    to get a better approach.
  • The next phase will be to implement
    them in a Thermal-Hydraulic Code like TRAC,
    RELAP, or TRACE, and to compare its results
    between them, and with the models now implemented
    in the Thermal-Hydraulic Codes.

Condensation on Finned Tubes Heat Exchangers in
presence of NC gases
  • The finned tube HX consists in bundles
    of finned tubes cooled internally by natural
    circulation as displayed in the figure below .

Condensation on Finned Tubes Heat Exchangers in
presence of NC gases
  • The working principle of FTCCC can be
    explained as follows if the temperature in the
    drywell atmosphere increases over the one in the
    dryer-separator storage pool, then the steam
    condenses on the tubes and heat up the water
    inside the HX finned tubes. This water of less
    density moves upward by natural circulation due
    to the slope of the exchangers tubes, and flows
    through the outlet line, discharging the higher
    temperature cooling water in the pool. The outlet
    line ends at a higher elevation level than the
    inlet line, so the lifting forces are increased
    for the whole system.
  • If the medium on the heat exchanger
    after an accident is a nitrogen-steam mixture,
    then the natural convection flow over the finned
    tubes is downward toward the core flooding pool,
    because the density of the nitrogen-steam mixture
    increases with decreasing temperature. However,
    the opposite is true for a hydrogensteam
  • These passive HX condenses the steam
    inside the containment and transport the heat by
    natural circulation to a large pool with
    capability to act as a heat sink at least during
    72 hours.

Condensation on Finned Tubes Heat Exchangers in
presence of NC gases
Condensation on Finned Tubes Heat Exchangers in
presence of NC gases
  • The total thermal resistance from the bulk gas to
    the coolant is formulated as a parallel
    combination of the convective and condensation
    gas resistances coupled in series to those of
    condensate layer, the wall, and the coolant.
  • The condensate layer thermal resistance is
    calculated by means of an Adamek based
    condensation model.
  • The Murata model is implemented to compute the
    fins efficiency, because it is calculated
    through a direct expression, and not using an
    iteration procedure as the Adamek model requires.
  • The gas mixture (Steam plus NC) thermal
    resistance is formulated based on a diffusion
    layer theory formulated by Peterson, which uses
    the heat and mass transfer analogy.
  • The model results are compared with available
    experimental data of the thermal-hydraulic phase
    (steamnon-condensable gases) of the experiments
    of the CONGA project of the European Community.

Condensation on Finned Tubes Heat Exchangers in
presence of NC gases
  • The overall heat flux from the
    containment bulk gas mixture at temperature Tb,
    to the coolant circulating inside the finned tube
    at temperature Tc, is given by Newtons law of
  • To compute the total HTC, we use the
    electrical analogy

Condensation on Finned Tubes Heat Exchangers in
presence of NC gases
  • And the total HTC is
  • where
  • and

Condensation on Finned Tubes Heat Exchangers in
presence of NC gases
  • For the Condensate Layer Thermal
    Resistance we use the Adameks model, which is
    based on calculating the total mass condensation
    rate. For this goal, the finned tube is divided
    into 3 circumferential zones, according to the
    amount of condensate that we have in the interfin

Condensation on Finned Tubes Heat Exchangers in
presence of NC gases
  • The heat transfer coefficient for the
    condensate layer is
  • M1/2 denotes the total mass condensation rate per
    one half fin at one side of the tube.
  • L is the condensing length of the tube.
  • Nf is the number of fins per unit length.
  • ?T is the difference of temperatures between the
    temperature at the liquid-gas interface and the
    temperature at the surface of the tube.

Condensation on Finned Tubes Heat Exchangers in
presence of NC gases
  • The heat transfer coefficient for the
    gas diffusion layer is
  • hg,cond is the condensation heat transfer
    coefficient for the gas.
  • Tcond is the suction factor for condensation.
  • hg,conv is the convection heat transfer
    coefficient for the gas.
  • Tconv is the suction factor for convection.
  • These suction factors are caused by the
    boundary-layer shrinkage produced by the transfer
    of momentum from the gas mixture to the
    condensate film.

Condensation on Finned Tubes Heat Exchangers in
presence of NC gases
  • The convection HTC of the gas mixture
    is related to the Nusselt number, where the
    Nusselt number depends on the convection regime
  • The Sherwood number is obtained from
    the same correlations quoted earlier and using
    the heat and mass transfer analogy, which allows
    Sh to be correlated as the Nu, provided that the
    Prandtl number of the gas mixture Prg, is
    substituted by the Schmidt number

Condensation on Finned Tubes Heat Exchangers in
presence of NC gases
  • Finally, the Condensation Conductivity, taken
    from Peterson, is given by the following
  • D denotes the air-steam diffusion coefficient
    taken at Tavg temperature.
  • hpfg is the specific enthalpy of phase change
    plus the subcooling energy to the average
    condensate temperature.
  • Cg is the gas mixture molar concentration.
  • Mst is the molecular weight of the steam.
  • Tavg is the average temperature in the boundary
  • Xst,avg and Xnc,avg are the molar fraction
    logarithmic averages of the steam and
    non-condensable respectively.

Condensation on Finned Tubes Heat Exchangers in
presence of NC gases
  • Comparisons
  • The results of the experiments
    performed at JRC by De Santi and at PSI by
    Suckow, are compared with the results of the
    program FINSTUBOAE that contains the model for
    finned tube condensation explained before.
  • De Santi
    experiments Suckow

Condensation on Finned Tubes Heat Exchangers in
presence of NC gases
  • Conclusions
  • The model to simulate the behaviour of
    the Finned Tubes Heat Exchanger in presence of
    NC gases is constructed analytically.
  • As we can observe, the results given by
    this model are better than the ones obtained with
    the models for condensation inside tubes, all of
    which were constructed semi-empirically.
  • Our model keeps a non-dependency of any
    specific group of experiments, which permits a
    broad range of use of our model to different
    containment conditions.
  • Although this model has been
    obtained analytically, it rests partially in some
    empirical correlations for the non-dimensional
    numbers as Nusselt or Sherwood number.

Condensation on Finned Tubes Heat Exchangers in
presence of NC gases
  • Conclusions
  • As the model is constructed
    analytically, it can be enhance by suppressing or
    getting better the empirical correlations or the
    simplificative hypothesis, as the followings
  • The use of the Clausis-Clapeyron equation, which
    implies a saturated condition of the vapor at the
  • To include the convection energy due to the NC
    gases, which actually is not considered.
  • To include the conduction therm in the Heat
    Transfer of the boundary layer to the interface.
  • To solve Ficks law considering the variation of
    the total gas density.
  • The next step will be study the
    influence of aerosols deposition in the Heat
    Transfer and implement it in the FORTRAN
    FINSTUBOAE program.
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