Customer analytics and marketing automation tools can be used to fuel the much-needed anticipatory methods to fulfill customer requirements. If the CMO wants to derive customer-level insights, she/he needs a platform that can retrieve behavioral data of every customer. In a normal CRM software, actions are taken based on the nature of a few to many groups of customers. But Xerago offers a unique platform which can record the preferences of every single customer and take effective marketing calls. Using data-driven insights to serve each and every customer of your brand, is where the holistic approach exists.
Creation of customer value is very often overlooked, mainly because it is not tangible, but the fact is delivering greater customer value ensures your business alive. In return for the values, the customer’s offer money and loyalty to the companies.
Marketing analytics is an extensive spectrum. It ranges from simple calculations to gathering sophisticated data. Customer analytics is a prolific facelift to the conventional marketing analytics and practices, which delves deep into customer behavior.