Title: WWTBAM Author: Christopher Fane Last modified by: Emily Lee Created Date: 2/27/2000 1:55:03 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3)
* Correct What is a newborn dairy animal? A.) Cow B.) Bull C.) Calf D.) Cat L C.) Calf F What is a diary animal that has given birth? A.) Cow B.) Calf C.) Dog D ...
Title: WWTBAM Author: Christopher Fane Last modified by: jrobinson Created Date: 2/27/2000 1:55:03 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3)
Incorrect! Thank-you for playing * Correct Correct The two parts to the mass are the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of A.) Baptism B.) Communion C ...
... correct answer F Under This political philosophy by Nixon, ... wiretapping equipment and large amounts of cash A.) Waldorf B.) Watergate C.) Hilton D ...
Title: WWTBAM Author: Christopher Fane Last modified by: Jennifer Created Date: 2/27/2000 1:55:03 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3)
Unit ( 9 & 10: Microbes) Click to begin Correct Which of the following is true of all algae (plant-like protists)? A.) eukaryotic B.) unicellular C.) heterotrophic D ...
Incorrect! Thank-you for playing * Correct Correct Which is these is not a dimension of religion A.) Sacred Texts B.) Religious History C.) Sacred Ethics D ...
Title: WWTBAM Author: Christopher Fane Last modified by: jrobinson Created Date: 2/27/2000 1:55:03 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3)
... in order of their. Birth date. A.) Methuselah. B.) Herod. C.) Adam ... B) Herod. D) Jesus. Put the following Creation events in order. A.) Living Creatures ...
A Visit with Grandpa Vocabulary Game. Dried grapes are called ... A fat such as butter or lard is called. A.) biscuits. B.) shortening. C.) bread. D.) shortning ...
A.) 1 foot. B.) 20 feet. C.) 6.25 feet. D.) 16 feet. L. W. There are 30 red ... to $500,000 Question. Incorrect! Click here to return. to $1,000,000 Question ...
* Correct http://www.opencourtresources.com Unit 4 Spelling Review 4th Grade A.) arrows B.) times C.) ajes D.) carrier L W Which word is spelled incorrectly?
* * * Correct * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The Erie Canal caused which of the Following to become a major center for Immigration ...
Quest ion 1? A.) answer. B.) answer. C.) correct answer. D. ... C.) answer. D.) answer. L. A.) correct answer. F. Congratulations! Thank-you for playing...
... are the prices for 3 sizes of bags. of potato chips. Which is the best ... bag. What is the ratio of blue marbles. to the total number of marbles? A.) 49 : 11 ...
Here we go with Question #2. The Easter Bunny is ... A.) Real. B.) From the Bible. C.) Big ... with Question #3. We celebrate Easter because that is when? A. ...
Quest ion 1? A.) answer. B.) answer. C.) correct answer. D.) answer. L. C.) correct answer ... Quest ion 2? A.) correct answer. B.) answer. C.) answer. D. ...