AdS/CFT spin chains string worldsheets. Simplifications in a large J limit. ... Initial goal: Find a meromorphic solution, i.e. a solution with no branch cuts ...
gerbe connection, denoted. Surprise!! For superstrings: not correct! ... will consider the degree to be a twisting, and we will twist by a ``graded gerbe. ...
... of the effective action on the annulus (torus), and compare it with the ... energy, at leading order (though it does affect the annulus partition function) ...
D-branes and KW-dualities in (p,q) minimal superstring theory Hirotaka Irie (Kyoto univ.) Based on HI, arXiv:0706.4471 [hep-th] Notes on D-branes and dualities in ...
annulus amplitudes of the D-branes in any (p,q) (p,q)=(2,4) pure-SUGRA case has been ... We evaluate the annulus amplitudes of the principle FZZT branes. ...
Title: Quantum field theory Author: Nikita NEKRASSOV Last modified by: Nikita NEKRASSOV Created Date: 10/15/2004 1:34:31 PM Document presentation format
Quantum Gravity As an Ordinary Gauge Theory Juan Maldacena Institute for Advanced Study Princeton, New Jersey Is there a dS/CFT ? Future Further studies of black holes.
... [hep-th]] [CCV] S.Cecotti, C.Cordova and C.Vafa, ``Braids, Walls, and Mirrors,''[arXiv ... In the full superstrings these could be D6 or D4 branes depending ...
Heavy quarkonium in a QGP. Above TC, light-quark mesons no longer exist due to. deconfinement. ... Quarkonium suppression: a prediction via string theory ...
be holographic. This means that we should be able to describe all physics ... The AdS/CFT conjecture is a concrete realization of this holographic principle ...
JPS 2006, Ehime University, 29 March. 1. Non-toric topological string theory and anomalies ... Unity of math and physics (dedicated to Gelfand and Gauss) ...
Space-time. in the new millennium. La notion d'ESPACE-TEMPS. au d but du ... FOR THE NEXT MILLENIUM. QUANTUM GRAVITY. EFFECTS IN MORE REALISTIC. STRING THEORY ...
Title: Exact Counting of Black Hole Microstates Author: Atish Dabholkar Last modified by: Atish Dabholkar Created Date: 9/19/2004 7:56:58 PM Document presentation format
Falsifying AdS/CFT Drag or pQCD Heavy Quark Energy Loss with A+A at RHIC and LHC William Horowitz Columbia University Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS)
Matrix Theory and the Fundamental Symmetry : A Planck Scale Generalized Electric Magnetic Dual Initial State (Chronology: Gregory Moore, Jeffrey Harvey ...
Open closed duality says that there is an equivalent description in terms of ... Thus, smooth wave packets made out of Fock space states evolve smoothly through ...
Compute planar, color ordered, gluon scattering amplitudes at strong coupling ... Start with the cusp in poincare coordinates. Apply a general conformal transformation ...
String propagation on curved backgrounds has received much attention: own ... in various directions, several quite elementary questions remain unanswered AdS3 ...
Drag coefficient for a massive quark moving through a strongly coupled SYM plasma at uniform T ... Above a few GeV, quark production spectrum is approximately ...
... Abelian kappa symmetry [the previous attempts to construct action with it failed] ... Green-Schwarz (GS) superstring is formulated in terms of coordinate functions ...
However, worldsheet X is not necessarily affine, typically ellpitic curve. Is 0 point fucntion ... the gluing of 'affine' Lie algebras from exceptional divisors; ...