Meeting WISHA Training Requirements To meet the WISHA training requirements for Lead in Construction, you must include information specific to your worksite as ...
Some chemicals have no odor, or can only be smelled at high levels. 14. Training Break ... What does it mean if you smell a chemical while wearing your respirator? ...
Preview this program and include your specific workplace information prior to ... The earphones are not earmuffs and the music only adds to background other noise. ...
Health Hazards in Construction, DOSH Health Hazards in Construction training, WISHA construction health hazards training, Health Hazards in Construction power point
Band saw safety WAC 296-806-48006 Objectives We will be reviewing parts of WISHA rules on Machine Safeguarding WAC 296-806. You ll learn: hazards of operating a ...
Division of Occupational Safety and Health (DOSH) Washington is a State Plan State Operates under WISHA Covers private and public employers Standards must be at ...
Affected Employees Session Objectives You will be able to: Recognize hazardous energy sources Carry out your responsibilities related to lockout/tagout Understand the ...
Wood Dust and Occupational Asthma Special Thanks This overview was adapted from Wood Dust and Occupational Asthma a booklet developed by the Occupational Health ...
Common WMSD* Hazards in Your Workplace and Some Solution Ideas (*Work-Related Musculo-Skeletal Disorders) This show outlines By the end of this show ...
Accident Prevention Program (APP) An Overview Purpose: To assist you in developing and implementing a written Accident Prevention Program which is tailored to the ...
Construction Self-Inspection Guide This presentation covers some of the most frequently cited safety and health violations which cause a majority of fatalities and
The ABC s of DOSH Inspections Holly Markee Approach Management Services 253-208-1671 * Can employees identify their safety representatives on the safety committee?
... then Problem Solving Scenarios Employee consistently forgets to wear safety glasses Employee complains of daily shoulder ... Call safety coor. for ergonomics eval.
Janitors, Custodians, and Housekeepers Module 3: Biological Hazards This module: Will demonstrate that janitors, custodians, and housekeepers may complete many ...
How do Overexertion Injuries Occur? Overexertion occurs ... University Extension's Agricultural Tailgate Safety Training Series Thanks for ... a scissor-lift cart ...
Bloodborne Pathogens First Aid and Maintenance Session Objectives You will be able to: Identify bloodborne pathogens (BBPs) Understand how diseases are transmitted ...
Janitors, Custodians, and Housekeepers Module 4: Musculoskeletal Hazards This module: Will demonstrate that janitors, custodians, and housekeepers may complete many ...
Getting a disease from exposure to a bloodborne pathogen. The pathogen involved ... ...
Respiratory Protection Healthcare Workers Session Objectives You will be able to: Recognize respiratory hazards in your job Identify and use appropriate respiratory ...
Videotaping Tips. Announce the name of the job on the tape. Tape 5 to 10 minutes for each task ... Try different angles to get the best shot. JHA/Work Methods ...
... Care Settings. Background. Violence is escalating ... Background. Risk factors. Working with volatile people ... Background. RCW 49.19 was passed in 1999. ...
Office Safety and Health Illumination Lighting problems in the office include: Glare Eyestrain Fatigue Double-vision Poor lighting can be a contributing factor in ...
Injury Prevention in Restaurants and Kitchens This overview will: Identify the most common injuries in restaurants and kitchens Identify the hazards most likely to ...
Bloodborne Pathogens General Session Objectives You will be able to: Identify bloodborne pathogens (BBPs) Understand how diseases are transmitted Determine your risk ...
Slip, Trip and Fall Hazard PROBLEM Slip: if it is wet outside and the mat is folded back, then the floor is getting wet instead of the mat absorbing the water.
WAC 296-24 General Occupational Safety Standards. WAC 296-62 General ... Check Blue government section of the white pages. L&I web page: ...
Who is responsible for safety? Then your immediate supervisor. Then your department ... Who is responsible for applying these rules. Where to look for these ...
A Five Step Process for Finding WMSD Hazards Recommended Exposure Limits for Preventing WMSDs By the ... carpal tunnel syndrome in the wrist, low back pain and ...
Biological Hazards in Medical Laboratories What You Will Learn This module gives an overview of how bacteria and viruses can cause injury, illness, disease, and even ...
This module provides training on noise required to conduct a ... Sound that is too loud, disturbs. sleep, interferes with conversation, or causes hearing loss. ...
The two main types of supplied air respirators are covered in this module. Abrasive blasting hoods or re-breather type respirators are not covered. ...
The Ten Commandments of Tractor Safety The Ten Commandments The Ten Commandments were developed by Kubota, and they are considered industry standard among ...
cards listing timing of daily tasks/tools. Workers observed periodically to assess ... measurements using three B&K 4374 mini piezoelectric accelerometers or one 4322 ...
ACCIDENT INVESTIGATION BASICS * Bullets will appear upon mouse click. Having a plan in place allows you to document the scene, identify witnesses, and establish a ...
Lead Safety In Construction Session Objectives You will be able to understand: Lead hazards, exposure, and control Respiratory protection Medical surveillance ...
Janitors, Custodians, and Housekeepers Module 3: Biological Hazards This module: Will demonstrate that janitors, custodians, and housekeepers may complete many ...
Personal Protective Equipment for Logging Protection for your: Head Eyes Ears Legs Head Protection Evidence of UV Deterioration Eye Protection - Why It s Needed Eye ...
Bota de pesca con punta de acero Bota para pantano con suela de acero Chanclo de goma TRABAJANDO EN CLIMA: MOJADO LODOSO FEO! QU EPP DEBE PROVEER EL EMPLEADOR?
Overexertion Injuries What they are How they happen How they can be prevented In this Slide Show What are overexertion injuries? How do overexertion injuries occur?
The example is a mobile parts rack from a gas and wood stove manufacturer. ... Region 6 Lana Pigeon (509)324-2550. Other great resources! ...
In your daily life, hearing loss makes it difficult to hear telephones, enjoy movies and most importantly, it is hard to communicate with family and friends.
Working Safely with Solvents An Overview What will be covered What are Solvents? Typical uses of solvents Flammable and combustible solvents When solvent vapors can ...
PPE: Hand Protection Session Objectives You will be able to: Identify hand hazards Choose appropriate gloves for work tasks Know the limitations of hand protection ...
Emergency Washing Equipment Eyewashes and Emergency Showers Topics Covered Chemical eye and skin hazards Personal protective equipment Emergency washing standard ...