If not related to a weather delay (for which the airline would accommodate a change or rebook for later date) or missed connection, the only major reason to allow you to “miss” your flight would be verifiable death of an immediate family member.
If not related to a weather delay (for which the airline would accommodate a change or rebook for later date) or missed connection, the only major reason to allow you to “miss” your flight would be verifiable death of an immediate family member.
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When an aircraft lands, spoilers on the wings are deployed to destroy lift; ... The KLM 747 collided with the Pan Am 747 with the loss of 583 lives. Alan Clements ...
... to work (MSNBC News, June 14, 2000) http://www.msnbc.com/news/314049.asp?cp1=1 ... Did the vikings have. a 'Vinland map' ?? Overview and Outlook. Personal view: ...
The Successful Aviation Professional. AST 141. Professionalism. Positive, courteous ... Interpersonal relationships. 5 Hazardous attitudes that can kill in an airplane ...