Contus Vplay is an online video platform that delivers live streaming and video-on demand solution to manage, monetize and distribute the video contents across all the devices in a secure manner.
Contus Vplay's OTT solution helps to live stream and on-demand video streaming options that helps to facilitate the maximum revenue through various Ad monetization strategies.
Create your own video streaming website and app by choosing the right video on deamand solution. Contus Vplay is an online video platform which delivers live streaming and vod solution to manage, monetize and distribute the video contents over the internet.
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The second global benchmarking for cross-platform tools and services constitutes a detailed comparison of 40 CP Tools based on 10 criteria which are essential for the selection of the right tool for an app project. In addition, the benchmarking report aggregates ratings and experience of 2,188 CPT users who have used more than 150 CP Tools. This makes the CPT Benchmarking the largest and most comprehensive evaluation of tools that support cross-platform app development. Since the last year, the market for CP Tools and services has become significantly more crowded. CPT vendors have started to put more emphasis on catering for the enterprise segment. CP Tools fall into 5 categories: App Factories, Web App Toolkits, Cross-Platform Integrated Development Environments (CP IDEs), CP IDEs for Enterprise (CP IDEs Enterprise), CP Compilers and CP Services.