Vinayak Institute Of Professonal Studies is well known as VIPS, founded by N.K GUPTA with a vision of “Transform every student into a employee “.VIPS is exclusively specialized institute for Industrial Training , Bank Exams, Communication Skills (Spoken English) . It has its own research department to observe the current trends in time to time and incorporate the changes in training and material.Thousands of students got trained successfully and selected for various Jobs.
Vinayak Institute Of Professonal Studies is well known as VIPS, founded by N.K GUPTA with a vision of “Transform every student into a employee “. VIPS is exclusively specialized institute for Industrial Training , Bank Exams, Communication Skills (Spoken English) . It has its own research department to observe the current trends in time to time and incorporate the changes in training and material. Thousands of students got trained successfully and selected for various Jobs.