To purchase this material link CJA 314 Week 4 DQ 2 To what extent are the typologies offered for serial killers useful for understanding these offenders and offenses? Why?
To purchase this material click Locate three contemporary examples in each of the four following categories, for a total of 12 examples: · Good Samaritan conduct or random acts of kindness
CJA 324 Week 4 DQ 2 What ethical issues does correctional management face? Provide examples. To purchase this material click
CJA 324 Week 4 DQ 3 To purchase this material click What are the ethical arguments for or against private corrections? Explain your answer For more classes visit
CJA 324 Week 1 DQ 1 If an individual followed all laws, would that make him or her a moral person? Explain your answer. To purchase this material click
CJA 324 Week 2 DQ 3 To purchase this material click What is discretion? Provide at least two examples of discretion. What are unethical and ethical criteria for using discretion?
CJA 304 Week 1 DQ 2 What is an example of the flow of communication? How does this affect an organization within the criminal justice system? To purchase this material click on below link
CJA 314 Week 3 DQ 1 To purchase this material link CJA 314 Week 3 DQ 1 What general factors are identified as primary deficits of social structure theories? How would you evaluate theses deficits?
CJA 304 Week 1 DQ 3 What barriers influence effective communication within the criminal justice system? What actions lead to ineffective communication among criminal justice professionals? To purchase this material click on below link
CJA 314 Week 4 DQ 1 To purchase this material link CJA 314 Week 4 DQ 1 Is workplace violence a reflection of the individual who committed the violence or society in general? Why? For more courses visit our
CJA 324 Week 1 DQ 2 If you had to choose one ethical system, deontological or utilitarianism, which one most closely conforms to your own beliefs? Explain your answer. To purchase this material click
CJA 324 Complete Class To purchase this material click For more classes visit
CJA 314 Week 1 DQ 3 To purchase this material link CJA 314 Week 1 DQ 3 In what ways has federal and state funding influenced social policy? How does a lack of funding affect the research process?
CJA 314 Week 2 DQ 2 To purchase this material link CJA 314 Week 2 DQ 2 Compare determinate sentencing and truth-in-sentencing practices. How would social problem and responsibility perspectives argue for one practice or the other? For more courses visit our website
CJA 324 Week 2 DQ 2 To purchase this material click What are the reasons for protecting fellow officers by not telling the truth or by coming forward and exposing their wrongdoing? What are arguments against such acts?
CJA 314 Complete Class To purchase this material link For more courses visit our website
CJA 304 Week 1 DQ 6 What are the components of nonverbal communication in the criminal justice system? How are these similar or different from the components of verbal communication? To purchase this material click on below link
CJA 314 Week 2 DQ 3 To purchase this material link CJA 314 Week 2 DQ 3 What are some benefits of focusing crime prevention efforts on places instead of people? How does crime analysis relate to this practice? For more courses visit our website
CJA 304 Week 1 DQ 4 What role does listening play in oral communication within the criminal justice system? How do the various types of listening play a role in effective communication? To purchase this material click on below link
CJA 204 COMPLETE CLASS CJA 204 Introduction to Criminal Justice Complete Class To purchase this material click
CJA 324 Week 1 DQ 3 Do you believe in moral relativism—that there are no moral truths and that morality is simply an individual’s definition of right and wrong? Explain why or why not. To purchase this material click
CJA 324 Week 3 DQ 3 To purchase this material click Should courts be permitted to provide defendants the option of undergoing sterilization to avoid jail or prison time in select cases, such as failing to pay child support, using drugs, and so on? Explain your answer.
CJA 314 Week 4 DQ 3 To purchase this material link CJA 314 Week 4 DQ 3 Which crime causation theory best explains organized crime, in your opinion? How does the presence of large, organized criminal enterprises affect law enforcement investigative efforts?
CJA 314 Week 2 DQ 1 To purchase this material link CJA 314 Week 2 DQ 1 The just desserts model is concerned with punishment in proportion to an offense. How is consensus on proportionality achieved? How does this consensus vary from an international perspective?
CJA 324 Week 4 DQ 1 To purchase this material click Would you rather spend 1 year in prison or receive 5 years of probation with very severe restrictions? Could you envision a probationary sentence that was more severe than a custodial sentence? Explain your answer
CJA 324 Week 3 DQ 1 To purchase this material click What is the difference between the role of a lawyer as a legal agent and as a moral agent? Provide examples of both. Which role would you prefer if you were a client? Which role would you prefer if you were a victim? Are the two mutually exclusive? Explain.
CJA 304 Interpersonal Communication Version 2 To purchase this material click on below link For more details
CJA 324 Week 2 DQ 1 To purchase this material click Should a police officer be sanctioned for drinking to excess in public and making a spectacle of himself or herself in a bar? Why or why not? Should a police officer be sanctioned for posing naked in a magazine, but identified as a police officer using pictures of the uniform as props? Why or why not? What private behavior of police, if any, should
CJA 204 Week 1 Criminal Justice System Paper CJA 204 Week 1 Criminal Justice System Paper CJA 204 Week 4 Individual Assignment: Court System Paper CJA 204 Law Enforcement Paper CJA 204 Learning Team Assignment: Criminal Justice System Q&A Response CJA 204 Individual Assignment: Law Enforcement Presentation- PLEASE ADD OWN IMAGES CJA 204 Individual Assignment: Jail and Prisons Presentation - PLEASE ADD OWN IMAGES
CJA 324 Week 2 Individual Ethical Dilemma Worksheet Law Enforcement To purchase this material click Complete Ethical Dilemma Worksheet Law Enforcement
CJA 314 Week 4 Individual Policy Issues To purchase this material link CJA 314 Week 4 Individual Policy Issues Resource Films on Demand videos located in this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings: · “Drug Control in Central Asia” · “Crackdown on Corruption”
CJA 324 Week 1 Individual Personal Dilemma Paper To purchase this material click Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you discuss an ethical dilemma from a current story in the news. Address the following in your paper: · The nature of the dilemma · The ethical decision made · Alternative courses of action and why
CJA 204 Week 3 Learning Team Court System Visuals For this assignment, you will choose from the following options: · Option 1: Court System Visuals Collection · Option 2: Court System Presentation · Option 3: Court System Handout Read the instructions in the Court System Visuals located on the student website and select one option to complete the assignment. To purchase this material click
CJA 314 Week 1 Individual Crime Data Comparison Paper To purchase this material link CJA 314 Week 1 Individual Crime Data Comparison Paper Resource: Films on Demand · “Crime and Punishment” · “Experiment Research and Design” · “Selecting a Sample” Resource: Types of Crime videos in CJ Criminology
CJA 204 Week 5 Learning Team Cybercrime Paper Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper about three true cybercrime or hacking cases. Include the following: · Explain the differences between cybercrime and traditional crime. · Explain the purposes of most hackers. · Identify the cases. o Describe the crime and how the suspects were caught. o Describe the punishments in each case. o Explain the effects on society. Use the Internet to find the cases. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. To purchase this material click
CJA 324 Week 3 Learning Team Ethics Issue Presentation Law Enforcement Ethics To purchase this material click
CJA 204 Week 4 Individual Jail and Prison Paper To purchase this material click Complete the following CJi Interactive activities located on the student website: · Ch. 11 Learning Modules o History of Prisons o Prisons and Jails o Correctional System · Ch. 11 Myths & Issues Videos o Myth v. Reality: The Correctional System Rehabilitates O
CJA 324 Week 5 Learning Team Ethical Scrapbook Part II To purchase this material click Use the Ethical Scrapbook: Part I, due in Week Four, for this assignment. Review all 12 examples in your team’s Ethical Scrapbook: Part I, and individually answer the following questions for each example: · Do you think the individual made the best decision possible given the circumstances? · Could you see yourself acting similarly in similar circumstances?
CJA 204 Week 2 Learning Team Measuring Crime Paper To purchase this material click Complete the following CJi Interactive activities located on the student website: · Ch. 1 Myths & Issues Videos o Myth v. Reality: Crime has been Steadily Increasing · Ch. 2 Learning Modules o How Crimes are Measured · Ch. 2 Simulation o The Extent of Crime
CJA 204 Week 2 Individual Police History, Styles, and Issues Paper To purchase this material click Complete the following CJi Interactive activities located on the student website: · Ch. 5 Learning Modules o History and Professionalism of the Police o Modern American Policing Eras o Levels of Law Enforcement o Police Organization
CJA 314 Week 2 Individual Prison Term Policy Recommend-ation Proposal To purchase this material link CJA 314 Week 2 Individual Prison Term Policy Recommend-ation Proposal Resource: Films on Demand videos located in this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings. · “Truth of Abu Ghraib” · “Who is Psychopathic” · “Murder Defense: Insanity”
CJA 204 Week 4 Learning Team Truth in Sentencing Presentation Create a PowerPoint presentation to explain your team’s position on: · Truth-in-sentencing laws deter crime. · Truth-in-sentencing laws do not deter crime. · Include scholarly references supporting your arguments. Consider the following topics when creating your presentation: · Good-time and work-time credits · Requirements for length of time served · Effect on crime deterrence and recidivism · Differences between federal and state laws · Effects if parole is eliminated · Effects on prison population Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines. To purchase this material click
CJA 324 Week 5 Individual Victims’ Rights and Vengeance To purchase this material click Read the following two articles “Crime Victims’ Rights: From Illusion to Reality” and “Vengeance Time” Write a 350- to 700-word personal reflection that addresses the following:
CJA 204 Week 3 Individual Courtroom Workgroup Presentation To purchase this material click Complete the following CJi Interactive activities located on the student website: · Ch. 8 Learning Modules o The Trial Judge o The Grand Jury o The Prosecution and Defense o Types of Witnesses
CJA 204 Week 5 Individual Juvenile Delinquency and Juvenile Crime Article To purchase this material click Complete the following CJi Interactive activities located on the student website: · Ch. 14 Learning Modules o How Juveniles are Processed o Difference between Adult and Juvenile Justice system o History of the Juvenile Justice Court o Juvenile’s Legal Rights
CJA 314 Week 5 Learning Team Criminology in the Future Paper and Presentation To purchase this material link CJA 314 Week 5 Learning Team Criminology in the Future Paper and Presentation Resource: Victims’ compensation websites in your state and the National Center for Victims of Crime website ( Resource: Criminology in the 21st Century located on the student website: · Criminology Interviews: Director and Chief of Victimization Stats · Terrorism: A Study in Public Safety Resource: Films on Demand videos located in this week’s Electronic Reserve Readings: · “Sleeper Cell Networks”
To purchase this material click Resources: p. 18 of Reference and Citation Examples located in the Center for Writing Excellence on the student website and CJi Interactive Complete the following CJi Interactive activities located on the student website: · Ch. 1 Learning Modules o Criminal Justice Goals o Criminal Justice Process