Customized POS Software Development is the need of your growing business. Custom Soft is one of the best offshore POS solutions providers for your business to operate retail chains and super markets.
Moodle is a learning platform designed to provide educators, administrators and learners with a single robust, secure and integrated system to create personalized learning environments. Moodle Learning Management System (LMS) is a flexible, open source learning management Software (LMS). Moodle LMS is user-friendly Learning platform serves the learning and training needs of all types of organizations world wide It is configurable, highly-flexible and feature-rich
Virtual classroom software by CustomSoft is simple to use and also helps you to focus on your teaching and not on the technology. We can offer web browser-like tabbed interface and MS Office like keyboard shortcuts as per need. You can invite any number of attendees by simply log in to start your class.
Custom Telehealth software is used in recent years provides huge advantage in healthcare includes two clinicians discussing a case over video conference, robotic surgery occurs through remote access, physical therapy done through digital monitoring instrument etc.
CustomSoft ERP System for Small Business is a software systems used to do operations planning, administration and for optimizing internal business processes.
E-Learning System Customization India by Custom-Soft helps to manage your classes and students easily with features like Attendance Reporting, Recording, and Notifications. We can reuse lectures recorded by using recording and secure content facility.
Custom E-Learning System is realization of the concept of flexible learning, by giving the user time, resources and scope to learn at his own interest and potential.
Custom Soft E-learning system developed by Pune India based software company. Custom E-learning is very user friendly , time saving and recommended and preferred by all the existing users. Here are some more details about Custom Soft E-learning system
CustomSoft developed Training Management solution that ensures your workforce is knowledgeable and skilled all of the time. This System helps employees to get the knowledge and to put their best foot forward.
CustomSoft has developed wonderful Customized Application for Training and placement Management This project is aimed at developing an online application for the Training and Placement Dept. of the college. This is a web application that can be accessed throughout the organization and outside as well with proper login provided.
CustomSoft has developed wonderful Customized Application for Training and placement Management This project is aimed at developing an online application for the Training and Placement Dept. of the college. This is a web application that can be accessed throughout the organization and outside as well with proper login provided.
Yoga is responsible for Prevention and management of stress and stress related problems like depression. Now a day’s many people taking yoga training to avoid obesity. Yoga training significantly improves lung functions and strength of inspiratory and expiratory muscles. Customized Yoga healthcare management system helps to prevent disease and management of healthcare in India.
Atutor LMS is an Open Source Web-based Learning Management System (LMS) used to develop and deliver online courses. Administrators can install or update A Tutor in minutes, develop custom themes to give A Tutor a new look, and easily extend its functionality with feature modules. Atutor LMS developed by CustomSoft is designed from the different perspectives. This Software is designed for learners, Tutor or authors and administrators.
Online Payment Processing Software by CustomSoft is online payments platform and gateway deliver services that simplify payment acceptance to grow your business.
Android E-Learning Application India is designed and developed by considering all the system of educational institutions in depth which will reduce the stress behind its working.